Zeroimpact tagged moi. 7 songs that I won't ever get bored listening to it.
01. Dong Hua - Michael Wong
02. Xiang Ai Hern Nan - Jacky Cheung & Anita Mui
03. You Yi Dian Xin Dong - Jeff Chang & Karina Lau
04. I Believe In You - Il Divo & Celine Dion
05. Friends & Lovers - Gloria Loring & Carl Anderson
06. Separate Lives - Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin
07. Home - Michael Buble
Who wants to do this tag, go ahead, yeah? Mr. LongBlek Singh Blek iPod nano, maybe? *heh heh*
Yesterday, we had a "mini bloggers' gathering" organised by our beloved Mr. Cock-a-doodle @ The Curve's Lan Kwai Fong Cafe, where I met Ms. Titoki & Mr. Kenny Ng for the first time. The rest who came were Seefei, TNS, Zeroimpact, Winn (blog kaput liao), Kat, Carcar, Sengkor, Ah Tak & 9393.
I have nothing much to write but do head over to Ms.Paparazzi Titoki's blog over here to get the juicy stories. Over dinner, I came to know her Up Close & Personal. She said that my blog is all nice-nice & angelic & liuliu. I suppose it reads BORING! Must be because I don't have all those KNN CNN, CCB CNBC & WTF WTO swear words etc. Probably I should start to curse write like that, eh? What do you think?
I have nothing much to write but do head over to Ms.
Yes, I know I'm blogging (Gawd, I'm beginning to dislike this "blogging" word! Dunno why!) for myself blah blah but you are also reading it, right? I just wanna know what you think :)
Oh and Ms. Titoki, I love you, okay? *wink wink*
Actually, to be honest, there is some censorship done on this blog. By yours truly, of course. Why, you ask? Let's just say that it's being done in the name of World Peace...
Okay, too much crap tonite... just gonna share some pictures I took today and a few days' ago. More pictures of London will be posted up soon... Meanwhile, urrghh!!! Monday! Have a good one!

I had @ Four Season's Restaurant, Bayswater, London!

who's the one standing on the couch with a camera...
My gawd!!! Misti Kaur! Your radar is working great tonite!!! Pratinum Chup!!!
thank you for posting all those lovely songs!
and lol, yes to world peace! :P
sorry i so cheong hei, don't comment all in one post. short attention span lah.
to what you said, i do enjoy your posts. i also like your personality. why else am i here stalking you? duh. :P
chup first, come back next week
Dear mistipurple,...
I'm glad you enjoy those songs! You are welcome!
Yeah, world peace... aisay, as if we are guardians of the world like dat... :P
No sorry for being cheong hei... in fact, I like your cheong hei-ness... :D
TQ for liking my personality. So paiseh!
Long time no hugliu liao!
Dear LongBlue,...
Grolden Chup!
Next week??? So longgg!
Errr... I mean, nxt week i hv to wait so long lah... sheesh, wat were u thinking? :P
LOL!!! Next week is here already, in your part of the world anyway, I just realised... Ok, ok, I will join your TAG cos me too kena the Lazy-To-Blog disease (I think Winn Kaur Kaur is spreading it about very indiscriminately).. Post up all my 30,000+ songs yeah?!!
Well, all those KKNNCCBBHH, KKHH stuff is nice (for a short spurt) when not overdone. It's gets very jarring after a little while. We're already so hamsup, no need to spell out, yeah? LOL!! So, you're doing a great job here, the way you are, sweet, and not so sweet. Doesn't matter. Anyway, you're not the KKKNNNCCBBB type, so keep it your own way. Unless tomorrow you suddenly turn KKKNMMMGGGCCB lah, of course! Then, start charging.
hahaha..i saw those pics in titoki's blog. Busy day hor..bloggers meet again.!!
how come no prize for guessing? ;P
looks like you guys had a great time and that roast duck...is to die for lah! *hugs*
if I did not say it yet...thank you for th pretty postcard!! :)
i also infected by it and think of closing it down soon... :(
I know i know who is the person! since no prizes... so i dunwan to tell la... kekekeke.
No picture of the orgy session?
thanks for your photos the titanic pose bits , fun and company!!
yalor who's that bodo har??? iduno leh.....hmm..
i oso wanna do those CNBC KNNBBC ABC ar next time! haha....but usually i say kanasai only. haha...i onlny use those very harsh and curse curse word with ppl i m realli close wit..hehe..
LB i cant wait for ur 30,000 songs! dont join our lazy to blog bug la...tak baik mali singh tau
SA, i look like somone u dated back in 1986? wakakak. i was only 7 yrs old that time.but could be could be...hahah. ;p
do your own thing, girl.
honestly, i find your blog personality charming and polite to a T. ;)
I like it the way it is.. :)
Nice mah...all those KNNCCBTNSMCH!!! hahaa...
Btw, good tag and I also like no2.
hahaha... out of no where, suddenly deeparaya photo come up.
i think i wanna post MooncakeRaya photo too :P
mana london?
i had ducknoodle lately too! yumyum!!~
I know I know...
Heh heh heh
You can do well without those
You have your own personality
That's what matters
don't change lah..
you are who you are ;)
Angeliu is angeliu :)
don't change :D
Change! change! post naked pictures!
SA...could you have dated Winnie's mum perhaps?? LOL
wah liao i tot i am the only one with withdrawal inferiority complex. after seeing how popular cocka is at the blogger meeting and how funnily humsup his blog is, i also feel depress like you. but hei, cant everyday eat abalone or curry rice right? to each his own and I like you just the way you are!!
keep it up!
This post really lives up to the title. Rojak as rojak can be. LOL! Ya lah Angel, my blog is worse than yours! Boring as boring can be. If you suddenly see me posting with all the knncbtiuchfu, I think you will pengsan! Betul?
angeliuuuuu... I'm home!! *wet sandy hugs & kisses*
I like your berlog the way it is. pictures. short n sweet. all those tags. and blogger meet reports!! wish I was there. next time, yea?
so fast oredi put up hari raya deco meh?
HEY!so gaya la the person standing up on the sofa taking pics!! if chen was there i would have thought it was her ..WAHAHAHAHHA
Who exactly is that ah?
that one must be winliuliu lah..
who else woh will stand on the sofa taking pic ah..
ini pink cotton,
must piak her liao..
bila u ever see i standing on the sofa taking pic ah? :P
Dear L B,...
*LOL* Phewww... I thot I hv to wait long long... :P
Yeah!! 30,000+ songs, I waitinggg!! But dun make me long long!! I meannnn, dun make me wait long long... hehe...
Alamak, u can see the hamsap-ness in me? Geez... I thot I was discreet enuff, no ar? :P
On a more serious note, you never fail to amaze me with your serious cum funnily put wise words... Someone out there was wondering WHY L B's blog got so many 'fan-sees'... well dear someone, this is why... ;)
And yeah, you are so right when you said that I'm not the CCTVCNBCABCTVB type... :D
*throws some banana over*
Good for constipation, hor?
Dear aceone,...
Srilver chup!
Busy day? Not so bz ler... just hv some fun nia... :)
Dear c o n s u e l a,...
It was fun :)
Oh, no prizes for guessing becos the same girl did the same thing in our last meet as well...hehe... no, not me ler... :P
Well, u had dimsum wat... also to slurp slurp for! :D
I'm glad the postcard reached u safely! ;)
continues replying... got carried away just now... :D
Dear sir simple american,...
Yes, yes, it's the Liuliu Gurl... her blog? Somebody must hv sabotaged it... How like that?
I'm not changing... I was just wondering if I put people to sleep here... but yeah, I'm not changing... yet... :)
Thank you so much for the 'confidence' given. *hugz & muakz*
No yummy duckies over there in Texas? Hmmm...
Dear ah nel,...
Ei ei, kenot ok! I belum chap lap, u kenot chap lap, ya?
If lazy mai dun post loh...
Dear kenny,...
U bely smart lah u... :P
Dear inevitable,...
Prease make your way to Ms. Titoki's blog... ;)
Dear winn,...
Tenkiu YOU for all the opera songs, sweet voice, farnie jokes, creative pictures... YOU are one in a million! I very likes you!!! :)
Haha! Kanasai is mild wan la... ABC-BBC-TVB-ATV-RTM-TV3 all more liuliu wan... :D
ps: Ei, I forgot to bring the poskad that I sent to you which I addressed it to my house lar... gimme yr liuliu addy, ok?
Dear nyonya penang,...
Aiyooo... so the paiseh!
I not that charming la... polite? Well, I just don't wanna offend anyone... :)
But thank q so much for the nice words...
*really sayang nyonya*
Dear butty,...
Wow! Short & sweet!
Dear king's wife,...
LOL! I din say not nice ah... that's why I oso wanna try try and see... hehe...
Yes, yes, no. 2 song, I can hear repeatedly more than 100x! *LOL*
Dear carcar,...
Haha, ya, want to kiasu abit... post it up before everyone else does it! :P
*waiting to see mooncake-raya pics*
I'm so thinking of buying Haagen Dazs' mooncake lah... *slurp*
London sedang hiding sekejap... sabar ahh... :)
Dear zeroimpact,...
Wot u know? Ohhh that one... :P
Sure lah u know!
So hor, how's my personality? Sure all gone down the drain after that Saturday afternoon... kan? *LOL*
Dear loktor,...
Waaaa!!! Gone for 24 hrs oso missliu liao! How liddat? U kenot go for long horiday liao! Hehe... U one day tarak, we got siao lang here and there liao...
Yes, TQ for your confidence in angeliu... she very kamtoung liuliu...
Dear cocka,...
Naked pics? Hmmmm...
*thinks of learning Photoshop and do wonders on the pictures*
Aisay, I think I pose myself, easier lah hor? :P
Dear feikor,...
Waa! Come back liao!
Hahaha! Withdrawal inferiority complex??!! Wait i ask loktor...
Loktor, got this kind of complex wan arr??
This phrase, to each his own, shucks, someone said this to me not too long ago... who? who??? One of you, I know... but I can't remember... dang...
Coming back to "us", aiyo, dun feel that way loh... I no depress, u no depress, ok?
TQ for the confidence and for the lurve... hehe, perasan abit lah, can anot?
Dear lil' joy,...
Your brog not boring becos u are a great writer! I find sometimes I tok crap... eh wait! That sounds familiar... hmmm....
*looks @ sengkor*
Or sometimes it's also because people tell me they don't understand certain "private jokes"... this is something which I sometimes feel "bad" about but but... but I can't be just writing about what EVERYBODY knows, right? No?
No, I promise I won't pengsan if one day I see you CNN-BBC-NTV-8TV-WLT-KFC in your blog, ok? Ei, if i pengsan then who's gonna read yr brog?? :D
Dear lil'missmay,...
*feels the sand all over*
Welcome home! Hope it was a good break!
TQ for liking my belog! *muaks*
Yes, u missed the fun!
But nvm... nxt time it is...
Dear pink cotton,...
Yalah... hv to be Kiasu... put up before everyone else does it... hehe...
The person gaya? Ohh ya... dia memang bergaya!
Will the bergaya person prease stand up??
What makes u think that Loktor will do sucha thing wan??
Dear inevitable,...
That one is... ei, u go titoki's blog and check out who's wearing pink lar... aiyo...
Dear loktor,...
Of cos her lah... who else would do that, kan? *innocent blink blink*
Ei maybe when u met Pink Cotton, u did that but u forgot liao?
Dear sir simple american,...
*no commentssss*
*but mind goes a wondering*
Final note : Thank you all so much, from the bottom of my heart... You are all Wind Beneath My Wings...
U got lao hao shui anot???
Faster DHL to me!!!
i gv u kueh chap... ;)
No la...
Next time just make sure Winn is there
Sure you cannot be like that
She can wake up even the bear in hibernation I think
i canot remember my house addy..:(
i go home and email you ok? HEHEH
Dear ah nel,...
Yes, tenkiu u for the kueh ciap first... i can't wait...
Dear zeroimpact,...
Ohhh u were talking abt my zzzzzz personality ah... I thot me dancing all over the sofa oredi make my personality go down the drain... :P
Haha! Winn Kaur can wake EVERYONE up with her "opera" double personality voice! *LOL*
Dear winnliuliu,...
Yaaa! U so liuliu!!! Now I got your addy liao. So nxt time no need to go home to check your address... Just check with me! Hehe...
u all miss me ah?
so kam tung
*sob sob*
***Kleenex advertisement***
*sotong hugs*
dunno what liuliu is that "Withdrawal inferiority complex" :P
aiyah, when I met pink cotton time, i very kuai and sat on the floor niah..
mana ada stand on sofa woh..
tak ada sofa kat sana pun..
Dear loktor,...
Aiyak! We were in the same room just now?? How cum u din call me oso?
Waa... u very siong dang... use Kleenex tisu... i use the pangsai cua nia... kakakaka!!
U may now officially go piak Pink Cotton with Pulak-san...
Angeliu, I have someone complaining to me that she doesn't get my private jokes with the other bloggers as well. But really, we cannot please everybody. So, I say, sod it!! ;)
Dear sir simple american,...
Well, are they yummy? O.o
Dear lil' joy,...
You only have someONE ar? I hv a few someones... *sigh*
Sod it? I like it!v ;)
Wakakaakaka, winn liu liu so high ar!!!! ;p
Dear titoki,...
LOL! Yeah, the last time we were at Hakka's Restaurant, that's what she did, took pics from on top of a chair, saying "From this angle very nice wan!"
*LOL* She's one of the fun-nest person I've ever met! :D You've gotta love her!
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