Addendum : Sunday, 20th August, 12.30am.
Michelle Kirsten Tai is a 21 year old girl, a copywriter, related to Ducky and she's been missing since Friday afternoon. Her family lodged a police report and they are anxious to know the whereabouts of Michelle. If you know her or have seen her, (I know the probability of this happening is like 0.01% nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to press some luck, hor?) please call her house at 03-7781 1819. I read her blog briefly and seems that she just got out of a relationship with Rogers (yes, Rogers, with an 's') and she said that they broke up because he doesn't love her anymore... after 5 months. *no komen* Thanks for reading. *fingers crossed* Hope she's alright...
Short Yak: Last nite, I gave a fren a 'clue' on how to find my blog. So, he might turn up here in the next coupla days. I just wanna say to him, "Hello... Welcome to my blog. About the liuliu things, don't lah interview me about it, okay! Just read from the beginning..." *LOL***********
Another Saturday, another weekend. How I wish time stops every Saturday! I told a few people that I'm gonna try shopping this weekend. I spied a really nice babydoll @ La Senza yesterday but but maybe Coco de Mer got nicer stuff? But I may not like the price... DYK that a silk camisole here costs £150?! *sulk*
Before I go and shop shop, I read from here and here, it seems that today is Lin Peh's Ciao-Day worrr... donno true or not, just wish only lah! Happy Ciao-Day, Lin Peh! Have a good weekend, everyone! To those who are working this weekend, my liuliu thoughts are with liu... *muacks*

CHUP@@@@@!!!!!! exited!
i jus got back from One U..didnt expect get to chup at this time! yuhooooo
happy bird-day to limpeh!..muahah
*chup for misti...*;p
Dear winnliuliu,...
Pratinum Chup worrr!
I'm thinking of going to One U afterwards... sure packed, rite?
Aiyoo, dunno this mistiliu coming anot wan...
u so pweety my present o not???tenkiu... :P
happy burpday to to linpeh :P
thankliu winnliuliu, angeliuuu!! wah panic ah see koff koff lari lari like siow ahhhh!!!
hohohho` what if the candle kena the hair of itu girl` hahahah!! terbakar` poof!!1 hahahahahhahaha *evil666* hahaha :P
Happy Birthday to LinPeh!
Hello to 'him' ^.^
And good luck to angel. Wakakaevillaughkakaka....
i read part by part.. in office shh..
happy birthday LinPeh!
Angel....don't just wish him la..Show that you are sincere.....give him one of those featured on my blog.
Hahahahaha!!! His face sure turn blue wan....I'm sure you can make him turn blue. Muahahahahha!!!!
happy birthday, linpeh!
angel, if suka itu baby-doll, get it. ;)
happy birthday to linpeh too!
so angel did u manage to shop alot today?
angel & everyone here,
would you guys read my latest post, its not about f*** the gamen, its abt some missing person, i'm helping to find.
Shop till you drop?
just read the addendum. sigh. another pretty gal. not first time in blogland. there was one before this that i knew. "no komen" also.. but sigh even louder..
to Ducky: will watch out for her. ya ya slim chance, but like
Angeliu said, doesn't hurt to press some luck. *wink*
Tank Q very much for the birdday wish. Got present or not ? ;-) The to rest of the gang who also got wished Lin Peh, Tank Q Tank Q, and......Got present or not ? ;-)
hahahaha LinPeh, you want present ah? can come singapore or not? opps..
hv not seen 'michelle kirsten' here in bangkok altho lots resemble her looks. wanna go ekkamai afterwads.
did the retail therapy work?
linpeh, when the birthday bash... all you fan here waitig lah!!
happy birthday!!
CIAU DAY isit??
sound so obscene..aiyer
what about BLUE BDAY?
l** ciau day?
oops 'x'
Dear ah nel,...
Grolden Chup!
Huh?? I pweety?
Your eyes ok anot? Me where? :P
Dear ah tiu,...
Srilver Chup!
Mou yeh kong jor arr?
Dear doc,...
Thanks for the wish!
Dear frostier,...
Errr... it's not my burpday, u know... u kiss Lin Peh??
Dear mistiliu,...
Aiyooo, liu very the slowwww aarrr... but wah, your run very the gaya! *LOL*
Dear a^ben,...
Ei, that one is blonde ler... i not blonde maa... :P
Dear plinku,...
He is not here yet...
So bad arr you... lucky my shopping 'failed' yesterday :P
Dear mistiliu,...
U read in ofis? Ok ok, shhhh...
Dear cocka,...
Cikia! I very "big" meh???
Or are u hinting that's what YOU want nxt wk? O.o
Dear nyonyapenang,...
I din get it... yesterday got no mood to buy like dat... sigh...
Dear carcar,...
I failed to shop yesterday... sien!
Dear ducky,...
I hope Michelle comes back soon...
Dear aceone,...
No, din drop... but thanks for your concern :D
Dear mistiliu,...
Why u sigh so loud ner?
Make sure LIU dun go missing, ok??
And mistiliu, liu are da' best!
*hugs & muaks*
Dear lin peh,...
U want ciao-day plesent?
Cannn... cum lah...
Hope u had a great & sooooong time yesterday!
Dear mistiliu,...
Liu ajak lin peh go Sg?
*pengsan again*
Dear keatix,...
Thanks for reading... Hope u had a good time at Ekkamai!
Dear feikor,...
The retail therapy failed... :(
Lin Peh burpday bash with his piaomeis only... where got with us wan...
Dear pink cotton,...
Obscene meh?
Ciao = Bird
Ciao Day = Bird Day
Ei, wot u thinking??
*knocks PC's head*
U lah lagi obscene... tsk tsk tsk...
*knocks PC's head again*
I hate Sundays! Arrghh!!
I have a couple more days before earning total freedom from the books. Then...can go shopping, go beach and eat out with friends...
can't wait...
hope you're having a great weekend so far *hugs*
Dear c o n s u e l a ,...
Aloha!! Nice to see u after so long!
Awwww... poor thing... just a few days more, huh?
Ok ok, now study first... later, merdeka! :D
Ganbatte! ;)
thre thre...pointing at the 1 replying comment
whre whre my precent???
no worries.. found the song already.. haha.. listening to it most of the time now
Dear ah nel,...
Oi! Say I pretty then ask for present?? Like how lin peh will say, "Tiuuuu!"
What present u want?
Dear dannie,...
Hullo hullo!
*brings out Red Carpet*
Ahhh, so u found the song? I like most of Peter Cetera's song ;)
ok lor then u veli d hansem... ;P
i want plesent lyk wat lin peh say lor "tiuuu"
u reali wil gv plesent to me kar???now mia plesent sama nex mont b'day mia plesent lain orrr... 'bin puey si beh kaw' mer ask plesent from ppl...
since u offer me plesent then when i bisit u i bling my hometown belacan for u amacam?o u wan 'kiam hu' o famous kuching sambal laksa??? :)
ahhh... gong dit yeh ah?? Okay...
sik jor bao yu mei??
Dear ah nel,...
*piaks ah nel with sotong*
Apa hensem?!
U want the "tiu" present? Can, I ask Ah Tiu the lengchai to give u, ok?
If u r here, I'll give u present... heh heh... but no gerenti u like it anot wan, ok?
Belacan and kiam hu?? Tak mau laaa! Penang oso got these things! Donwan... but u can bring me "kuay ciap"! Kay Elle dun hv kuay ciap!
Dear ah tiu,...
Ngor mei sik bao yu, lei oi cheng ngor sik bao yu??
*prepares to write down the date*
hope michelle is safe and return home soon!
*be praying for her*
hope bad stuff and bad ppl hands off michelle
:( i hate to hear tragic incident like this. hope she's safe.
don piak me wit sotong piak me with pish...i lyk to
angel bukan hansem then pretty ar??? :P
ah tiu too much ppl to entertain
kueh chap how to bring???u wan my whole bag mia clothes later all bau kueh chap kar...
Dear carcar,...
Thanks for the prayers...
Dear winnliuliu,...
Sigh! I hope she doesn't do anything stupid... DYK that last time I oso got think of suicide? Yeah, very stupid days those time... *shivers*
Dear ah nel,...
Piak u with fish? Wat fish u want? Sharks? :P
Pretty anot, hv to see for yrself lah hor...
Ah Tiu is nice guy wan... :)
I dun care... u bring kuay ciap for me... dun put in your clothes' bag lah... carry in yr hand... hehe...
angeliu, it's liddat wan. girls fall in liu, fall out very liu. heart all liu. suicide thots very normal. *sigh loud loud all neighbor can hear..
hope michelle safe. she so pwetty. she must understand time will heal. all of us "kwor lai ren" go thru before. opps..
Dear mistiliu,...
I think hor, guys fall in & outta lurve faster than gurls ler...
*LOL @ mistiliu's loud loud sigh*
Shhh... dun so loud... nanti they bring broom shoo u, how? *LOL*
Mistiliu, I find that liu are a very very understanding liudy... and feel very liuliu lucky that our cyber-liu-paths crossed... no wonder got so many ppl liu you... i liu u too, ok?!
I also hope michelle's safe too... yeah, she pweety hor... uik! mistiliu, u & i very ngam! i also always hold on to this phrase "Time Heals All Pain" but my fren always say, "Time Numbs" but whatever it is, it makes us less painful lah hor...
i liu you too angeliu. you liu my heart. hear? *LIUPLOKLIUPLOK*
guys when chasing, they are most in love. once they get the gal, they not so in love. i read books lol!
so, the gal is left standing, don't know what hit them, cannot understand, heart not ready because the whole heart gave away to the guy. so, liddat vely hard to live.
lesson 1 is, guys stop loving so much once they get the gal.
very rare case they love her more. that type, the gal very lucky.
summary: cannot give away heart too much. if given already, pick back piece by piece, mend mend stitch stitch, scotchtape if no thread. but breathe... life goes on. 6 months from now, the pain gets less. 1 year down, hole not so big, 5 years more, might even forget who you once loved so much!
(incase pwetty gal reading in lah!)
Dear mistiliu,...
*thinking how the liuplokliuplok sound sounds like*
Waaa... mistiliu really wise woman...
Yea, liu are right abt the whole heart given away to the guy... but not all gurls like dat... some very wise... most of us, not wise, i suppose, esp. during the tender years...
I must blog and ask the guys why they stop loving so much after getting the gurl, hor? But I do know one guy who always lurve the gurl more wan... unfortunately the gurl(s) didn't appreciate him enuff... so liuliu hor? Even some gurls oso like dat... *sigh*
ya. it's always liddat. something like handsome guy get not pretty gal. and vice versa.
then good guy get ungrateful gf, or good wives with bad husbands.
so, the really lucky ones have it all. think more will not get married. liuliu lor!
Dear mistiliu,...
Why dun liu blog abt this liuliu lurve theory? :D
Actually, got alotta lucky ones out there oso, rite? Sometimes when not in relationship feel liuliu happier, hor? Sheesh, so liuliu wan... thot can be happier being in relationship, turn out, become sadder... tsk tsk...
Do liu believe that our 'relationships' are all written in the stars?
when not in relationship, i would say it is liuliu safer for heart. lol! but in love is good lah. so that is the parody and tragedy of love. write blog ah? ah yo i write things vely hard to comprehend wan. i half anonymous so vely difficult to write sometimes.
relationships i think is 'fated', but again, what is fate? sometimes people fight very hard for their fate.
Dear mistiliu,...
LOL! I can understand liu write like dis arrr... but not when u write abt lady hawk... :P
Mistiliu, are liu by any chance some Aunt Agony arr? *LOL* Just wondering out aloud...
Liu just write lah... dun care wat other ppl think... cannot eh?
*understands what liu mean*
Ppl fight hard for their fate means it's fated for them to fight hard... no?
How liuliu...
Mistiliu, liu work 7 days a wk wan arr??
bao yu?? hou ah. gei si?? hahaha...
Dear ah tiu,...
Waa! Lei cheng ah che sik bao yu?? Arn yong gei si tou tak! :D
any pish...shak oso can then i hv shak pin
how to c how to c???i c ppl mia heart mia wor not face... :P
u really mean it kar???later i c how can dry it bcame pawder then u just pour hot water wen wana eat
hope someone finds her soon.. the missing girl, i mean..
aiks! forgot to leave my signature..
its me butty!! :D
michelle is found, unconscious, on way to hospital at 8.45pm. collective prayer for her..
Dear ah nel,...
Oklah, later u see my heart lah... sheesh...
If u donwanna bring for me, u cum here and cook for me then, ok?
Dear butty,...
She's been found, according to some 'reports'. Will confirm first b4 posting the news...
Dear sir simple american,...
I donno her actually... seems that she's been found! But I gotta confirm the news first... Thanks on behalf of Lin Peh! :)
Dear mistiliu,...
Liu are da' Best!
I hope the news is true...
i hv to ask lokter chen go coz she can help to c ur
i cant cook ler...else i go learn then go penang sell kueh
wah..blogger went missing..she went somewhere to grief kuar...
Dear ah nel,...
I show u my heart, u go ask doktor to see pulak... aparah!
U can't cook? Go learn lah! U still hv a few months b4 u cum to KayElle ;)
Dear stupe,...
Dunnolah... seems that she was found unconscious... weird...
ohhh...lokter can c clearly mar then if lyk tat i go alone
i can cook maggi...u want??? :P
how u noe i leaving???lol...not k elle lar my 1st destination...shhh...i hope my company ppl don read tis comment as i dowan them noe whre i go...i veli sexretive mia person...
Dear ah nel,...
So, wat u want to see now?
*act blur*
Har? Donwan cum KL?? Den go where?? Kiasuland arr? Sekejap say want go here, sekejap say want go there... sheesh... make up your mind larr... :P *bLuEk*
i say k elle last choice ler...c which place wana accept me then i no make up wan...i'm boy
Dear ah nel,...
Okaylah, see my rambut... *blek*
*pengsan @ your ability to twist all my words*
wherever liu go, wish u all the best, ok? ;)
which rambut??? ;D
whre got twist???thirst got lar???lol
tenk q tenk q...
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