I've been thinking for the longest time how to write this last entry of year 2006. At first, I thought I wanted to do a stupe, Tribute to 2006, but that would be a very long winded entry. Moreover, I don't have that much time left of 2006. So finally, I've decided to write this entry about you, you and you... *Warning - Lotsa words ahead*
**Updated 1 January 2007**
-allykins- First met this princess a couple of months ago at Sugimoto restaurant. Lucky girl just got her on Macbook! Have a good year ahead, with many A's coming!
dannie - This lad loves my music. Here's wishing you Stay Healthy & Be Happy!
fashion asia - Got to know this lady quite a while back though have not met her before. Here's wishing you, Happy Baby Making! ;)
JKN - First met him 23rd June during Sengkor & King's Wife joint birthday do. A quiet guy he is, with his Sony Ericson phone, constantly taking pics & video of everyone! Here's wishing you, have a hip hop happening new year!
Selba - Have not met her before but I think she loves cute cute stuff. Here's wishing you a great 2007 with more holidays ahead!
Wingz - First met him on 23rd June during Sengkor & King's Wife joint birthday do. Thought he was Lin Peh at first, don't ask me why. All the best to you!
**end of update**
9393 - First time met him on 26th of June during Cocka's birthday do. Read his blog from the beginning when he started pinging it to PPS. Here's wishing that you'll get more time with your family...
aceone - First time met him on 23rd June during Sengkor & King's Wife joint birthday do. Didn't read his blog before then. Here's wishing that you'll ace 2007!
a^ben - Met him a few months back. Just like his blog he is. Here's wishing you great results in your exams! Keep your ka ch'ng io!
ah boy - Never met him before. Here's wishing you a Woof Woof Year in the Oink Oink Year!
ah nel - First time met him on a Flyday too, 1st of December. Hmmm... exactly a month ago. Here's wishing that you'll get a job soon and may you achieve ALL your liuliu resolutions.
ah tak - First time met him on 21st July at a dinner. Here's wishing you & Jac a happy & lovey dovey 2007!
albie - First time met him on 21st July after 'squatting' in his blog for a few months. I must thank him because it was he who encouraged Yours Truly to start a blog and in the end, I get to know lovely people like you, you and you... Wow, suddenly I feel so kam toung... yes, thank you, L B. Here's wishing you a Loud Klang Klang Young Young 2007, and no more Unrelenting, liu?? (DYK that Keatix was my 'link' to your blog?)
ang gu gu - Have not met him before. He said that I 'nag' him like mother :( Here's wishing that you'll pass your exams and have a bright 2007 ahead!
anonymous - Never met her before as she's not in KL. Here's wishing that you'll get your LG phone and have more time for yourself in 2007!
_butt - First time met her sometime in July which I couldn't recall the exact date. Sorries butty... Here's wishing that you'll graduate with flying colours, and a great 2007 ahead!
c@r@ - Never met her before. Need to plan a trip to Spain, huh?? *wink wink* Jejejejeje!!! Here's wishing you all the liulius in the world that you need... enjoyed Morocco???
carcar - First time met her on 11th June. A tall, sweet looking & stylish young lady she is. Here's wishing that you'll get more High Distinctions and may you have lots lots of energy to work, study & party in the coming year! Ganbatte!!!
chen - First time met her on 6th August. A doctor who hides her sotongness very very well indeed. Here's wishing, May You Day-day Got A Better Tomorrow!
cocka - First time met him on 23rd June during Sengkor & King's Wife joint birthday do. Supposedly one of the most hamsap blogger around but turns out he's quite a kind cock. Here's wishing you another great Kick Ass(es) New Year that you wish to have!
c o n s u e l a - Have not met her yet. Gotta plan, Aloha Hawaii! Here's wishing you more distinctions and more Tiffanys coming your way!
dreamie - Have not met him & her yet. Here's wishing you a less mongchacha new year!
ducky - Have not met him either. Here's wishing you less complaints, more wealth & xxx in the coming year!
fantasy 'sticky' flier - Have not met him too. Here's wishing that you'll stay warm in the cold cold days, all the best in 2007!
frostier - Although he sometimes make comments that make me puke blood, I'll still wish him, Happy New Year!
inevitable - Couldn't recall when was the first time I met him and he's one of the earliest people I met here. It all started with VPL. *LOL* Here's wishing you a fantastic 2007 'cos you'll be walking down the aisle with Her!
jl - Just met him 2 weeks ago, 15th December. Didn't read him before that. A fine young lad he is. Here's wishing you, Stay Charming & Sleep More! Happy Liuliu Year!
jomel - First time met her on 23rd June during Sengkor & King's Wife joint birthday do. Life of a party she is. Here's wishing 2007 comes to you with all that you have wished for.
kat - First time met her on 11th June and she came with a birthday present for me. Very motherly she is. Here's wishing you a Great New Life ahead!
keatix - Met him exactly when, I can't remember. I've learnt quite a bit from him. Here's wishing you good health and may you get to travel more for pleasure!
kenny ng - First time met him on 24th September. Before that, he always say want to go for Char Koay Teow and until now I still waiting and waiting and waiting... Here's wishing you a Rocking 2007! May you jeng jeng jengggg more!
king's wife - First time met her on 23rd June during her joint birthday do with Sengkor. An elegant lady she is. May 2007 bring ONLY GOOD things your way and Stay Pretty!
lin peh - First time met him on 23rd June during Sengkor & King's Wife joint birthday do. Another hamsap blogger but like cocka, he also has a kind heart... Here's wishing you more piaomeis so that you'll stay happy and buy me more coffee!
liucas - First time met him on 6th August at The Curve's Winter Warmers. Hyperactive and licks licking! Here's hoping that you'll spend less time in the toilet and no more getting 'trapped' with your mummy... woofffff!!!
may - First time met her on 11th June. Started reading her from PPS. A proper lady she is. Here's wishing you a Great New Life in the Land Down Undah! Yes, I'll come a visiting! *wink*
mistipurple - First time met her on 23rd December which was a week ago. A very thoughtful & caring lady she is. Here's wishing you less chaos, more rest and more 69s in the coming year!
monk[+]icon - Have not met this Transformer guy yet. Here's wishing you'll get your car soon! And then can go khao lui!
moz - First time met him quite a while back but can't remember when too. Was it in March? Tsk tsk tsk... Always very nice to me, buy me cute cute souveniers when he goes on holidays. Here's wishing you all the things that you wished for me and more...
nicholas - First met him a few months back. Cool guy. Here's wishing your 2010 wish comes true! (Was it 2010??)
nyonyapenang - First time met her on 5th November. A really lovely charming lady, another one who'll give life to any party. Here's wishing you a happy & prosperous new year!
penny - Another Penang lady. Here's wishing you more karaokes & cha chas in the coming year!
pink cotton - Thought wanted to meet her when she was in KL the last time but she didn't answer her phone. Shy, me thinks... Here's wishing you a pinky sweet new year!
plink - A special plink she is... May your wishes come true *wink*
seefei - First time met him a few months ago too. A very gentleman he is. Here's wishing you all the luck you'll need in making your baby!
sengkor - First time met him on 23rd June during his joint birthday do with King's Wife. Discovered that he's getting funnier by the day... Here's wishing you a great liu year ahead!
simmie - First time met her on 23rd June during Sengkor & King's Wife joint birthday do. Didn't know her before then. Happy New Year!
simple american - Have not met him yet. Still waiting for him to come over to this part of the world. Have a great 2007!
sotongking - He's been busy... May your business grow, grow and grow, okay??
stupe - He's been busy too... May you win more races & challenges next year!
that botol - He's mysterious. May you be drunk LESS!
titoki - First time met this lady on 24th September. She's a nice girl, really... Here's wishing your daddy will get well very very soon and may you be well & happy!
tiuniasing - First time met him quite some time back too. He's quite a gentleman (with me lar). May you win more basketball games & then get your life back!
totally depleted - This pak cik very funny but he's stopped writing for a while. Selamat Tahun Baru, Pak Cik!
vina - I think she stopped reading... Anyway, Happy New Year!
uncle lee - A charmer he definitely is. Here's wishing you all the things that make you come alive again! *wink*
wennnn - This very perky lady in London can cook very well. Here's wishing you a lovely 2007 and stay cheerful!
will - Just met him 2 weeks ago, 15th December, thanks to chen. Here's wishing you all the best in your new job!
winn - First time met her was for a movie, I think, 13th July. I took her for a movie preview, she bought me a cup of coffee. Is it correct?? A wonderfully creative lady she is. Here's wishing that your mom will get well soon, and you stay pretty & fun forever, liuuu??
zeroimpact - First time met him for a movie too, 1st July. Nice chap he is. May only happy things come your way this new year, okay?
Phewww!!! Last but not least, I'd like to say, Maaf Zahir Batin to each and everyone of you if in any case, I have unconsciously/unknowingly said, commented, did something that might have made you feel uneasy.
New Year CHUPS!!
"a proper lady"??! LOLOL! glad you think of me that way, but I'm sure I could be thought of in "another" way too, hor? hor? ok, let's not go there even...
HUGHUGHUG!! Wishing you many KKHH Days, and Happy Happy 2007 to you!
Merry New YEar, my dear Angel :)
Sot sot sot & Hugs hugs hugs:P
good lah u..
remember all the dates when u met so & so...
ah boy would like to meet angel jie jie too
happy woof woof year :)
aiyak! just missed!
I havent read yet, so buta-buta tembak first! hehe...
Psst... you also keep notes with codes like Uncle Lee ah? Or issit yoru selective memory at work again?
Happy New Year to you, dear Angel!
Wishing you a great 2007 with lots of peace of mind!
Nice to know you. *hugs*
I hide my sotongness very very well?
can hide wan meh? :P
I also dunno leh..
Happy new year to u too!!!! gerooooooooooroooooooooooooo~!
indeed...must plan for you to come and see the land of aloha, and meet me also lah (hehe) ~
Have a happy and fun new years, Angel darling! Hau'oli Makahiki Hou :)
WAAA, just like what I used to do, marking those ticks on the bedrest!! LOLOLOL!! *YOUNG**YOUNG* No fence, no unrelenting, no straws.. only spoons!!!
OMG.. so cheong hei, but what a nice cheongheiness, ah? Big Hugs for you, Happy New Year, and make sure the grass is not greener the other side. In fact, there's no grass. no amazon, nothing! Happy 2007, ex-squatter who's done so well in Blogland! *proud*
wahhhh!!! liu remember every date so accurately!!!!! *bow in respect*
you are one very special person you know? really... *thump thump heart* Happy New Year Angeliu!
I chup ... because I'm the first one to comment in 2007 !!!! I should get a billion zillion quadrillion bonus points ... !!!!
sekarang dah pukul 12:25 malam
dah 1.1.2007
Selamat Tahun Baru, Angel :)
Ahh.. I wanted to watch this so much but She is just not free to accompany me... It was funny recalling how we knew each other... hahaha
Anyway I would like to wish you a great year ahead.
wahahhahaha~ happy new yr angeliuna liu liu liu~
hope to see u again this yr~
happy new year... nice knowing you... let me know if there's any more future bloggers meet yah? :P
And I still remember the first time we met. Was too rushing coz of work but I enjoyed it.
Happy new year to you and all the good things will keep coming for you this year
Happy New Year 2007, Angel!!
Hopefully can see my name in your next post of Happy New Year 2008? *wink*
awesome post! wat a good review and wishes u gave us! thanks dearie, u are such a sweet, nice and quiet person! hhahahaha....quiet? kekekeke...
happy and prosperous new year to u! wish u ♥ :)
Hepi Nude Year to you my dear Angel Jie Jie. Hope you will bring us more fun, hugs and cheers for the year ahead.
hah! but I chatted wit u on IM hor... happy liu year!
wahhh ( my small eyes become bigbig eyes).......
how can u be so sweet.....
wuahhh..u trust me can on my revolution ho? :P
Angel liuliu it was great pleasure knowing U and hopefully to meet U in person when I go bek to M'sia.... Hv a good & happy year ahead!!!
BRAVO post !!!
so many frens and fans you got !!
Here's wishing angel and family a very happy and wonderful new year 2007 !!! :)
Happy New Year Angel! :)
yah, 2010! :))
oh yah hor... I forgot the Char Koay Teow... never mind... sure got chance!
Happy New Year~~~
eh..reply comments leh:P canot be so lazy one...this is ur new year resolution u know.
are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet !! *runs....sendiri LOL again*..sot liao
May all your special wishes come true this year and every year!
WAH WAH im init!!!
haahahah i din answer phone ker?!?!
must b too bz shopping leh...there will b another time! *WINK*
HAPPY NEW YR!!!!!!!!!!!
Angel - Just met her 19 days ago. Didn't read her before that. Suspect she's an angel in disguise. Sweet, thoughtful & amiable. Hope 2007 brings you tons of happiness, fulfillments & peace of mind ^_^
Angel! You are a real special Angel. With my very best regards and a wonderful New Year for you,
"The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of
enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover". UL.
Wahh... I spotted my name there, I SPOTTED MY NAME THERE!! Hahaaa...
thank you for bringing me to all the places i had commented in your blog in our first meeting. i was touched by your warmth and sincerity.
may 2007 be a great year to you & your family!
Oi! I mana ada kind heart?? Don't spoil my bad boy image, ok! LOL
Thank you for all your kind comments... I'm still alive and will be back soon!
Still waiting for that call ...
Have a good year ahead. I will be away for the next 3 weeks. Take care
ANGELIU!!!!! Happy new year!! i dun know if you celebrate chinease new year or not tough...thanks for your well wishes! i came back last nite, i did enjoy a lot! pics will be up soon. Have to uploaded them all. WISH U MANY LIU LIUS!!! Muacks babe! and oh!!! u are MORE than welcome to come to spain. Come fly with your alladin carpet...i'll meet you with my mary poppins umbrella...bring me MISTI!!!! ;-)
lol! hi Cara!! and yes that Mary Poppins umbrella brought us many places!!
Angeliu!!!! i know you've got so many things to do, just take your time okay!!!
hii angel!
thanks for dropping by.
i see you have a "Hall Of Fame" listing on the last days of 2006. Wahahahaha :)
happy new year!
hmm..looked like night at the museum is too good to be missed right, so did you watch curse of the golden flower in the end?
Oh you're so sweet!! Nevermind lah, I oso lupa the exact date dah :P
It's nice meeting you, angel :D
Happy new year! Here's wishing you a great start ahead this year and all the happy things to come!! :)
thanks my dear...didnt know that a silent reader like me also kena mentioned here hor...
actually i came that day dun have my name wannn...keke...but i duwanna make noise make u pai seh.....then today i come suddenly see my name wor...hugs hugs...
Wish you all things wonderful this year too!!
wah...thanks thanks thanks. you too. Have a very happy new year!
45 comments! How am I gonna finish replying??? But I can! I boleh! I can!
Happy new year to u.. Just started to read ur blog but find it kinda interesting~ keep up da good work~
angel: jika kau fikirkan kau boleh... kau hampir boleh melakukan... :P:P:P
hey hey miss angel.....nice blog you got there........ur circle of bloging friends damn lots wei..........Hope 2 read more from ur blog soon
All the best in 2007!
Happy New Year, dear girl. Big changes coming ahead... I shall miss that perpetually wet patch of road near your house, not!! But I definitely miss our squatting days... the quiet tete-a-tetes in our landlord's old posts...
No, we met earlier than 11 June. Don't you remember, we had BKT at Seri Petaling... I remember thinking, "This girl so daring to meet up with strangers alone... after we kidnap her and sell, how??"!!
*rolls up sleeve*
*prepares to answer comments*
Time now is 0137 hours... let's see how long I take...
Dear may,...
Whoopie! Last Pratinum Chup of 2006! You are proper wat... no meh?
Lemme wish you only the best too!
*hugs back*
Dear lokter,...
Last Grolden Chup of 2006!
Hug hug and merry merry to u too!
Actually I not very good lor... see, I forgot the first time I met kat liao... :(
Dear ah boy,...
Waaa... u got the last Srilver Chup from 2006!
Happy Oink Oink Year to u! ;)
Dear king's wife,...
Hahaha!!! I dun have codes like Unker Lee! And yes! It IS my Selective Memory! Damn liu, hor?
I also wish you only the best in 2007! Bad things go away, good things come your way! Ngam theng mou? ;)
It's been great knowing you too, Your Highness :)
Dear lokter,...
Yeah, u the Sotong Queen!
Dear ah monk,...
Domo! Happy New Yarrrr!!!
Dear c o n s u e l a,...
Aiyoo... it's gonna be a dream come true if I ever visit AlohaLand... I hope L B gets his iPort soon...
Haha! I love Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! So aloha!!! ;)
May you have a great year ahead too!
*more hugzzz*
Dear L B,...
Waaa! U so late!
Yes, let's continue to *Young* *Young* this whole year thru... To hell with all the Shit, hor?
I also very paiseh that I so cheong hei on the last day of 2006... but I'm happy that people (well, not all, unfortunately...) come here and actually read what I write and leave me some words... words that I could read many years later and feel *Young* *Young* again... like taking a walk down Memory Lane... of how the fun, wonderful days of 2006 went by in a blink... OMG! I'm so cheong hei again! Must be youuuuu!!! Hehe...
Thank you again for everything...
Dear misti,...
I did not... I forgot one date... *bawls*
*bows lower*
I'm not that special... really wan... I'm just another human, with flaws... YOU are special cos you are Momma Mistiii!!! Hehe...
Dear moz,...
Hahaha!!! YOU make me roll all over the floor!! :P
But, I thank you for that...
Dear lokter,...
Sekarang sudah hari ke-6 tahun baru 2007... saya pun sayang lokterrrr!!!
Dear inevitable,...
Haha... yes, it WAS funny the VPL incident haha! I so kiasu, kan? Hehe...
And I wish you a fantabulous 2007 too!
*wink wink*
Dear a^ben,...
Haha!! If I'm Angeliuna Joliu, then are you Ben Pitt?? Kakaka!!
Yes! I heard you are kambing to Kay Elle soon? Yippie! Can io ka ch'ng?? Eat sushi again? ;)
Dear nicholas,...
Happy 2007! ;)
Dear will,...
Same here... I shall let you know, soon... *wink*
Dear nyonya,...
I also wish you hanya yang terbaik! You are like... a Fairy Godmother... a kelakar one... haha...
Dear zeroimpact,...
Heh heh... and you had to buy me Mc-D's ;)
The movie was fun eh?
Let's drift! Vroom! Vroom!!
To you, may only the happy things come your way... OK?
Dear selba,...
Xin Nian Guai Le!!!
Why wait next year when it's already 'up' this year? ;) Check it out if you haven't...
Dear carcar,...
Awesome? Haha... nolah... so cheong hei...
I'm still "quiet" meh? BTW, I STILL waiting for the midnight BKT hor...
And I wish you ♥ ♥ ♥ too ;)
Dear titoki,...
Here's wishing you only Happy Things coming your way...
Me bring fun, hugs & cheers? Errmm... hugs, of cos... but fun... errr... U think I'm fun? But you fun-ner wor... ;)
Take care, wherever you are...
Dear fantasy "sticky" flier,...
Ha! Indeed you have ;) And of cos, Happy Liu Year sounds less boring than Happy New Year :P
Dear winn,...
Haha!!! LIU are the SWEETEST!
Did you learn to lick from Liucas?
Dear ah nel,...
I told you liao... I wait and see...
Dear wenwen,...
Alamak... u oso call me liuliu? *pengsan* :P
Yes, faster come back for a visit! We'll wait for you ;)
May you have great days ahead too! ;)
Dear dreamie,...
Haha... I dun have fans-ee ler... or are you the first one? ^^
And I also wish Dreamie & Family, a happy & prosperous 2007!
You so sweet... so are you the Gurl or the Guy??
Dear nicholas,...
Yeah!!! 2010 it shalt be! ;)
May you have great days ahead...
Dear kenny,...
Yaaa... I still waiting okay... faster laa... Selamat Rocking Tahun Baru!
Dear winn,...
Haha! I'm replying now lar... see la, nearly one hour liao... and still notchet habis... but yes!! I must learn from you! *bersemangat* I hampir boleh melakukannya!!!
U dem liu... I know, I told you 1001 times liao... but I likessss! :P
Dear plink,...
Thank you! And may you get what your heart desires too... *wink*
Dear pink cotton,...
Haha! Yes, you are "in"!
Yes! You din answer our phone call... :( someone said you shy worrrr... u so shy meh? :P
Happy Pinky Year, girl!
Dear Sir SA,...
We are all waiting for you on this side of the world! I love hugs! :D
Dear jl,...
Already today is the 22nd day since we met... wah lao... so laam... see, who say you no charming? The 2 gurls memang mm seik for wan la...
May 2007 turn all your dreams into reality ;)
Dear uncle lee,...
Aiyo, I'm not that special la...
I really like all your quotes. Thank you and YOU, UL, you are one special man *wink*
Dear ah tiu,...
Haha! Lei hou chi joung loke hap choy kam yong... :P
Dear feikor,...
Waa... you were touched by me? I'm touched that you were touched...
Here's hoping 2007 will bring you the baby you desire... ;) Ganbatte ok!
Dear cocka,...
Ha... am I gonna see your reallll BAAAAD Heart soon?? :P
Dear scau,...
Why do you have to wait when you could call me? Time and tide waits for no man...
Anyway, good luck! I'll be fine and you know me... the tough cookie!
Dear car@,...
Yessss caraliuuu!!! I do celebrate both New Year and Chinese New Year!
My Alladin carpet? Shucks... I would have to borrow it from L B... either that, or his iPort!
I also wish you only the good liuuuus!!! *hugzzz*
Dear misti,...
So hor, whose Mary Poppin's umbrella is that? *blurrr*
I have so little time to do so many things... but yes, I'm here now! Yippie!
Dear mr. goober,...
Kakakakak!!! Hall of Fame?? Hahaha! U make me laugh, kacang! :P
Here's wishing you a great year ahead!
Dear leonard,...
I've not watched The Curse yet... some people named it The Curse of the Swollen Papaya... haha... alamak...
The review for the museum show wasn't that good but heck, it made me laugh, so it must be good! :)
Dear butty,...
How u know I sweet?? U got lick me meh?? Haha... now, that sounded a bit scandalous, heh? :P
Butty baby, here's wishing you all the best in your exams, less friction with PP and whoever... basically, everything good lah, ok!
Dear fashionasia,...
Haha... Sorry ler... earlier you slipped my mind... it wasn't easy to "cover" everyone we know from blogging hor... actually you & I, we have to thank to u-know-who, hor... hehe...
Here's to a better 2007! :)
Dear stupe,...
Welcome, welcome, welcome! Eh, how about trying for The Amazing Race Asia? ;)
Dear vege_master,...
*brings Red Carpet*
Make yourself comfy... dun paiseh, ok?
My blog interesting? Hmmm... now that's interesting, that you find my blog interesting... :P Thanks for kambing...
Dear will,...
:PPPP Gua sudah hampir BOLEH!!! Jika ada winn, semua pun boleh! :P Tapi, tak tau dia sudah ke mana... potong stim... :P
Dear pookyma,...
Hullo! Lai lai... sila duduk...
*brings Red Carpet*
Mai paiseh... paiseh jiak ka ki...
As I mentioned to you earlier, your name very liuliu... but you so nice... call me "miss angel" summore... thank you!
Haha... actually I just realised too that the circle of frens I have here is quite huge... *happies*
And thanks for kambing...
Dear aceone,...
Same to you!
Dear kat,...
Oh yeahhhh!!! OMG! How could I have forgotten that BKT date!!! I'm so baaad... Haha, kidnap me?? I'm not worth that much, you know... :P
Hey, you know what? That Wet Patch is No More!! Yes! They have just resurfaced that part of the road... so now it's 'smooth' until......
Well, changes are the only thing that's constant in our lives... here's to a Better Life! ;)
Ahhh yesss... those were the days... seems sucha long time ago, huh? But it was just one year ago... and look, one year after, how things have changed...
Finally!!! And it's now 3am... Wow... but I'm sextified... ;)
whoa... impressive :D
angel really liu liu indeed :P
angel jie very lihai
ah boy salute :D
and what? eat bengali food until Puke???
Dear will,...
If I think I can, I cannnnn!!! Hehe...
What u mean impressive jek? That I took so long to answer all the comments? Or that I'm so liuliu :P
Dear ah boy,...
I'm not that lihai la... I just need winn to give me the semangat!
Thanks for the lick!
*pat pat*
Dear stupe,...
Huh? Bengali food? Errr... soli, gua tarak ikut itu program ler... but hey, I think you CAN do it! If you think you can, you can!!!
yeeer, when i come often, no update one.
when i no come, updated and im so far away to chup. so difficult one?
dowan to come jor...
*hide one corner crying*
Eh you how old actually??Maybe me or vegemaster saw you b4 when we were still small farts haha......I tot ur from Kl coz u wrote there kayelle.....Anyway update blog asap...
eh, happy new year 2u2!
keepin it real!
Angel BOLEH !! :D
sing song here, can ah?
Jika kau fikirkan kau boleh
Kau hampir boleh melakukan
Jika kau fikirkan ragu-ragu
Usahamu tidak menentu
Jika kau fikirkan kekalahan
Kau hampiri kegagalan
Jika kau fikirkan kemenangan
Kau hampiri kejayaan
Engkaulah apa kau fikirkan
Terkandung dalam pemikiran
Kau fikir boleh melakukan
Fikirkan boleh
Percaya apa kau lakukan
Tabah apa kau usahakan
Bertindak atas kemampuan
Engkau boleh
self applause :D
wahlau... lui yan really go find the whole song o_0"
*applauses* :P
saya di disini la....i tak ke mana mana jus a bit bz(body) these days:P *padamkan angel's stim*
*pukes that that fikiran boleh song once again! beh tahan*...
now i stomachache la. i think my house water got soap taste but i still kept drinking it! haha!
suddenly i m very very very lazy to write anything. u tell me joke la i cut and paste! haha
69!!!!! mine mine mine all nine nine nine!!!!
okay lah, share with every tiutiu here. hahahahaa
Dear carcar,...
Awwww... dun cry ler...
*wipe tears*
Not pretty liao...
Been very busy... no time... and not forgetting lazy too :P
Dear PKM,...
Ei, Lesson No. 1... NEVER ask a lady how "old" she is lah okay... tsk tsk tsk... lu lang memang young ciku... but nvm, lemme teach u all slowly...
Haha! I don't think even you all small farts that time did you all see me! If you read thru my blog, you might get a picture of how "young" I am :P
Dear astrosurge,...
Hello there!
*brings Red Carpet*
First comment here, right? ;) Thanks for coming and here's wishing you a great year ahead!
Dear lokter,...
Dun remember the song... and I didnt think it was a "real" song in the beginning haha! Lupa liao laaa! :P
Dear will,...
U sing the song for me later, okay?? ;)
Dear winn,...
Haha! I missed liuuuu! U go where and hiao ka ch'ng har? I want follow... :P
Ei, I don't remember about that song u know... didn't think it was a real song also... nxt time u sing this song instead of the Demi Negara song, okkk?
Har? Water got soap taste??? Dun tell me u bathe Liucas with the water tank up there?? Sei lorrr... :PPP
I tell you joke? OK lor, u can use our SMS lor... :PPP
Aku Boleh Sebab Winn Kata Aku Boleh!!!
Dear misti,...
Kakakaka!!! Just in time before I post my reply! Yippppiieee!!! 6999999 all yourssssss!! I dowan share... haha...
next time i sing the song for u :P
TQTQ!! here's wishing you forever so the lovely, cutely, sweetly and all best thing to come this year!! nei hai tak geh! Engkau boleh!! *very drama* :D
perasannya.. I say your wishes sweet la, not you :P kidding kidding.
LOL@Chen's k-session.. hahaha
Dear lokter,...
U say wan ha... I will ask will to record it and make it a music video kakaka!
Dear butty,...
Thank you for your very drama-rama wishes! U pun BOLEHHHH!!
So you saying I not sweeeeet??????????????
okla.. you very sweet.. sweet dou 'enter heart, enter lungs!' LOLOLOLOL
Dear butty,...
Errmmm... you forgot, "Enter Bones"... haha! :PPP
In Hokkien, we say so laam until "jip sim, jim koot", ie. "Enter Heart, Enter Bones." :P
*jump jump jump*
I saw my name.. I saw my name!!! Thanks :)
Ok, next time when I get a chance to visit KL, we'll meet ya... or if you visit Jakarta... :)
Oh ya hor.. was thinking of a better word because 'lungs' sounded really 'crap'. LOL
Dear selba,...
Wow... what a jump! Be careful! Heh heh...
You are welcome... don't have to wait until next year so long, hor? ;)
Okie dokes... we'll see you in KL or Jakarta then! ;)
Dear butty,...
Then how you got the "lungs" word leh? Weird... ada kaitan dengan paru-paru pulak?
*still thinking*
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