Today, Someone left some offline messages for me, saying that he missed Japanese food. Well, Someone, guess what? Last nite, yours truly was at your favourite Japanese place, SUGIMOTO! What a coincidence, huh? Nah, here are some food pics for you.

sounds so farnie hor, ikan makan udang *LOL*
Dinner was with Ah May, Ah May's PILOT cousin (woooooo!!! *wink wink*) Lil' Joy and Azli. After makan, we then adjourned to Checker's Pub, owned by Ah May's friend. Shahrin's Band was playing last night. We didn't get to dance that much because the tunes were errr... not so danceable? But in between, we did shake a lil' bit of butt...
Earlier in the morning, I accompanied Ah May who had a sudden fatt hao-ness last week. She wanted to rebond her hair pulak... So, I said that I'd accompany her since she accompanied me the last time. Since I also wanted to "fix" my hair, I recommended "my" hair salon, the place in Atria Shopping Centre called VR One. My mistake, the last time I mentioned their name wrongly as Hair Zone... sheeesh, my memory arrr...
Oh, before going thru the 4-hour session, we had good ol' kopitiam breakfast downstairs... As usual, before the food can be chowed down, they will have to pose pose for the cameras first. Thank god only got 2 cameras...
After that, to the hair salon. "My" hairstylist said that my hair wasn't "that bad". Phew!! What a relief! I think she knows that I very sayang my hair, so, she trimmed the hair just a bit and only charged me for Wash & Blow Dry! Thank you, Wei Leng! *muah* It's still a lil' bit frizzy but see lah... if I really cannot tahan, then maybe I'll go see Lester Lai who came highly recommended by someone... Have you heard of Lester Lai? His salon is at Ampwalk, Ampang. I'm going to Ampwalk next weekend for my facial & spa appointment. Maybe I'll hop in and check him out...
wah, sugimoto.. nice food!
wah, atria's breakkie.. nice food!
wah, ahmay.. nice hair!
wah, angel.. nice weekends!
Dear sengkor,...
Waaa! So early!
Waaa! I'm impressed!
Waaa! Another Pratinum for your collection!
Waaa! Monday liuuuuuu :((
Chup chup!
Wei,u went to AhMay punya blog liao. Din find any photo pun...
BTW,U din show us ur hair geh?
Dear sotongking,...
Waaa! Coca cola again??
Waaa! Another Grold for u!
Waaa! U looking for lenglui neh?
Waaa! Show my hair? For what? :P
yer!!!! I also want!! ahhahahah
leng lui may went to kiap moh also meh??? or only treatment?~?~
Dear a^ben,...
Waaa! At last!
Waaa! Srilver for u!
Waaa! Wat u want???
Waaa! Kiap moh?? Hahahahahahahhaha!!! Farnie lar u!! But yeah, she went kiap moh *LOL* OMG! This is hilarious!
Waaa! OK, i can go liuzzzz liao...
*imagines tomolo is Thursday and not Monday*
*comes and stardusts protective mousse and vitaminliu pack on angeliu's hair whilst she liuzzz..
*curi iu char koay*
angeliu!!! *muah muah* for teman-ing me for 4 hours at the salon!! waaaa, need to wash hair tomorrow, kenot tahan oredi, hahahaha!
come come, we joget next weekend... carcar and doktor chen would be in town too! whee!
Yeah! I noticed that Ah May has become very the fatt hao in recent days! Why ah???
Jom, mari kita berjoget joget lagi! ;)
i love Japanese food yay!
hahaha, May! yeah let's go...shake shake joget joget!!~
wah angel, i cure my saturday by cursing you leh!! hahaha. just kidding! just kidding!!
*continue crying*
glad u have fun!!~
You had a good weekend
May be this weekend also will be as good as this
oh gooossshh... i was at the kopitiam for afternoon tea on saturday. their roti special is my favourite.
hv to change my name to ikanmakanudang la like tat...hehe
I was alone...
Dad and mum dumped me for Penang.
Gf dumped me for some convention at PD. I was so lonely... sob sob
i missed the fun .... :( ......
At long last huh? Lol. But, my fav Sugi is at BB ler. But standard dropped a bit, so, here I go again, hunting for the better jap restaurant which suits my wallet.
Anyway, is it good or not? Luckily I din go with the leang luis including yrself, or else I cannot eat anymore. Looking at leang luis themselves already full.
my weekend har?
shopping... eat oyster, club sandwich, latte... more shopping. bought a kingkong set for my visiting fren son... finished the day at an irish pub.
btw, y never asked sengkor to join har?
Sugimoto is my regular favourite Jap restaurant lah! I normally go to the Bangsar one.
Hullo hullo... how was your liuliu Monday? Mine was really liuliu...
Dear mistiliu,...
TQ for all the precious vitamins & mousse and stardust... so liu of u... I likes... *muakkk*
Dear plinku,...
No need to curi wan... I buy you, ok? But u need to come out and jumpa me first laa... ;)
Dear lil'missmay,...
*catches all the muah muahs*
No nid thank q. Next round, treatment, okay?
Next weekend berjoget? Yay! Saturday joget, Sunday also joget? :D
ps: Your hair ok ka?
Dear lil' joy,...
Really? I dunno lah, how I know? U know her better than me *wink wink*
Joget here I cum!
Dear jairam,...
Whee! Another Japanese food lover!
Dear carcar,...
Cursing me? No wonderlah I was feeling kinda strange that nite, my ears were a bit gatal...
*starts crying*
Dear zeroimpact,...
Every weekend should be fun, fun, fun! Right?
*prepares for the coming weekend*
Dear ah tiu,...
You were there?? Same place?? Why din call me lah?? *LOL*
I love any type of toasted bread with butter & kaya...oh and the half boiled eggs too! Yummm!
Dear ikan,...
Hahaha! Ikanmakan ikan also can lar... spesial maaa...
Dear inevitable,...
So kesian... why lar u din tell me earlier?
Dear ahtak,...
But u had fun again last nite wat...
Dear Someone,...
What u mean at long last? Ei, I hv been there before lah... I told u but u forgot oredi... tsk tsk...
If u go with me, u won't be full becos I not lenglui...
Dear fei,...
I only realised my mistake today that you are Fei and not See! Why lah you din tell earlier??
Eat oyster??? Waaa! I wanttt!
*slurp slurp*
Sengkor? Hmmm... ya hor, why ar?
OK, nxt time...
Dear Sir Simple American,...
Whee!! How are you?! Awwwww, how sweet... but you don't want me to chop the hair, rite? ;)
Dear king's wife,...
Waaa... Sugimoto seems to be EVERYONE'S fav Japanese restaurant! Cool! Means their food really nice, kan?
Okay, that's all for today... twas sucha looong day... sighhhh...
Your day is not ova yet.. *hehe*
Waaaa... I see everything nice.. must be happy with yr hair now eh?
DYK that tonight I had some muffins (only) for dinner too? :P
LOLOLOL at kiap moh..
wah.. joget, joget, joget :P
what i did on sat night ah?
eat none stop again..
eat till wanna pengsan..
That woman in the background of ah may's pic.....
Is that a real 'person' ah? She looked kind of ghostly leh
Dear butty,...
Waaa, so bad u... 'curse' me wan... :P
Not that happy lar... still looks kinda frizzy at the edge *sighhh*
Oh dear, why only muffins?? You should eat MORE! Nanti jadi anorexic so skinny baru tau... hmph!
Dear doc,...
Haha! Yalah tat a^ben so liuliu wan...
U can joget anot, doc?? I won't tell anyone wan... :D
Dear cocka,...
Person? What person?? There's only ah may and part of the person who's rebonding her hair... errrr... where got woman in the background??
Oh damn... did you see a third person???
Goodnite liuliuzzzzz...
Dear sir simple american,...
You think so? But it'll grow again maaa... dun worry... i'll try to avoid drastic moves... :)
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