Okay, I think I should start posting 'em at least a few pictures for now. They didn't say "a picture is worth a thousand words" for nothing you know... So, take your time to "read" through the few thousand words here today because I'm attempting to do a Wingz. Heh heh...
We touched down Arlanda Airport at about 3pm on the 5th of May after a 12 hours' flight. As we walked out from the terminal, what was the first thing we felt? Wow! So cold! Or rather, so cool and refreshing! At that moment, I was reminded of the time I stepped out from Heathrow, August 2006. Same kind of 'feel', only this time, it's colder! Brrrr...
The cab driver was already waiting for us at the airport when we arrived. Took us to the hotel, checked in and an hour later, me & Pig-let were already out on the streets of Stockholm. By then it was already after 6pm, I think. Considered late evening already over there, but the sky was still as bright as 3pm. During this period, the sun rises at about 4am and sets at about 9pm.
After a stroll along the Karlavägen 43, the road where the hotel is located, we got hungry but couldn't find any restaurant, except for a couple of mini marts. So, we decided we'd just hop into the 7-11 store beside the hotel and see what they've got. Check it out in the pictures below.
We touched down Arlanda Airport at about 3pm on the 5th of May after a 12 hours' flight. As we walked out from the terminal, what was the first thing we felt? Wow! So cold! Or rather, so cool and refreshing! At that moment, I was reminded of the time I stepped out from Heathrow, August 2006. Same kind of 'feel', only this time, it's colder! Brrrr...
The cab driver was already waiting for us at the airport when we arrived. Took us to the hotel, checked in and an hour later, me & Pig-let were already out on the streets of Stockholm. By then it was already after 6pm, I think. Considered late evening already over there, but the sky was still as bright as 3pm. During this period, the sun rises at about 4am and sets at about 9pm.
After a stroll along the Karlavägen 43, the road where the hotel is located, we got hungry but couldn't find any restaurant, except for a couple of mini marts. So, we decided we'd just hop into the 7-11 store beside the hotel and see what they've got. Check it out in the pictures below.

3 compartments for 3 different kinds of waste.
What do you think will happen
if we had this type of dustbins in M'sia? *grins*
I want ABBA!!!
I want ABBA!!!!!
Good pictures. I'd imagine the shower pic with you in it next, right? Flesh, flesh! Baby! Flash!
Goooood morning Charlie! Errr, I mean L B ! :p
Haha! I also want ABBA!! But how come I din see anyone ABBA-ish, huh? How can hor? Hmmmmm... Go again? *grin*
KKKKKKK... shower pic?
* O P E N *
CHUP first! :P
Wow! The scenery outside is really nice...
Faster! Waiting for you to post more pictures about your vacation. :D
Chup! :p
Wow...Beautiful pics!!!!! Ty! : )
The walk right outside the hotel looks awesome!
Quickly quickly post more pics! : p
Yeah, i would like to personally post my thanks for the beautiful postcard too...Terima Kasih!!! : p
We actually got it last week(Thursday), dunno what A was thinking when she said that we got it a week after u came back..kakakaka : p
Dear DD,...
Yes yes, it's really nice! It's so Spring! ;) Plus some Winter too...
Wait wait waittt... :p
Dear M,...
Haha! You are here! So, did you find out what happened outside my house last night??? :p
More pics? Wait lar... Not easy sorting out what pics to post, you know :p
You are most welcome! Actually you got it nearly a week after I came back... well okay, not a week but 3 days after I came back ;)
Next time, can I expect one from India? :D
miss stockholm...thanks for the pics angel...
my room back when i was there a bit smaller la, but comfy.
eh, next one shower pics ah?
wah so beautiful! nice... *jeles*
btw, did u miss sleeping with brad instead of piglet? :P
ala too late to chup!!
Haven't ya noticed whenever there are travelling pics posted, i seem to pop out? : p hahahahaha
No wor...no post about it in any of the forums that i frequent...hmmmm...i wonder why : p
U can be rest assured of lots of postcards and stuffs, when i make a trip back home : p
ok ok...but this time, i'm hoping to see loads and loads of pics...thanks! : p
Bright sunlight at 6pm? 0.0 It would make up for all the cold, yeah?
*waiting for more pictures*
I see two-lips!! so yellow two-lips! I so love! and all other pics too.
we have similar sort of dustbins, not because they're round lah, but they're all properly labelled on what they're for (just paper, or mixed recycled, or pure rubbish). I think in Malaysia, everything just gets thrown into them regardless, lol!
*Thump!!! Thump!!! thump!!! Let me out of the suitcase!!! Let me out!!!! Open up!!!!**
Pssst!! got buy any Swedish Erotica movies for me anot?
Can't wait to see more beautiful pics! Love the tulips. You did have a fabulous holiday didn't you?
Got strange man come and chat u up anot? like last time...:D
Wah !!!! Look like you had loads of fun !!!!!
Any Indians approaching you to chat ??
Last year London, this year Sweden ... next year North Pole ??? =P
Hi Angel, beautiful photos. Love the one from the plane, well taken and very clear too.
Wow! You must be kliking away like no yesterday, huh?
What? 1st night makan hotdog only? Not a genuine Swedish chup fun or something? And quenching your thirst with a Swedish beer?
Hey Angel, how come your partner called , "piglet"? Very curious that. Looking forward to see more pics.
Have a nice day, Angel. UL.
wah wah wah` cant wait for part two` kekekeke
jeles kaw kaw
the bayan lepas airport is much smaller leh..
not so spacious
proven angel hasn't balik kampung for quite some time liao..
o.O at the dustbin inside your room
i'm so cheong hei...
welcome back angel!
great pictures! love the tulips!
'beautiful' price indeed hehe. keep the pictures comin' in!
nice nice... no bring some tulips back ah? :P
Sweden's great, right! Go check out the guys! Damned hotties. :) Don't know what they put in the water.
BTW I had McD almost every other day there. Everything's freakin expensive!
wah cab fare so expensive and the hotdog and coffee also. pengsan if stay 3 weeks.
shower pic next? haha
*took me whole life to work just to get a holiday thre*
1st nite ledi eat long hot dog... *wink wink*
*so desperate*
Thanks for the postcard. U said there got many sui cha bor, can show the pics ah? :P
aikss....i thot that picture was you lying on the couch. hehehe...
you must have snapped thousands of pics. nevermind, barn-barn lai...sort it out and post more.
Excuse sikit:-
savante, you drank only Swedish water with your MacD? :P
Nice pics! Mana boleh dun haf anybody inside (except for pak cabbie, and Piglet's pinkish toy on the bed).
The cab ride dem expensive... lol. So what was the best food there le? This is Part 1 only hor..? I want more!~:D
Thanks for the postcard - u can't imagine the excited-ness. I'm gonna frame it up, I dun care~
Dear stupe,...
You missed Stockholm? I thought you called me Miss Stockholm haha :p
Where did you stay the last time?
Shower pics? Haaa... that one for Private Viewing only... *wink*
Dear kyh,...
It IS beautiful and you ain't see nothing yet! *grins*
Dun jeles lar...
I miss Brad wherever I go *wink*
ps: Have you received yours yet?
Dear cutiepie,...
Try again next time! *wink*
Dear M,...
Yes, I did notice that :P
Ok ok, I'll be waiting for you to go back home next time :D I meant to say, I'll be waiting for you to come back from your home the next time haha...
I hv lotsa pics but if overdose of pics, then how? :P
Dear rinnah,...
Haha! No, it did not! Not especially if the wind blows... Brrrr!!! :D
*lots of pics for the next few weeks* Hope no one gets jelak :P
Woah! Nice pictures. Part 2 kambing up when?
Dear may,...
Let's dance around the two-lips!
Ahhh... I'd have guessed you guys have similar bins there :) Haha! Ei, you memang sah a Malaysian! LOL!
Dear cocka,...
Shhh! Dun scream so loud! I let you out later!
Swedish erotica? Ei, go download lar... dun have to buy... waste marnie nia...
Dear eastcoastlife,...
We all love tulips, don't we? :D
It was a great (paid for) experience :) OK OK more pics to follow in a couple more days...
Dear KW,...
Haa... this time I'm not alone. So, don't have weird ppl come kacau :)
Dear Moz,...
Har? Liddat already you knew?? So li hai wan... :P
Har? Why liu also ask like KW wan? Dun hv ler... I not alone ma this time...
North Pole? Haha... well, not that north, maybe... *wink*
Dear Uncle Lee,...
Thank you for the compliment... My pictures this time around not very nice... *sad face* I need to get a better camera... a BIGGER one... you getting one for me?
*puppy face*
Yalah... first night we couldn't find a restaurant in the vicinity. So ended up with just hot dog and coffee... Swedish beer? Unkerrr, I don't drink beer ler... I drink brandy, like you heh heh...
Haaa... I call her Piglet because she loves cute piggies! Everything she has are piggies related... well, almost everything la... hehe... she's a cute girl too.
I'll post more pictures in the next few entries... hope you won't get bored with it! Thanks for visiting!
Dear a^ben,...
How many parts you want? ;)
Dear chen,...
KKKKKK... dun jeles lerrr...
Ya, true but dunno why when I saw it, I think of Bayan Lepas pulak...
Cheong hei is good... cheong hei means u lup me 9-9... kkkkkk... if no lup me, u won't cheong hei wan... ngam mou? :D
Dear butty,...
Yeah, we ALL love the tulips! :D
Yes ma'am! More pictures next!
Dear will,...
Har? Bring tulips back? Will die wan ler... here so hot...
Dear Dr. Paul,...
Aloha! ;)
I'm back already lar... but I DID check out the guys AND girls! They are gorgeous!!! Haha... Swedish water? Beats me!
Oh, you were there too? How long were you there? Everyday McD's? Not cheap also, isn't it? Our one and only McD's meal there cost SEK 141 for 2 person... really pengsan!
Oh, but I love their Swedish pop songs! So pop! Prolly Abba-ish, that's why haha...
Dear misti,...
Yeah, everything is expensive if convert to our currency... that's why seems that a lot of people wanna work there :)
Shower pics? You also want?? OK, private viewing that one... :p
Dear ah nel,...
No need so long time wan...
Dear kenny,...
You are welcome!
Haha... I didn't snap any sui cha bor's pic... sked kena hantam ler... but I have a pic of the girl working at Hard Rock Cafe ;)
Dear nyonyapenang,...
Haha... you punya mata ada poblem kar?
Yeah, I took more than a thousand pics but not all are nice...
Haha... you think savante will come back and read the comments? :D Now I wonder if Swedish water is magic water... haha...
Dear narrowband,...
Haha... how can have my pic wor? You forgot your "list" of do's and don'ts about blogging already?? :p
Everything is expensive after converting to RM... Swedish food? Ha... not nice! Really wan... Unless you consider the meatballs as Swedish food? Most of the time, their food is salty! Way way too salty for Asians!
You are most welcome! Haha... nowadays we seldom receive snail mails, huh? Maybe that explains the excited-ness, huh? *wink* But you are not alone... hehe...
Frame it up? Haha... wow! What an honour! TQ! But yeah, I think it's a 'nice' thing to do, frame it up, because I think it's one of the most expensive postcard(s) I've ever sent! Incl. the stamps, of course...
Thank you, narrowband! *grins*
Dear aceone,...
Ahh... tenkiu... part two? It will come soon... tunggu sekejap ah...
Hi Angel, Scandic Park?! Is there a small square/park right down the road? I think we stayed there on our last visit to Sthlm as well!
Did you enjoy the breakfast buffet there? meatballs for breakfast!
Looks nice and clean there. Really nice pictures. So wuz the coffee real? Huh? Huh?
And I would like to thank somebody nice for a lovely postcard I received. Thanks! *HUG*
Wekum bek home to Malaysia ... And lovely pictures taken.... now waiting for more!!!
u lich ppl of coz like tat lar...
wa .. so fast 40 comments oredi!!! tak nampak entry ini pun yesterday
i like the bin too i think if we have this in msia...we will throw the bin into the bin..or use one of the bins to flush toilet...:P
every post of yours got minimum 40 comments...when la mine be like that? do i have to post MYSELF taking shower ah?
your room is so cool!!! it's so nice!!!
interesting read
faster part 2,3,4,5..... :)
Hi angel,
Beautiful pictures. Especially the one from the plane and the tulips. Those pictures are so clear and sharp. Feels like I am the one looking out of the window.
Waiting for more......qiuck quick :)
Wah, nice & $$$! Hope I can go there too :D
So great to see the post of your journey to Sweden is already up in here! :)
Did you meet kikare?
Can't wait to read more about this journey...
Wah! pictures galor!
Land of Volvo!!
shiok nya...i want i want...i want to go to sweden too! hahaha...fast fast put up more updates!
Waaaaa nice nice!! I like the hot dog! Want to garb it through my computer! Yummy yummy!!
Dear kikare,...
Yes yes! There is a park right opposite Scandic Park! And of course we had the buffet breakfast EVERYDAY for 8 days! Haha.. first two days, everything tasted yummmm! Come the 3rd day onwards...... everyday also same menu! Meatballs, scramble eggs, BACON!!, boiled vege (either baby carrots & brocoli or asparagus and baby (?) radish), fruits, yogurt, cheese, more boiled/smoked bacons, various types of bread. It is actually pretty awesome, huh? But I only had the meatballs the first two days haha! I'll post up the breafast spread pics next ;)
Oh, I also noticed there are lots of "Scandic" hotels everywhere, huh?
Dear Sir SA,...
Yes, it is nice and clean over there :)
Haha... the coffee was errr... not false, I guess... :p
Oooo.. you've got it too! Great! You are most welcome!
Dear wennnn,...
Thank you... more will follow soon...
Dear ah nel,...
If I were "lich", I don't have to work already, everyday holiday. But am I doing that? No, right? So, don't simply say ppl "lich", okay?
Dear winn,...
Must be your home lappie dun like me, that's why you couldn't 'see' me post :(
Haha! Actually hor, the bin a bit ma huan because when I wanted to throw a 1.5 liter of empty mineral water, every slot also tak muat!!! Have to put beside the bin pulak... defeats the purpose of having the bin, right? *.*
Dear stupe,...
Errrr... maybe when you meet more people F2F? ^.^
Don't post yourself taking shower! Ppl will cabut! Dun say I din warn you ohh... :p
Dear huei,...
:) You're going for your holidays soon, right? May you have a nice room too ;)
Dear dreamie,...
Tenkiu :)
Aiyoh, wait ahh... gimme time... I'm a bz woman haha :p
Dear aiyah nonya,...
Hey, thanks! :) Make my ekor kembang liao lar... :D
Thank you again :)
Dear mj,...
Hey, long time no see :)
Ha... yes... very nice but very $$$! Better take loads of $$$ if wanna enjoy ;) I also hope you'll go there soon :)
Dear selba,...
Haha, thanks! I read that you've not received "yours", huh? I hope your Mr. Postman will deliver it to you soon ;)
Kikare is not staying in Stockholm... :)
I'll try post more of course... but gotta wait loh...
Dear fantasy 'sticky' flier,...
Haha.. trust you to say that! :p
Yes, lotsa Volvo cabs! Oh, and also Peugeot too... hmmm...
Dear laundryamah,...
You want you want? Dei, you are going to HK AND Ozzieland soon maaa! ;)
Dear nasstasshea,...
Haa... you like hotdogs?
*wipes your drool*
Hey angel,
Looked through you pictures again. The one with the lady lying on the couch. On the bottom right, at a glance it looks like a small boy with a cheeky grin waving his hand and peeing.... :)
Have a great day !
shower pics shower pics *stamp stamp* lol
if i lich i oso work wad as if not wil bored to dead...u diffrent mar...
u mad when ppl say u lich kar???????????????????????????????
aiyah nyonya!
Hahaha! OMG! U hak sei ngor! Make me run to my blog to see the "peeing boy"!!
Kakaka... that's a teko, you saw as a peeing boy?? Very "good" eyesight you have, Ms. Nonya! Haha!
Thank you for your humourous comment! :D
Dear misti
*puts a mattress under misti's feet so as not to wake up the Emperor*
Dear ah nel
That is you... if I were "lich", I go horniday everyday... I won't be bored because I'll be blogging also... Blogging is hardwork, ok...
I'm not mad but your opinion of me being "lich" is not correct... so, I'm telling you that I'm not "lich". Anyway, it was a working trip too. So, "lich" wat leh, you say?
tiuuuu...blogging so hard mer!!!just post pigcher of horniday...
stil denied u not mad!!!lich of chances to go travel kenot mer???cheh
Wahhh....the food there..so expensive hor?..it really looks clean and fresh there..not like malaysia , berdebu..
Oh oh OH!! Waitwait!!! *wavehand*
angel jiejie lich in spilit becos got so many flen....
Collect ol not?
Dear ah nel,...
Tiuuuuuu, for you is easy, for me is hardwork, okay? Pigcher no need to edit wan ah you think?
Dear eve,...
Everything is expensive there :)
Of course clean ler... even S'pore is cleaner than M'sia...
Dear plink,...
Flen is tlue flen or false flen?
How are you, Ms. Tungku? Long time no hug! ;)
Fabulous piccies! I recieved your lil' gift. Loved it!! Tq so much lah gurl!! I got more TQs at my blog. Go get them!
edit so hard mer!!!just like i nvr edit photo...
*easy stuff oso complain*
Looks really good. Makes me want to fly over now!
Dear bibik nyonya,...
TQ TQ! *muka merah sebab malu*
I'm glad you have received it ;) Lagi happies that you love it :) You are most welcome, makkkkk! :D
Dear ah nel,...
U lazy pig...
Dear tunku halim,...
*brings Red Carpet*
I feel so honoured to see you here! *sheepish smile*
You think the pics look good... you ain't see nothing yet... heh heh...
If I had a Genie, I'd ask her to blink me there this instant too! :D
Thanks for the comment, Tunku... :)
still waiting...
bila woh???????????
the hotdog looks nice wor...
Dear chen,...
KKKKKKK... paiseh make u wait so long long :p
Wah liao eh... a bit tension neh doing these travelling posts and the pics... sumua orang pun waiting... kkkkkk... but I enjoyed it. Summore had to do some 'research' to refresh my memory of some places! KKKKKK... so 'boh thao sin' wan... :p
Dear ah monk,...
Har? Only the hotdog nice arr? :p
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