Friday, September 08, 2006
Replies' Entry
- inevitable said...
CHUP!! -
9/08/2006 09:44:00 AM
Anonymous said...
chup for GOLDliuliu!!
9/08/2006 10:41:00 AM
- Chen said...
darling angel,
yeah miss u :D
but u will be flying back soon liao also, right? :D -
9/08/2006 10:41:00 AM
Anonymous said...
waaaa, so the cheating! make replies to comments as part of your post... liuliuLOLOLliuliu!! but good lah, at least you got reply.
the duck rice there ok lah, not totally fantastic, but if you're craving for some then that's the place to go. once you get off the station, it's on the same road, can't miss it!
I didn't pay to go into any of the palaces or museums and stuff... me cheapskate, kekekeke! but I did pay to go up the London Eye. ride once is good enough! go and check out the Palace lah, then can tell me about it... *grin*
*hugs* -
9/08/2006 10:43:00 AM
Anonymous said...
ingenious my dear! i love reading reply to comments and it is goood that comments reply get some good airing cos doing reply as time consuming as new post!
seefei -
9/08/2006 11:17:00 AM
- ah nel said...
larling liu liu,
i see u no comment tot u lost ledi mar... ;P
18th???hmmm...tat number...ohhh...i think that my last day... ;P
*gua ade pressie kar?* -
9/08/2006 11:25:00 AM
Anonymous said...
Ok loo, manhattan fish shop also saaatttt
Have fun though, and ta pao la anything that you can back :) -
9/08/2006 12:48:00 PM
Anonymous said...
go skor ok? skor a goal watever la.
ngor -
9/08/2006 01:03:00 PM
- plink said...
angel got watch play or not? Can go with your friend orso....
Psst... Go check your email.... -
9/08/2006 03:49:00 PM
- L B said...
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on your W E D D I N G ! ! ! Sneaky! Ran off for hunnymooncake, never tell us wan!
9/08/2006 07:50:00 PM
Anonymous said...
angeliu, u getting married??? waaaaaa..
see you so syiok bercuti.. *jeles* -
9/08/2006 09:29:00 PM
Anonymous said...
shud be honeymooning.. kekeke -
9/08/2006 09:32:00 PM
- a^ben said...
got buy anything for me? ahhahahahahahah! :P
9/08/2006 10:39:00 PM
Anonymous said...
eeeep!! dunno my left from right!!! *runaway&hideredface*
Now rainy season here, nice and cold...can pretend to be in London with angel...following the da vinci code...
Got go to mdm tussaud and take picture with meng sing ah?? But so expensive, the entrance fee.. -
9/08/2006 11:02:00 PM
- Nine3 Nine3 said...
- to say where is Wardour….alot of pubs, posh restaurant ..err at night can see a lot of in central London somewhere carnaby St.Try ask you friend they sure knows when you say Wong Kee the Rudest Restaurant...But not to worry they wont treat us yellow skin that bad but sometime depend on the hongkie mood as normally crowded.Bet you have a lot to blog about
by the way how is your jet-lag..hope is ok jor -
9/08/2006 11:42:00 PM
- Chen said...
since everyone congratulating Angeliu, how can I tak congrats leh?
I kiasu on & off mah.. :P
9/09/2006 12:46:00 AM
- plink said...
Congratulations to angel!
Tengok fotos of the blushing bride/groom? -
9/09/2006 02:00:00 AM
- mistipurple said...
hahaha *conpused whether to congrats or not* scared kena piak by sotong. but sotong nice to eat mah.. so Congrats!!! :D
*runs far far* -
9/09/2006 09:35:00 AM
- c o n s u e l a said...
hey you!!!
are you still enjoying your getaway in London?
very envious lah!! I wish I can be in London too...
wedding? wedding? honeymoon? any truth to this? if so...
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!
*hugs hugs hugs* -
9/09/2006 03:21:00 PM
- Jo said...
Angel, enjoy your holiday ya...
9/09/2006 05:23:00 PM
- Cocka Doodle said...
Go for one of the musicals. it's quite an experience. I'm sure you'll love it!
Take care and come home soon! -
9/10/2006 01:52:00 AM
- mustardNcheese said...
hehehe i wan post cards~~~
9/10/2006 05:36:00 PM
- dreamie said...
Angel babe, you on vacationing cum honeymooning? wow!! you gonna break many hearts lorrr... (lol)
9/10/2006 11:08:00 PM
- Nicholas Chay said...
Angel, remember to learn some British accent! :)
9/11/2006 06:47:00 AM
Anonymous said...
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1/20/2010 03:23:00 PM
hi sayangs, so rajin to post from London.
polluted huh? that's what i felt too when i was there years ago. talking about the tube, climbing up & down the steep steps oso chuan ledi. as for the fish & chips, i find it kinda of busuk leh. and ya, eating-in costs double - i ordered a wedge of pizza; if sit down and eat then 2.99, take-away 1.99
anyways, pejam mata oni la and don't convert.
my sayangs from peejay....
Darling nyonyapenang,
Waaa! Pratinum Chup! Yeah, it's really a pity that the air here is so bad... I hate it when I walk by the roadside with all the fumes... The staircase in the Underground still okay cos some got escalators wan maa... *sends sayangz to PeeJay*
muackss to angeliu
miss liu leh :D
Darling doktor,
Grolden Chup! Muaks and hugs to doktorliu... miss me hor? Hehe...
Oh how lovely being in London...
I wanna join!!! can I? can I? :)
Darling Selba,
Srilver Chup! Yes yes, it's lovely here.. I mean the weather... and of course doing the tourist thing is also lovely ;) Yes, come come!!! Fasterrrr!!!
ah nel said...
ehhh...i tot u sexicited and lost ledi???lol
Darling ah nel,
Ei, wat u mean lost??? I'm never lost, okay! *blekkkk*
Any guai lo asked for your number?
don't convert, don't convert! don't want you to not be able to eat porkies now... LOLOL!!
reminds me of my trip there last year... sigh... so the nice!!
*still waiting for that postcard*
Darling lil'missmay,
Hope you've gotten over your jet-lag by now :)
Darling Phantom Prospero,
Aloha!! *brings out the Red Carpet*
Thanks for dropping by... Nice to see a new name... Welcome, make yourself comfy... coffee or tea? :)
Yes, my jet-lag is over... I think...
Anonymous said...
so, did u skor or be skored?
u hv fun in londoon. no sweat, good lor, no need to wash clothes.
Darling ngor,
Skor your head lah! Always ask me to skor! I kick u and skor u, u baru tau!
Ei, no sweat also have to wash clothes and shower lah ok! U ahhh... so dirty wan...
WAAAAA!!!! Poor liuliu!! It's still quite warm here in Italy, but I can imagine how nice it must be in London, apart from the:
• air pollution
• expensive living
• confusing tube
• snobbish quailohs
• jet-lag
The park you went to probably was Kensington Park (near Harrods and those museums).
• Don't forget to visit the real sex shops in Soho, and gaze in wonder at the sizes of those vibrators and dildos!
• Try looking for fresh figs in Marks & Spencers Food Sections.
• Try a Pork pie from Marks & Spenders too.
• Catch a Chelsea (or Arsenal, or Spurs) football match if you can afford it!
• Have a pub lunch of Steak & Kidney pie (with a pint of bitter).
• Have bacon, sausages & eggs for breakfast in Covent Gdn.
• Stare at the price of a plate of Duck Rice in Chinatown in Leicester Sq.
• Visit the Apple Store and Hamley's in Regent St.
And the best way to get around by tube is to follow your friend. Cuppa tea, luv?
Darling ElleB,
Yeah!! Today the weather is pretty cold (for me lah) but weather's been good and clear with the sun shining ever so brightly...
Yesterday I tried half of a steak & kidney pie from Tesco but I find it a tad too salty... prolly becos it's from Tesco?
Har?? Come here eat duck rice? No lar... I go back PeeJay eat better lar...
Apple Store in Regent St, yes yes!! I think I saw that when I was on the city tour bus yesterday! Biggg...
Thanks for the loooong To-Do-List... and a cuppa tea would be lurvely... ;)
When angel bring me there...
I wan fishie and chipie
Can ta pao back ah...
Take care there k
Missi angel edi
*sniff sniff*
Darling zeroimpact,
Aiyoo... dun cry larr... Har? Tapao fish & chips arr? I take u go Manhattan Fish Market eat better lar hor... *sayang sayang*
You so shiok nya !
If you are at Wardour Street go to Wong Kee Restaurant , is an eye opener how the waiters treat the Gwei Lo customer.
Darling 9393,
Har? Where's Wardour St?? How do they treat the gwai los?
take care while you're thre.
oh ya, some engrand ppl are snob. i got scolded once for talking to his dog in underground.
don't forget to visit Camden town!
angeliu reporting from london!!
sending you lap lots of lap!
i haven't been to anyway so i don't know how to tell you. liuliu hor? hope you get over your jet lag soon. so liuliu. take care!
Darling mistiliu,
I oso send liu lotslots of laplapliu!! My jet-lag is not so liu oredi... :) *hugliu*
moz monster said...
I still dunno why anyone would consider Engrand for a holiday ... stiff upper lip and all ... hope the weather is at least good.
Take care, have lots of fun, post tonnes of picture soon, please ...
Darling moz,
Why? Becos I've not been here before and because I wanna visit my friend and because I wanna do all the tourist thing in London! Unlike the lucky you, I don't travel at all for work... I'm like the frog under the coconut 'shell', so now, I jump out from the shell to see what's outside... yeah, very liuliu indeed...
Thanks, and yeah, I'm having fun... now I understand what you mean when you said you like to travel on your own...
angeliuuuuuuu...take careliuuuuu.......
Darling winnliuliu,
Tenkiuliuuuuuu!!! Missliuuu! Happy Liuliu 16th Week Mya Flyday!!!
Don't convert!
Go Engrand eat fish and chips? Must wan, and also remember to try mushy peas also: Manyak sedap oii....
Darling plinku,
Yaaa! Convert & pengsan cos pokai!
Mushy peas?
I dunno whether to feel sad or happy for ya...maybe I'll visit greece next year instead...
Darling fantasyflier,
Harr?? Why u sad? Dun be sad! Be happy! Greece arr? Go Italy la... ;)
how come no mention of the hunks in london? pls post it all, big, fat, ugly, humsupsome & metro!!! unless genetically u r not interested!
*quickly cabut avoiding slipper from london!!*
Darling feikor,
Oh yeah, the hunks here are really hunky! And I just realised it this morning when I was on the city tour bus... especially when we passed by the office area (forgot where that was), all the men in suit... whoaa!! Really good looking most of them!
*throws the pair of Reebok trainers @ feikor*
ps: Sorry I was unable to send the msg to you! Donno why it just couldn't get thru!!!
woi.. got kau gwai chai ar ?
got many chun ones over there wor !!
Darling dreamie,
Soli hor... I very sked... so, no khao gwai chai or whatever chai! Yes yes! Alot of chun chais here!!
may said...
oh ya, if u want some duck rice, catch the Tube to Baker Street, have a plate at Four Seasons. not too bad, if you don't mind the price!
and you just gotta, gotta, gotta go to Hyde Park and Green Park, then drop by Buckingham Palace to watch the guard change! syokkk...
Darling lil'missmay,
Which part of Baker St is the 4 Seasons located? Very nice ar the duck? Really really so nice??? Nicer than PeeJay's wan??? I was at Baker St. today... ;) Oh yes, Buckingham Palace, u reckon it's worth it to pay and go see inside of the palace? Change of guards, prolly next week :)
take care angel!!!
Darling butty,
Thanks butty!! *hugs*
Fuah... sound so enjoy there ah? Can find char koay teow there or not? kekeke.
Darling kenny ng,
Quite enjoy oso loh... Harr?? Come here donwan eat char koay teow larrr... :P
Hey, you only have 2 weeks, so better head out and see the country side, theme parks, nature, etc. You can blog when you come back.
Say hello to BL for me. :)
Darling scau,
I have no time for country side and I don't dare to do it on my own... not out of the city without a friend... I scared kena stabbed like the M'sian Indian man who was murdered a coupla days ago here in London... I hope my mom didn't read the papers!
Miss us or not ah?
Don't convert! Cannot convert!
Otherwise you end up not buying anything.
Oh, and donch forget to have tea at The Savoy! :)
Enjoy the rest of your trip and take care..
Of cos miss larrr!! Yeah! Cannot convert!! But still kenot help it each time I take out my wallet to pay for things... *smacks forehead*
The Savoy? Sounds familiar... aiyoo, donno got time anot... thanks!
Pink Cotton said...
go engrand holiday ka??? *jealous*
pls bring some eng tau british men for us...LOL
have fun
Darling pink cotton,
Why jeres?? Come lar...
Hahaha! Why u want British men?? U got yrself a man liao wat... :P
Thanks, I'm having fun here ;)
Don't stop now. You are half way to Texas. Come on down. :)
"Does anone have any kind of 'tips' on this liuliu transport??"
Take a cab. *ducks any thrown objects*
"Thirdly, I find the English people (the whites) are kinda snobbish aka not so friendly. Is this true or was it my imagination?"
The friendly ones left for America. Did you know Texas means friendship in English?
Bring fish and chips with you to Texas. OK? :D
Darling Simple American,
Texas?? I'm broke! *LOL* Well, soon... soon... one day...
Cab??? It's soooo expensive!!! *looks for things to throw*
I didn't know that Texas means friendship... *notes it down*
So you like fish & chips? Hmmm... so, you like your chips with or without vinegar? ;)
POSTCARD... Hahaaa.... Have a good trip!!
Darling ah tiu,
Hahaha! I still staring at the postcards la... how like that?
so fast come back? i thought there for 2 weeks?
Darling stupe,
Nolah, I'm still here... who said I come back? You must have misunderstood my comment... :)
That was a quick trip!!!
Darling Simple American,
No, no, I'm still here in London... brrrrrr!!!
You come back to blog or to Msia tomorrow???
Maps are plentiful around the Tube stns...and on t-shirts..and on tea cloths!!
I like the way the people std on the left on the escalator (and it is a mighty looong escalator ride!!) so that other ppl can overtake them!! After that, come back here always have to say, 'excuse me' and squeeze pass!
Take-out Chinese and Indian shd be plentiful and cheaper too...especially since chicken tikka is as British as fish&chips now!!
Darling kat,
I'm still in London... I meant to say, I'll be back to answer to the comments... this Stupe go and misunderstood it...
Yes, lotsa Tube's map all over and I managed to get a bigger map compared to the normal ones... I still find 'em confusing but after two days of doing it alone, I'm not so scared now...
The escalator, the "fast lane" is on the left hand side as pointed out by fcukster below... I wonder why it's on the left hand side... but today at King's Cross (I think!), I saw got "jam" on the left hand side of the escalator... was waiting to see if the guy would do anything to get the "fast lane" moving but he didn't do anything la...
For dinner, I have home cooked food... ;)
kat: Actually if you are standing still on the escalator, you stand on the right . The left side is for people who are in hurry =)
Darling fcukster,
Hey you... thanks for pointing that out to kat...
So, are you always on the right or left hand side of the escalator? ;)