This afternoon, someone texted me and this is the message:
Tonite italy vs france. I take france, you take italy for one coffee. No give ball one. On?
Tonite italy vs france. I take france, you take italy for one coffee. No give ball one. On?
*LOL* I actually no understand what's No give ball one. But never mind, I said, ON!
So now, I'm opening the bet to you, you and you. I'm for Italy, and you?
Oh, the bet, one nite in Bangcock a high crass cuppa, wanna wanna??? Just for fun lah, okay? If you want more, we have to negotiate liao... the bet closes at 2 am, KL time! Quick, you've got 5 hours more as of now! (Do you think the police will catch me ah for this open bet?? Liuliuliu!!)
Buona fortuna!
Buona fortuna!
DYK that I just got back into the city? Wahhh... tired... I'll come liu you after I shower and take dinner, yeah :) *muakkkks*
I take FRANCE... I want my latte!!
I'm up for it!!! i'll take france! no give ball i like! !( coz i duno wat no gv ball means. hehehhe) ..
ok har!!!
the bet is on!!! Yupieeeeeeeeeeliuuuu
i wan mocha frapuccino, no cream, tall. MUhahahha
*sits back n waiting for my coffee*
Viva la Italia!!!
although my favourite-est team Germany is out... sob sob sob!
a latte at Starbucks, yea?
Arrrrrggghhh I still can't decide if its the French or Italians. *gives up, heads to the Maldives*
can bet with tau sar pneah ah? :P
...or with popiah....?
or bet with joo hoo eng chai? LOL
kaw kaw cheng here :P
3 more hours to go..
..i bring marie piah!!!
ok lets see, since ppl are betting with tau sar pneah, popiah, marie piah, i think i should also be allowed to bet with what i have a lot.
i'll take Angel agaist france for 3 diapers, tiuniasing & winn, 10 scoop of enfagrow milk powder each against italy, any more takers ?
*counting how many mugs of coffee*
Dear winnliuliu,...
Waaa!!!! Your first Pratinum Chup! for the month! So liu!!! Lucky liu 'kiasu' enuff to publish your comment first cos if not, liu tarak first place liao! *LOL* Sometimes it really 'helps' to be kiasu, hor?
Dear lengchai ahtiu,...
Waaa!!! Liu so fast today! Grolden Chup!! *LOL*
Latte? Okay!!!
Dear winnliuliu,...
I oso duno wat no give ball means... *LOL* but simply hantam oni lah...
Yeah! Da' bet is on!! At last, an sexcuse to Starliu with liu... :P
Mocha frapp? No poblem!
Aik! How come I tok like I'm going to lose wan??? Liuliuliu! Where can?! *LOL*
*feeling a bit tension liao*
Dear lil'missmay,...
Yeah!!! Viva Viva!!! Srilver Chup!
Hmmm..... So, are u buying me or am I buying u since we are same side?? *LOL*
France boleh!!!
Dear flyboy,...
Ha?? Can't decide?? Faster faster! You've got abt 3 hrs more!!
*prepares to follow*
Dear doc,...
Tau sar pneah?? *LOL* Liulian flavour, yeah?
DYK that tis time, I tak bawak balik even 1 TSP???
Dear plinku,...
Your mom's popiah ka?
Dear doc,...
Joo hoo eng chai? Hmmm... DYK that I seldom eat this wan? Dunno why... I think I prefer the white sotong rather than this joo hoo punya sotong :P
Dear carcar,...
Marie piah? *LOLOL* Cannn!! Goes along with mocha :P
Dear ducky,...
*LOLOL* Oi, apalah lu! 3 diapers?? I donwan diapers! I want kopi!! I want ice cream!! I want movie! Ei, i tell u, sure no one layan u wan... who wants enfagrow milk??? Liuliu lah you... :P
OK, 2 more hours to go... viva italia!!!
angliubetting place wor! i lost argentinaliu, braziliu and germanliu earlier lor. dare not bet anymore. i come support and sit here can?
I still have 2 liulian TSP leftover..
can use that to bet?
Dear butty baby,...
Itali L A G I B O L E H ! ! !
Dear mistiliu,...
First things first, DYK that I miss liu???
Waaaa... liu lost so many lius??? Poor poor mistiliu... Come come, hughugliu...
Support angeliu? Yayyy!!! *happiesliu*
*brings a cuppa for mistiliu*
*checks mistiliu's wings to see if there's any stain*
Ahhh... looks pinky clean...
*brings a cushion too*
Dear doc,...
*LOL* Ha?? Two only?? Mana cukup?!
At least lah 2 boxes... :P
Gua sapot Italy wor.. then how to bet?? you oso sapot Italy.
I bet on Korea!!!!!
Can I scrub your back while you shower? ;P
Dear aceone118,...
Lu pun sapot itali? Like dat senang lah... Lu belanja gua, okays?? :P
Dear ElleB,...
*LOL* Trust u to come out with something like dat! But, SET!!! If Korea won WC, I belanja you errr...errr....errrr.... Ah Yat's Abalone & Shark's Fin! Hou mou?? Liuliu lah you... :P
Dear cocka,...
Scrub my back?
*think think think*
So, u scrub my back if u menang or if I menang?? U trying to trick me wan, rite? :P
Okay, 15 more minutes to go...
Okay, da' bet is closed!
*kan cheongggg*
yahoooooooooooooooo....... good on yer darling!!!
it is just so cool the best wins. i still cannot see what ios so great about the frenchies but people jumping on the bandwagon...
Dearest keatix,...
I donno if they are the best but they sure look yummy! Some of them lar... *LOL* But I was kinda disappointed at the way they played during the second half... I was thinking, die... sure die liao... But thank God, I think Lady Luck was smiling at them... don't u think so?
But I'm happy that you are happy... really, I am...
*awaits to redeem the hugz & kisses*
France sau pei ledi.. Wuahahahaha..
Dear aceone118,...
Errr... pardon my Cantonese... but what's sau pei? Sau torng, izit? :P
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