Since I'm kinda lazy this Sunday, I thought I'd just put up some interesting and kinda cool notices in the washroom when I was at this restaurant called Mum's Place in Damansara Perdana. Shirley brought me here some time in June...

Well, okay, outside the toilet, the restaurant's deco looks kinda cool too, I like it alot...

Well, what's a trip to a restaurant if there ain't any food pics, huh? *wink wink* There's a write-up here (and a map too!) by The Sun two years' ago. Waaaa, the restaurant's been around so long already?!

DYK that I hate/detest/abhor/loathe/despise/dislike/benci/chang/boh sukak/hern Sunday evening because tomorrow's liuliu Monday??? Oh, and it's the last week of July?? Nooooo...!!! Well, okay, 31st of July is next Monday but but... *wailssss*
But... have a good and productive week ahead!
chupliuuuuuuuuu! *pant*
ya, i don't like sunday evenings too, because it's monliu next.
i am winnliuliu's shadow..
chup chup chup!! heheh
Dear mistiliu,...
Kan cheong neh...
*offers mistiliu a glass of water*
*fan fan mistiliu*
Better now? :D
Oh yeah, Pratinum for mistiliu!!!
Dear mistiliu aka winnliuliu's shadow,...
Waaa... terror mya shadow...
U sure u not Liucas???
*holds angeliu and mistiliu's hands..*
we will survive ok
sigh..i gotta to to work now liao...;(
hugs angeliu..
and mistiliu...
Monday's good ... it's the start of the next Friday !!!
Dear winnliuliu,...
Phewwww!!! Thank god liu are here!
Wat took liu so long?? I oredi am si @ your place, liu still tak sampai-sampai... *LOL* But lucky at last sampai oso...
But liu got Grold!!!
*hold hands macam We Are The World*
*tries to follow winnliuliu mya Motivated Face*
Go work now? OK! Let's smile... let's say, We Love To Go Work!!!
*big bear hugs*
Dear moz,...
Srilver for you!
That's a good way to look at Monday!
*close eyes*
*tries to picture Flyday*
Ahhh... yes... I can see it cumming...
*hug moz too lah*
lol! *hold hands with angeliu and winnliuliu.. we are the world.. we are the peopliuuu..*
happy working winnliuliu. nite nite angeliuuuuu. liu you! xxx
Dear mistiliu,...
Kakakakakaaka... liu again... thot liu went home liu...
There comes a time (like on a Sunday evening)
When we head a certain call (to unite because in Monday we hate)
When the world must come together as one ... (yes, we must unite to make Flyday fly our way faster)
Nitenite mistiliu! Liu you too! Hope no angin go into your tummy liao... :D
eyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Just now check no blog de~ now suddenly 10 comments` *fainted*
hahaa` waleh` spicy food~!!!! think about it scalp also itchy liaw` hahahhaha :P
I love eating at Mum's Kitchen!! I go there once in awhile. jom, wanna go again? I love their otak-otak!
Wah..angel your blog always got nice food wan la. Yummy..yummy..!!Liuliu
hahah.. u take so many pict inside the toilet :P
spicy food? i like woh..
no spicy no syiok leh.. :D
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday..
I'm counting days................ ;)
Dear a^ben,...
Kakakakaka... wrong timing kua just now... *LOL*
Alamak... pengsan??
*calls doc*
Ohh... doc said to just chiang chui on the face... *LOL*
Hahahaha! First time I hear spicy food can cause scalp itchy wan?? *LOLOL*
Doc, wot syndrom is that har?
Dear lil'missmay,...
Mum's Kitchen? Errr... it's Mum's Place lar... *LOL* I thot I got the place's name wrong haha!
Yes, yes, we go one day... :)
Dear aceone,...
Yummy hor? Actually I didn't think of putting up the food pics wan but then fatt hao... kekekeke...
Actually I also wanna make myself drool when I hv no food at home... Liuliuliu...
Dear doc,...
Haha! Yalor... I was in the toilet for quite some time... my fren must be thinking wot I was doing inside the toilet...haha...
Yeah, spicy food is the syiok-est!!! Eat till lao bak eww still so syiokkkk!! *LOL*
*sama-sama menghitung*
Isnin... Selasa...
It's the restaurant that sells teak furniture also, right?
Dear king's wife,...
Errrmmm... yeah... I think so though I'm not quite sure and each table there is unique, all not same wan... You've been there too?
scalp ithcy ah?
tat one ah... is called fatt hao symptoms for ah ben..
cos he really hiaw kao pua si...
u fren heard u ka cak ka cak snapping pict inside toilet or not?
Dear doc,...
Arrrhahahaha! U so bad lar, always say a^ben hiao ka pua si. He hiao becos he ai sui maa... *LOL*
Kakkakakaka!!! Ka cak ka cak?? I thot u said a^ben kacak *LOLOL*
Ei! U think I use the Kodak pakai buang mya kamera ka? The one buy from 7-11 wan. *LOL*
My kamera dun hv ka cak ka cak sound wan... yours got?? Liuliu loh... *LOL*
Cool pics! In a washroom sumore..
The foood... spiiiiiiccy...
Dear butty,...
Hey, long time no see... *LOL* Over reacting abit... *LOL*
Yeah, really cool deco in the female's washroom... was so tempted to go into the other one too *LOL*
Haha, u can 'feel' the spicy food, eh?
we are the world mya children....
*lol and runs around with misti and angel*...
*chen looks on and shake head*
angel u coughing recovered dy?
We are the ones / Who make a brighter day / So let's start giving....
FLYDAY Kambing oreddy! (Onry five more days) ;)
Oh ya, the sambal fish looks so nice. Must learn how to cook wan.
may: Otak-otak! *tummy growling oredy*
Hah hah hah
been there...
nice place and deco
No comment on food
Now I wonder why didn't I go in the washroom
manic mondays....
at times i look forward to it, coz, i cannot wait 2 start times.
cos u never hear what he says when he cakap with me, siapa yang cakap siapa hiao pulak, hahahha... he really hiao kaw pua si :P
how i know wat setting u use woh with your digicam ..who knows u put ISO 400 or higher, sure noisy lah.. kakkaka..
LOL at Winliuliu,
I really tarak mata tengok liao..
Amazing...fascinating. Ur fans like got update-detector on ur blog. The moment u post something new,the comments pouring in edi. And the biggest dissapointment, I
Wei,the foods seem so delicious.
yum yum...***stomach growling***
Be sure to call me the next time u go there,k
Yay! I love this week punya monday cos tomolo n wednesday i'm on-leave. Too bad u havta work,but no worries i shall enjoy myself on behalf of u. Cheerz~~
love the messages !!!!
I hate Sunday evening too!!! LOL. But I love Friday evening the most!!! :)
How's your liuliu Monday so far? Me? Liuliu loh... I just did something (work) that's redundant...liu!
Dear winnliuliu,...
*imagines running around the garden with winn & misti*
So fun... so happy...
Thanks for asking abt my cough... actually not yet ok, still coughing but a bit better because I'm still on medication :)
*hug hug hug*
Dear plinku,...
Woooo... liu can sing too! Karaoke queen? ;)
Flyday kambing? Oh ok ok!!
*counts togeder*
But hor, why so slow wan??
Waaaa... liu can oso cook?? OK, liu cook, I eat, okays? :D
Dear zeroimpact,...
Now you know there's something interesting in their washrooms so nxt time, go! Jangan tak pergi!
Dear keatix,...
Looking forward to Mondays?
The only reason I'd probably look forward to Mondays is because Tuesday a holiday?
Arrghh! Why did God invent Mondays???
Dear doc,...
What did a^ben tell you that make him so hiao? U wanna give him an injection anot? To stop the liuliu hiaoness...
ISO 400? Itu term hor, sounds alien to me :P I not so ho liao yet...
Doc, u dun hv to tengok with the mata wan... just tengok with the hati... u'll see a group of cute cute girls playing... nice scenery, no? :D
Dear sotongking,...
No ler... they not fan-see... they are fren-see ;) You see, the reason everybody "rushed" to chup is because of The Hug Hug Club franchise that I have here whereby the first 3 commenters will be awarded 5, 3 and 1 points. At the end of the month, we tabulate la and see who are the top 3 "huggers". So far, I got belanja makan aiskrim... or belanja tengok wayang for the top 3 monthly huggers loh... That's why everybody "rushing" :P
And yeah, I was wondering how you could have missed it last nite... so near yet so far, huh? ;) nvm lah, I belanja u makan ais krim potong, red bean wan, nak tak? :P
U sure u wanna follow me go makan? Okay, but dun chicken out hor... or nanti yr gf come with parang, I dunno ohhh... *LOL*
On leave? So bad! I mean, so nice but so bad cos I'll be working :((
Dear fantasyflier,...
Me too! That's why I took the pic of each msg! *LOL*
DYK that there's a new liuliu tune since last nite? Love this new song because they kept playing it on Light & Easy since last week... so laam...
Why me always last one to comment?
And your blog changed into a food blog already? So many pic of food
the soft shell looks good!!
mum's place at damansara perdana - must go when in PJ...
Dear titoki,...
Oops... missed you up there! :)
*LOL* All of us L U R V E Flyday!! Me, I wish everyday (and night) is Saturday night :D
Dear inevitable,...
Why last to comment? How I know worrr... I should ask u, not u ask me :P
Food blog? Where got? Sometimes if lazy, then I just share share some food pics loh...
Dear see,...
*LOL* U think it looks good? Tastes nice too ;)
Waaa, looks like u've got lotsa things to try when in town lah... *LOL*
Im not living in cage freedom to socialize wit others(girls) hehehe...
U name the place n venue,I'll b there waiting with roses
Dear sotongking,...
Good to know that u got "freedom" ;)
Roses? Wow! U better remember this, yeah! Becos I'll demand for the roses if u don't hv it! *LOL*
Acherly kenot cook wan. But must learn. Especially if sambal fish.... *lau hau soei*
Dear plinku,...
Waaa... u can be a good wife liao... can get married liao... yay! angel got wedding to attend liao!!
*skips around*
Yeah.. been bz lately.. but I'll never forget to leave comment on your post wan.. :)
mum's place has been there in DP for at least 4 years.
i've been working here for the past at least 5 years.
tenkiu tenkiu... will trouble you in the 2nd half of sept.
Dear butty,...
Awww... bz huh? Nevermind... we are all bz too :)
Dear stupe,...
4 years, huh? U eat there too? I really like that place... Anymore nice makan place in DP to recommend?
Dear see,...
Yeah, 2nd half of Sept, I should be around! Good timing, huh? ;)
DYK i love brinjal i love i love !!!!
the fish and soft shell crab looks delicious too!
where is it?
ok damansara.. mum's place? food good? taste good?
u notty lah, makes me hungry now :P
Dear carcar,...
U love brinjal? Me not so love lor... :P
The fish's sambal is really spicy, aitelyu! Really can cry wan!
U hungry liao? Oh so khor lian... i oso hungry leh... :P if got chance, we go there and makan, ok?
the chance is coming soon, august ok?!
now lagi khor lian dai, after class, back home, no dinner, hungry...
torturing myself to come here.
*commiting suicide*
Dear carcar,...
*freezes time*
Apa commit suicide?? Commit suicide after dat how to come Kay Elle?? Liuliu lar you...
No dinner? Then drink milk, ok?
Where got wedding? Kenot cooklah... still learning, pakai lesen LemBu oii....
*dance with angel*
*sama-sama Karaoke with angel*
Dear plinku,...
Aiyah, no wedding?
*waits to dance & karaoke with plinku*
Kha meh, kha meh!! Beh tan liao!!
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