I Wanna Go Italia!!!
I Wanna Go Italia!!!
*goes and count how many mugs of Mocha I'll be collecting soon,
beginning with one from Winnliuliu later tonite! Muahahahahaha!!! Liuliuliu!!!!
beginning with one from Winnliuliu later tonite! Muahahahahaha!!! Liuliuliu!!!!
Please click on my Liuliu Tune! Dedicated to The Champions!!!
can send some of the mocha over here?
Dear flyboy,...
Pratinum Italia!!!
Yeah! Can!!!
Keep a lookout for UPS yeah? ;)
*eyeballs opened big big*
Dear flyboy again,...
Aiyak! Chup... ei, no address how to send? :P
Usshhh... Your coffee on me this time!!
HHAHA..oi u really efficient lehh@@@!!! earli earli morning i received ur starliu redemption sms oredi!! haha..reallly more efficient that maxis!
but aiyo. wat happened to my french fliess?? eat not enuf french fried tats why canot fly.sigh.
ok see u tonite yaaaaaaaaa. liuliu
wah i think u will get siened of starbucks after a while. tee heheheh.
yay ITALIA!!!
we buy each other a latte each, ok? LOLOL!!
Dear plinku,...
Grolden Italia!!!
*awaiting your popiah*
W H E E ! W H E E! W H E E ! I T A R Y Y Y Y ! ! !
Dear ahtiu,...
Srilver Italia!!!
*LOL* TQ TQ! One of these days, yeah!
Dear winnliuliu,...
TQ for the complimentliu! Very glad to do that 'community' service *LOL*
French flies? *LOLOL* DYK that the French kenot flies? DYK who can flies? Aiyooo, liuliu!! I keep telling liu... Only Superman can flies!! *LOL*
Me sien with Starliu? Nevah!! Hahaha!
Yeah! C liu tonite! Yay! Yay!
Dear lil'missmay,...
*jump jump jump*
*squeal squeal squeal*
*hug hug hug*
*LOL* One more latte, yay!!!
Mou tin lei ar...tat italia bugger seduce my idol,zidane. last last kena red card. tin ar...fan shu kenot lose 1
Dear sotongking,...
ahhh... yr idol so liuliu wan...
time to look for a new idol.
*hint hint*
i wanna cry!!! ITALIAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
great cannavaro, great materazzi, great pirlo, great camoranesi, great buffon, great del piero, great grosso, great iaquita, great totti, great perotta, great luca toni, great gatusso, great de rossi, great lippi! yahoooooooo!!
ok i owe you 3 diapers, what size you want ?
i so wanna watch tat match over and over again!!!!!
italia rules!!! hahahahahahaha!
DYK that Italia has yet to concede a goal in match play. A totally clean sheet.
what more can we ask for? viva italia!!!!!
Gracie santa Maria, Santa francisco....gracie.
**Kiss the ring finger**
Hahaha...face so thick,suggest ownself to be my idol. But u not bad oso wat? Okie la,from now,ur officially my dodol.
*Itarian popiah for angel*
ANGELIU : HAHAH. farney la u...haha. i wanna go home and change before i come la. duno what i'm gonan wear yet! KAKAKA...probably jeans and jus bra! HAHAHAH..
hm. okok i'll leave my phone in the car but will call u once i reach the carpark..:P
If got spare mocha, send one here. huh!
got so many, share 1 lah..
i saw someone saying she will wear jeans & bra oni..
Wei,wearing jeans & bra i oso wan go kap yeh la...
To be fair i wear singlet n selipar jepun go.
jammies party waaaaahhhhhh
wei wei ... can tumpang ah ? surely you can't drink all that mocha, right?
Eh you all very scary leh. winn going in jeans and bra, sotongking go in singlet and selipar jepun oni, mo cheok fu.
What's going on?
*checks to make sure nobody's been curi-ing the TungKus*
*no eye see*
Dear keatixforitalia,...
*LOL* Yes, honey! I hear ye!!! *LOL*
Dear ducky,...
Oiiii!!! I donwan diapers!!! I want 3 cups of Starbuck's Mocha!!!
Dear keatix,...
Ok ok! I know I know! You are so so excited! I feel u! I do! *LOL*
Whatever it is, I want my Italiano treat, yeah!
Dear cocka,...
Mi scusi...
Mi spiace, ma... Io non capisco.
Ask the Italian Connection to transrate 4 u. *LOL*
Dear sotongking,...
I be your dodol??? U mean u gonna eat moi??
Dear plinku,...
Faster faster kambek!!!
I want my Itarian popiah!!
Dear winnliuliu,...
:P So fun meeting liu just now! Liu so ... so ... so .... soooo liuliu cute!!! :D
DYK that u look like one of my Sixth Form classmate? Really wan... no bluffing u... *LOL* Now, liu must be thinking, everyone oso look familiar to me wan. *LOL*
TQ for the Mocha Starliu & your liuliu company... I liu u! :)
Dear aceone118,...
Can I send you the ones Lin Peh offered me? One cup of Yik Cheong's 3-in-1 kopi:P
Dear sengkor,...
U oso want one?
Ok ok, I also offer u wat Lin Peh offered me, the kopi tarik :P
Dear Doc,...
*LOL* Yeah, she really wore jeans & bra... but not only tat lar... liuliu loh if like dat... :P
Dear sotongking,...
U got khap tou anot?? We were waiting for u but tarak wan... :P
So, nxt time u see me, u oso gonna wear singlet ka?
Dear Flyboy,...
*LOL* Unfortunately, twas not a jammies' party... twas a Sotong Partay!!! Liuliuliu!
Dear moz,...
Tumpang? No need tumpang lah... U know I'll gladly make u a mocha anytime wan! ;)
Dear plinku,...
Hahaha! So khor lian ah u? Sked neh? Nvm, angeliu protect liu!
*brings Superman's cape*
Yes, jaga your Tungku poperly, ok?
Dear Doc,...
Ei, got eye must see... summore u got more than 2 eyes, kan? *LOLOL*
Dear SirSimpleAmerican,...
Wakakakaka!!! That's a good one, liuliu!
I likes!!!
Oh boy... what a Monday! One of the best ones so far! *LOL* Thanks for all the coffee that I'll be redeeming! Thank you so much for betting... See you again in 4 years' time! Ole ole ole!!!
Wakaka.... Itarian popiah, ya. Got pau tiramisu wan!
angeliuuuuuuu!!! *yawn yawn. saw ur comment but havent replied yet ..was too tired yest:P haha...glad to have met you yesterday!!!!!
i look like ur fren?? haha ok once in a while i'll hear comments like that. coz har. i have a common face harrrr. i always hear ppl say i look like their frens their relatives:p wat to do..unless i go plastic surgeryyyyyyyy.....
thanks for your commpany and courtesy of the sotong show!! hahah..i love it~
khap tou??? u oso din tell where ur taking ur mocha,how to go wor?
Next time i see u,dun wear oso nebermind la...kekeke...
oi where the pics of the sotong partay?
Liuliu Tuesday... *sigh*...
Dear plinku,...
Waa waa waa!! Popiah pau tiramisu??? Your own recipe ka? Can have your own cooking show liao wey... :P
Dear inevitable,...
Sleepy? Come, let sista helpchu!
*sotong piaks*
Dear winnliuliu,...
*LOL* Oi, so easily tired wan you? So young but so easily tired...need to drink more ginseng ler...
Plastic surgery? No need lar... Liu are as cute as liu are liao... no nid surgery... ;) Yes, guys, winnliuliu is a cutie! :D
Glad liu like the sotong show... for a moment i thot u liuzzzz during the show *LOL* :P
Dear sotongking,...
Ok ok... soon, soon... keep the sexcitement intact, yeah? ;)
Ha? U want me to see u in da' nude? Waaa, then lei ma hai hou cheok sou?? :P
Dear Flyboy,...
Sotong partay?? Oh oh... u oredi misunderstood... the sotong partay I meant was Krayken! *LOL* Very big sotong indeed...
*winn wanna confess*
it was really interestig but hor, i must admit...i almost liuz at certain parts!!!! HAHAHA .i duno if it's a habit of mine or wat! definitely not the show i hope! ..n definitely not u lahhh! haha. *yawns and lazies*
Wat sotong show u talking about? =.="
i let u see, no untung wan leh...
sorry i am late. cos i went to ipoh to support your team. can send me some mocha as well? :-)
I want mocha too :(
DYK that I've been bitten by the Lazy Bug today??? Liuuuu...
Dear winnliuliu,...
Ahhh... so i not the only one who was a bit bit liuzzz at certain parts *LOL* But overall, I like it too :)
I oso very lazy la today... u lah... make me lazy wan... :P
Dear sotongking,...
Wat sotong show? What sotong show do You think it is?
Aiyah, in my blurness, I said the wrong thing in my comment... I meant to say that you want to see me in the nude, means u very cheok sou... :P
So, what kind of untung u want?
Dear see,...
Late? It's ok... better late than nevah!
Want mocha? Cannn... come KayElle lar :)
Dear doc,...
Ha? U oso want? I thot u no drink kopi wan??
Waaaaaa, BIG GIANT SOTONG at Pirates, I saw the preview trailer!!!!! Liuliuliu!!! Sotong everywhere!!!
Dear SotongBee!!!
This must be the Sotong season lar becos u came back kua...
Yeah!! The Pirate's sotong is so MEGA HUGE!!! Scary! So liuuuu!!!
*swoons at Capt Sparrow*
*Urgh at the wet sotong cum*
just dropping by to say hello ;)
i seldom drink kopi but tat doesnt mean I don't drink kopi mah..
i drink once in a while loh.. kekeke..
if u belanja, of course i minum lah :P
I hate tha sotong la. so big for wat?? eat ppl's ship only! :P
I where got say wanna see u naked wor? naked not sexy 1. Wan sexy wear abit enuff liao. Preferably G-string and tube...
Winn,dun hate sotong. Sotong actually veli cute 1. U got see spongebob ernot...u goan see pilates of cos sotong bad la.
sotongking: i love spongebob! it's so dam fai but I LIKE!!! HAHAbut i dun like the sotong inside the cartoon lehh. he always lied to spongebob and very lazy!! i always wonder why his boss never tot of making him part of the recipe..lol
Dear lil' joy,...
*dreams about Will Turner*
*LOL* Oh yeah! The sotong cum! Ewwwww!!!
Dear c o n s u e l a ,...
Awwww... how sweet!
Aloha aloha!!
Study hard, yeah? ;)
Dear doc,...
As negotiated, u come KayElle first...okays? ;)
Dear winnliuliu,...
Did u realise that we didn't really see the sotong's face?? Liuliuliu...
Dear sotongking,...
Agree... nude is not sexy.
G-string & tube? So outdated wan!
*slips into a blue babydoll*
*sits back and enjoy the Spongebob Sotong Sot Sot Tok btwn SotongKing & Winnliuliu*
you all are a truly nice bunch of people. i am very proud of all of you. from my liuliuheart.. from across the causeway. hugliu each of you. ah yoooo i sound so sentimentaliu.
Angeliu, i appreciate liu very much. i don't post much but you are in my heart often. thank you for picking my wings so often. xxx
*pretend didn't see*
Huh? Wut mocha? :P
Dearest mistiliu,...
DYK that I've missed liu in the past few days? Liu must be very bz liuliu, hor? Poor mistiliu...
*checks mistiliu's wings*
Uik, got a speck of dust... no worries...I'll take care of it...
I can feel your liuliu love for the liuliu family... we also liu u very much...
Dear butty!
*smack the lil' _butt playfully*
Still pretend?
*prepares to bring out the rotan*
Muahahahaha! :P
Yea,it's pretty out-dated but still it's arousing...
***nose bleed***
*eyeball nearly popped out at the sight of rotan*
Waaaa... I tot angel very sin leong wan.. where can like dat one... *sob sob*
No, you must not be angel.. u faster tell me, where you hide angel already ah?? Tell!
Dear sotongking,...
Aiyo...u only bleed @ g-string & tube? Anything else that would make u bleed, more?
Dear butty,...
Uik! Got eyeball jatuh!!
*picks it up*
*inspects it*
Looks round round wan... like butt oni...
Rotan? Hahaha... joking nia lar... just want to scare u cos u pretend tak nampak :P
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