This evening, mom told me she found this small round thing in her glass. No, no, not the one cent coin but the silver thing that looks like a watch's battery but it's not. The coin is just for you to gauge the size of the Unidentified Object found.

Flip it over... OMG! It's rusty! Well, not the whole thing but 1/3 of it. Sorry, my lighting was a bit... liu-ed...

And this is where mom found the Unidentified Object! Liuliu or not liuliu??? I wanna sue liu!!! Because I have downed like half of it the past 2 weeks!

DYK that I met a^ben boy today for lunch @ Mid-Valley's Sushi King? He's every bit like his blog! *LOL* We didn't plan earlier as he texted me around 15 minutes to noon, saying that he's on his way to Mid-Valley Megamall. I was starving at that time but I told him to wait for me and that I'd be there in half an hour's time. Oh, he was with a friend, a pretty boy... *LOL* Okaylah, a^ben also pwetty lar... *LOL*
wah you hungry and still tahan another half hour ah! but worth it lah, can meet pwetty people!
the drink, ah yo gives you extra iron. scary. i pray you okay.
*kneels and say a prayer for angeliu.. neutralize bad toxins and make good everybody who drank that orange juice.*
Dear sotongking,...
Waaaaa!!! Super fast your Pratinum Chup!
*brings a cold Coke*
Dear mistiliu,...
*LOL* I was hoping liu will come and chup :D Yay! Grolden Chup!
Yeah, my tummy was growling at that time! *LOL* But at least I met him ALTHOUGH that boy didn't let me chia him... hmmph! Spoil my plan... :P
Awwww... mistiliu so schweeeeett... angeliu will be okay wan... but hey, come to think of it hor, I've been having some slight lao sai the past few days... darn... no wonder la... liuliuliu!
angeliu hopes mistiliu's tummy is getting better too?
Is it Wai Tar Ming?
Io karch'ng
I hope you don't get any food poisoning from that!! eek!
*brings oil for angeliu's tummy*
take care hor. i going doc later again. nowadays i cannot play play already. slight problem better go, before become big. i got other body parts that need maintenance now. lol. lucky the wings you give me working very well. hugliuuuu xxx
write to them, and ask for dun let em get away with it.
so, ben is 'pwweetty', i m not.....meh? lol.
alamak! i just gulped down a huge glass of that orange juice last nite!
thats your daily dose of vitamin C and IRON....:P
Errrrrrrr.......... sunkistophobia !!!!
Wahhhh..your orange juice tambah liuliuliu ledi !!
I wonder if it was found on the sunkist oranges...
I wonder wut will happen if one ter-swallowed it..
Err.. hope you havent :D
damn, that's my favourite vitamin c source!!
So how's your Tuesday so far?? Oh dear, for the past few minutes, I thot it's already Wednesday!
Dear plinku,...
Yerrrrrr!!! Ha mik wai tah ming???
*smack your ka ch'ng*
Oh, Srilver Chup for liu! ;)
Dear SirSimpleAmerican,...
Kidney stone??? Oh noooo!!!
*LOL* I get rich by suing 'em?
But yes, I look forward to visit liu...
*for now, dreams about it first*
Dear lil'missmay,...
Yeah!! So ewwwliuliu indeed!!! I couldn't believe it at first... I'm gonna stop buying Sunkist! But somehow, theirs seem to hv more orange sacs than Peel Fresh's... oh yeah, they hv MORE than orange sacs... Liuliuliu!!!
Dear mistiliu,...
:) Thank Q liu... my tummy is okay liao...
I hope the doc will say that liu are on your way to recoveryliu...
Hmmm...other body parts need maintenance?
*wonder wonder...*
Oh yeah, your beautiful pinkliu wings... I'm glad they are still working liuliu well... ;)
Dear keatix,...
Write to them... U know, I tried to find at least a website or e-mail address from the box but nada... and I went to their US website, also nothing... and i'm too lazy to send a snail mail... so how? U wanna write the letter for me? :P
U pweety? I'd prefer u macho... *LOL*
Dear sengkor,...
Alamak...liuliu loh... then u'll hv to 'work' like Sharon liao... *LOL*
Dear flyboy,...
Yerrrr! Donwan that kinda iron!
Dear doc,...
*LOL* U can register the new term liao!
Dear aceone118,...
Yalah... liu dun hv to tell me that! :P
Dear zeroimpact,...
Errr... I dun think so lar... die loh if it comes from the orange!
Dear butty,...
Ter-swallow it?
Masuk hospital lah... :P
But if really did, I dun think one will die la... no?
Hmmm...that was fast...
Dear ah tiu,...
Uik, u sneaked in just now...
Oh...u also drink this too? How now? Peel Fresh next? :D
Oren jus got a lot of Wai Tar Ming C!
*smackback angeliu karch'ng*
Dear plinku,...
Wa mai ar neh khuan eh wai tar ming larrr!
Wooo... got ka ch'ng smacking game! Kinky liuliu... :P
wheee.. getting better my tummy. munch munch chomp.. burrrpp.
other parts also maybe okay. will watch till thursday. lol.
(blush blush, cannot elaborate, shyliuuu, lol)
See if the company is based in the US. If yes, let's sue for millions upon millions of dollars !!!
wow sound scarry leh! arh, i have a pack of peelfresh carrot juice in the fridge, arh... pah pah now!
show a^ben handsome pict can? hehe... the fren pretty boy pict also can :P kakaka...
Dear mistiliu,...
Wheee! Yeah! Time to chomp chomp chomp all da' good food u guys have in Sg!
Other parts blush blush? Hmmmm... liuliu wan leh? *LOL* :P
But good to hear that liu are getting betta!
Dear moz,...
Har? Sue? Loyar fees, how??
*poket khang khang*
Dear carcar,...
Yaa... quite geli also... your carrot juice should be ok wan la... just be careful with everything that goes into your mouth loh... dun swallow buta-buta :)
a^ben handsome pic ah? I only managed to get one where he was eating the sotong! *LOL* Wasted lah, i din take his lengchai fren's pic! Cheh! *LOL*
yuks!! that...that rusty thing in the juice?? hmmm..but isn't it true that you should always take iron with Vit C? Absorbs better...
Ok,ok, bad joke...:D
Dear king's wife,...
U think they purposely put in the 'extra ingredient' to test the theory??
*no eye see*
i heard someone eat sotong???
wah.. I dream of sotong..
wanted to buy sotong & prawn last weekend, but tak ada sotong leh..
so only manage to buy prawn :(
I think thats the hearing aid of one of the line operators.
Check if it's still works.
Dear doc,...
*LOL* Ya! That day a^ben ate sotong! Dun worry, I got the sotong pic and him eating the sotong dengan sikit gaya! *LOL* U hv to wait a lil' bit longer... i lazy to blogliu... :P
Waaa...u memang sotong doctor... how come dream of sotong wan? U din even watch Pirates of the Carribean 2 with the Giant Sotong! :P
Dear cocka,...
Liu lah u... my hearing is ok, cannot test... who should i test it on? You? Or Lin Peh?
i used to drink Peel Fresh, but shifted to this after the first try.
Oii!! *smackback* not kinky wanlar oi....
That wan have to ask Unker FF.... :P
But seriously, you OK, right? Lim liao boh phua pneh right? Hope Mistiliu OK now also....
pursue with the supermarket where the orange come from. hope your mum is ok.
hei, wat is this meeting with the boy... got visual or description??
cos I want to eat sotong mah..
tat's why i dream of sotong :D
nice profile display pict leh..
baby angel with halo :D
Dear ah tiu,...
I also think Peel Fresh not as nice as Sunkist... but now... donwan drink liao lah...
Dear plinku,...
Ouch ouch! Adoi, u so tua lat wan...
Ei, why kinky = FF? He where kinky? Or rather, how you know he kinky?? O.O
Oh, I'm ok... just that I've been coughing for abt a month liao... sei loh... I very teruk wan... once start to koff koff, very difficult to stop wan... :( doc. chen said i not enuff rest... *shrug*
mistiliu went missing again today...
*crosses finger*
Hope she's liuliu ok...
Dear see,...
U know what, I forgot where I bought it from! Darn! And, mom threw the pack away last nite liao... liuliuliu...
*LOL* I met the boy for lunch nia lah... dun so kan cheong. :P
Later la I post up this pwetty boy's pic :D
Dear doc,...
U suddenly had the sotong urge eh? *LOL* Becos too much of Sotong Bee's influence?? :P
Hehe...nice ah? I thot wanna change summore... so fickle-minded hor? :P
Yerr... *friendly smakbak* mar....
Dunno where I got the idea from....
*garugaru kepala*
WEI UNKER FF!! You got kinky wan or not harr?!
haha, cos i haven't eat sotong for long time liao leh.. :P
wah, want to change summore?
gambar apa lu nak tukar? :D
Dear plinku,...
Friendly smack? Tiok boh? :P Okaylah, belip u...
Ei, Unker FF no kambing here liao larr...
Dear doc,...
Ohhh i see...nvm la, this weekend u go buy and cook sotong lar...
I was thinking want to change to this cute-cute angel & devil pic :D So now I dilemma... *LOL*
Wei,u all dun eat my baby la...
i call kraken come out then u'all know
dear plink-liu, thank liu, i feeling better liow. must take care still. eat digestable food, etc. stressliu lah. work related matters giving me heart and head ache and stomach ache and 'there' ache. lol!!
angeliu, you koff koff ah? i used to have allergic cough. by 'deducement' method, i narrowed down the culprit to be EGG and chicken! took long time to find out becos these 2 food very elusive, and my koff on off. the egg was a surprise. would never have thought! but i still eat them, but not too much and not everyday!
Dammit!!! I couldn't post on Blogger tonite! I have something to post and couldn't do it! I hate it!!! Arrrghhh!!!
Dear sotongking,...
Alamak...sotongking dun angry hor... donwan Kraken!! Donwan!! Tak mau!!! So big he!! If u want more sotong baby hor, u can make yourself maaa... :P
Dear mistiliu,...
I'm glad to hear all the aches have been liu-ed... "there" ache?? Liuliu wan izit? *LOL*
Yeah, I still koff koff after abt a month liu... waaa allergic to egg and chicken?? That's like my daily food! Die! Die!! But tomorrow I'm planning to go see the doc again... dunno if he'd give me a referral letter to go see the specialist or not...
*fingers crossed*
ps: Glad to see liu tonite... missed liu yesterday... :)
*relieved that everyone is OKLiu*
angel: Is Unker FF no come visit here anymore bcos you DIDN'T smack him? o.O
*waves to everyone here* :)
angeliu, ya when i found out i koff after eating egg, i also said die die die, lol! luckily chicken not so bad now i found out. it's the EGG i tell you. the EGG!! lol!
Dear plinku,...
*nudges plinku*
Pssst...u go smack him, can? :P
Dear mistiliu,...
*waves back and sends flying kisses*
Oh dear...egg... really diesss!! I lurve eggs!!! :(
*checks on mistiliu's wings again*
Long time no check liao mar...
hei! you do you hair cos you wanna date pretty boy again issit?
Dear see,...
Apa?! Hoiii! I dun hv to do my hair to date pretty boys lar!
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