I had a great Christmas holiday in Singapore, accompanied by some really fun people. In the past four days, I think I've laughed my 'quota' of laughter for the next one month! Anyway, I might update more later. Now is zzzzz...

Oh, Happy Boxing Day too! (one day late, oh well...). On Boxing Day yesterday, inside a car along the North-South Highway, a liuliu question was asked.
Or this?
ps: 4 more days before 1st January 2007. How has your year been so far? Mine? A Great One!
pps: Please forgive me if you don't see my words in your blog. So much to catch up!
Last but not least, how could I end this post-Singapore trip entry without thanking carcar, our official SGP tourist guide who brought us north, south, east, west of SGP, mistipurple, who came all the way out to see us at Orchard Road for a drink last Saturday and on Christmas day, gave us a really really nice dinner treat, plus an opportunity to... *wink* And of course, seefei, who fetched us from the Clementi MRT station to carcar's place.
On top of that, we also must thank Michael for bringing us around in his nice car & treated us to a sumptuous Christmas Eve dinner, a lady who had allowed us to stay at her place for those 3 nights, a guy who got us the place for those 3 nights, Mike for the photo shots with his canggih camera & who went along with us going here and there for half a day, carcar's landlady, landlady's daughter & landlady's grandchild who contributed to the Steamboat do, and JV who was with us the past four days. Not forgetting Steven for the 'equipment' and time spent waiting for us. *wink* Thank you all very, very much! (Did I inadvertently miss out anyone else?) "Thank you" for the 30 bucks summon (to be elaborated later)... thank you to three young ladies who showed us the way to the Post Office... thank you to the taxi drivers... thank you to the custom officer who believed everything I said... thank you to the pleasant lady behind the counter at the Post Office... thank you thank you thank you...
ps: 4 more days before 1st January 2007. How has your year been so far? Mine? A Great One!
pps: Please forgive me if you don't see my words in your blog. So much to catch up!
Her answer was... Boxing shorts!
Happy Boxing Day!!! *muak*
happy boxers day!!! :X
oops wait, it was Winnliuliu, so the answer must have been G-String Box!!
Chup! LB!! clever ppl so predictable hor?.
u missed out micheal..:P
tht's y winn is so unpredictable..
i know what she said!! too bad i din record down..
u also miss out mike.
angel merry christmas to you and your family, got countdown for christmas, i am so glad that u enjoy ur day.. :)
i miss liu all oredy!!! :(
sk i wanna kill you....LOL..
misti miss you. thank you so much i had so much fun yesterday nite at ur place!! i can even laugh in my dreams u know?*hugs*
selamat hari selepas hari meninju ...
seems like you had tonnes of fun in Singapore !!!
Merry Belated Christmas, Happy Early New Year, sweetie! *HUGS*
wah.....this is supposed to be the last episode mah... all the thank you thank you...hahaha....
thanks for coming to singapore folks! i really enjoy myself , very much!
*thanks to u all on behalf of him for the champagne!*...still with me :P
and thank you everyone :D
hahaha! and I thought someone didn't have blog withdrawals! LOLOL!
*puts on boxing gloves*
Patutlah long time never update blog. ;)
Wah...memang heppi giler...all the way to singapore somemore....on christmas eve I pegi fren workshop to take his car...then christmas day get drunk...that's how i celebrate my christmas~gero gero gero~~sad rite...*sighs*
Wei wei wei wah U veri happi lor enjoying urself.... Really have a merry merry christmas hor!!! Good good!! May U hv a very happy happy and prosperous new year lor!!!
The Pink Colour X'mas tree belongs to XiaXuey one ar? ;p
hehe. we all meet here again. klang2 klang2..
thank you for coming. we enjoyed having you here and you are always welcome anytime!
Dear L B,...
Pratinum Boxer Chup!
Haha! Spot on!
Dear a^ben,...
Grolden Boxer Chup!
Haha, u got io io io in boxer shorts bo??
Dear L B,...
G-string Box? Hmmmmm... u mean kenny ng's Klang Klang G-string? ;)
Dear winn,...
Aiyooo! So late wan you...
But okaylah, still got Srilver Boxer Chup!
Michael is done ;)
*was LOL-ing in the toilet just now* Hahaha!!! Suakuuuu!!!
Dear sengkor,...
Unpredictable winn is... ;)
So, have you got rid of all the 'wind' in your tummy? I have not...
Haha!! Dun remind me of all the recordings! Just send 'em to me!
Mike is also done ;)
Dear sin ling,...
Merry Christmas to you too! We didn't go for the countdown... just count in the heart :D
Dear misti,...
Dear winn,...
Wait... when you kill SK, tell me so that I can get ready the cameraaaa!!! :P
So, how many times did you LOL to yourself today?? Faster tell!!! Lucky I only did it in the toilet while doing some 'business'... hahaha!! Dem liu lar you!!!
Dear moz,...
Selamat Pasca Tinju to you too!
Yes, we had lotsa fun! With SK & Winn around, Fun Is Guaranteed! ;)
Dear c o n s u e l a,...
Merry Christmas to you too! Pay your blog a visit soon yeah :)
Dear carcar,...
Haha... I start the last first...
*different feel*
*brings Champagne glasses*
Domo arigatou gozaimasu...
Dear may,...
I have to lar... It's been 7 days since I updated... have to kao tai something, right, eventho' i was darn sleepy last night... after all, we are 'professional' bloggers mar, horrrrr? :p
Dear inevitable,...
Long time ar? 7 days oni wat... ;)
Dear ah monk,...
Haha! Memang hepi giler... no wait, it should be hepi UNTIL giler!!
Adoi, why u get drunk worrr?
Merry Christmas, gero gero gerooo!!!
Dear wenwen,...
Yes yes yes, very enjoys in S'pore... becos got the company of some of the fun-nest ppl mar... when u come back, we can go enjoys also lor...
Merry Christmas!
ps: New profile pic? Why look like crying face wan? :(
Dear titoki,...
Haha... Dunno leh... who's XiaXuey? :P If so xiaxuey, i dun want to know who she is :P
*beh tahan the xiaxuey-ness*
Dear misti,...
Yippie! Klang2 Klang2!!!
We are welcome anytime? Sureeee??? Dun regret saying that hor... :P
*Klang2 Klang2 Hugs*
yay! KAO TAI hoi!! hahaha..cheers!
*curi minum michael champagne ah?*
30 bucks summon? Lemme guess.....you bribed the cops ar? customs ar? LOL
how was my year so far...so far ok lor, but i think one of the most significant thing was ITALY's win over GERMANY and FRANCE and eventually lifting the CUP...'D CUP'.
u know how crazy v were from the fon calls huh? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ! U have a good close to the year huh, angeles!?
^o^ must catch up on beauty sleep first.
Wah O_o gua tala dapat chup chup... nvr mind wait for the next one ;) Welklang bek Angel!
WAH lu mia kamsiah speech boleh challenge tu Spielberg punya award acceptance speech le :) Glad that lu had tons of fun. Must kongsi kongsi ur shrills & thrills with us later ya... ^_^
I'm glad everyone is as 'happy' as when they left. **winks**
Can't wait to hear more!
hahaha boxing day become related to boxer shorts? *faints* :P
But Liucas would have prefered another Boxer?!
*looks at KW's fence*
see fei always pick ppl up in clementi mrt... i was picked up by him there once too!!!
glad to read that u enjoyed ur stay in sg, awaiting for the upcoming posts! ;)
Happy boxing and new year 2007!
boxing day is whre all men boxing without gals...LOL
30 bucks summon...i told liu before don overstay as its 30 sgd per day...on 26th 12am oledi start counting...its kiasuland... ;)
Hi Angel, I'm wondering what you said to the custom's officer? Ha ha. Love your pictures....can I send some snow over?
Here's wishing you a very happy new Year, Angle...UL.
Dear carcar,...
Can curi? But but I shy worrr... :P
Dear cocka,...
U think I need to pay to 'bribe' wan cops meh? U so see me no up geh... :(
Dear azzuri-power-so-d-power ,...
Is that the Climax of your year? Is that all??? What about the 'coming together' blah blah? That one is not also a highlight ma?
Aye to Angeles... korb khun ka...
Dear nyonyapenang,...
Hehe... on the contrary, I think I got more sleep when in SG than when I'm at home *LOL*
Dear jl,...
TQ for the warm welklang!
Haha... yalor, so khuar cheong my kamsiah speech... neh, they all lor... say i left out so many people so in the end, i wrote another karangan of those 2 added paragraphs...
Moi shalt try to share-share... but u must promise to laugh, ok?? Not farnie oso must laugh!
Dear king's wife,...
All of us definitely came home with more 'gas' in our tummy... cos laugh so much... The past 2 days, there have been times where I had to control myself from chuckling to myself haha! This morning while taking my sampah to throw, suddenly I ter-laugh out until I also terkejut haha!!
Dear will,...
Sincec chen not around, you taking over her 'fainting' act, izit? :PPP
Dear L B,...
Dun forget, Liucas is gay...
*points at new brick wall*
Dear leonard,...
Hullo! First time in the house? Welcome... make yourself comfy...
*brings Red Carpet*
Hahaha!!! seefei is known to do that??? I'm surprised...
Yes! We enjoyed our stay there because of the People we had for company! ;)
Dear aceone,...
Happy Tahun Baru to you too!
Dear ah nel,...
U mean all the other days men boxing WITH gals wan mehhh??
The summon is not because of overstaying... I story laters, ok?
Dear uncle lee,...
Hahaha!! I didn't do anything out of the ordinary... I was just being my usual sweet sweet naive angelic self... *blink blink*
Snow? Yes, please... would love that very, very much! Thank you...
Here's wishing you a happier new year too, UL...
boxing day is to commemorate all those boxer wearing men isit??ok i geddit...mweheheheeh
ahhhhh .... 3 days left b4 the end of the yr...another yr gone ..and it frightens me how time REALLY fliessssss....time to do all those UN-do-able new yr resolutions?? ;)
*boxing on bed* :P
parking without coupon..
*ah nel wont appear lor*
boxing day is the day when u box up all the xmas decorative la!
wat is Winn's answer ah?
must be something very very very very interesting :D
Dear Pink Cotton,...
Doncha love Boxing Day? ;)
Haha! Do undo-able resolutions... do you have any? Me dun hv... cos sure all undo-able wan... so, why do? *conpiused*
Dear ah nel,...
Won't appear? U can run but you can't hide... muahahahaha...
Dear stupe,...
But but but I think I like the Boxer Shorts version better... ;)
Love those silk ones...
Dear lokter,...
Waaa, u kambek liao?? Song anot jek???
Winn's answer? I'm sure you know liao... :P
c if u can find me... *bLuEk*
Angel: Ok set next time I go bek we go together gather ya!!! Which profile face look like crying face??? Mana ada put crying face la!!
Dear ah nel,...
I ask Liucas to sniff u out! :P
Dear wenwen,...
When you come back wor?? Your this new profile pic at first look like sad duck's face crying... but maybe it's my bad eyesight lor :P
Dear Sir SA,...
Oops, sorries so lates...
No jelez... just some planning should do the trick ;)
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