Thursday, January 07, 2010

Day 007 - Pwned Explained Mouliu-ly...

A mou liu video explaining the meaning of "pwned"... I think the BM equivalent is... mmm... kantoi?

I think u r pwned if someone tells u like, "eh eh, cum we go celebread tonite, makan besar..." then u ask and nudge-nudge, "eh eh, celebread wat jek?" then the answer given is like, "eh eh, kenot tell yet... secrettttt..."

I think u r pwned if u dun take sides in an argument and den later on, u r accused of errr.. not taking sides... scaredy cat-lah... no balls lah...  sitting on the fence lah... blablabla...

I think u r pwned if u tell someone, "eh eh, i'm going to stay in Padang for one month." and then someone said tis to u, "ahhh?? one month ahh?? gud luck loh... i one day oso takbleh tahan liao..."

Eh? I think I dun really know the meaning of pwned leh... aiyah, heck care lah! So, who is the Pwner and who is the Pwnee? A Pwner will always think that he's the Pwner but a Pwnee will think that he is the Real Pwner... Too Confucious for you? Ya, me too lah! For one, I'm hell sure that I'm a Pwnee who thinks I'm the Biggest Pwner... YEAHHHH! So SUE ME, parn!!!

8 comments: said...

um... projek365dotcom works...

rainbow angeles said...

ahaha.. ahmokdotcom... i'm humbled by your pong charn... your Picture of The Day also works! ;-)

ah nel said...

nex wk i bisit kl...1 nite nia... ;)

tiuuu...u can stay at ur fren plc u say hotel sexpensive on x'mas? :P

rainbow angeles said...

ahnel, tew u back. i said if i go alone i can stay at my fren's place lah but i wanna bring my family leh???

day-dreamer said...

LOL pwned!

Will said...

if i'm not mistaken, pwn actually started off as a typo for own (p and o next to each other mah). And to "own" someone is like to win them hands down... :P

rainbow angeles said...

ohhh... thx for the story, will! long time no see! :p

Will said...

ya... lama tak baca blog