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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Happy Belated Birthday to Zeroimpact - 30th November
Happy Birthday to Dark Wolf - 1st December
Happy Barkday to Ah Boy - 2nd December
Happy Early Birthday to Carcar - 3rd December

01 - Jemima

02 - Ehon

03 - Chen & L B

04 - May & Kyh

05 - Cheepeeone & Mozilla Monster

06 - AnonyMOUSE, Laundryamah (New Spooner) & Zewt

07 - Ms. A & Mistipurple

08 - Sengkor
Happy Belated Birthday to Zeroimpact - 30th November
Happy Birthday to Dark Wolf - 1st December
Happy Barkday to Ah Boy - 2nd December
Happy Early Birthday to Carcar - 3rd December
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

01 - Jemima
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

02 - Ehon
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

03 - Chen & L B
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

04 - May & Kyh
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

05 - Cheepeeone & Mozilla Monster
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

06 - AnonyMOUSE, Laundryamah (New Spooner) & Zewt
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

07 - Ms. A & Mistipurple
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

08 - Sengkor
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
chup sin...
whee.... a gr8 start for december! but reminds me of my imminent scul opening... SIEN!!!!
*goes to cook maggi mee*
want some? ;)
Dear kyh,
No nid so kan cheong... everyone is zzzz liao :P
Hai... all good things must come to and end... when r u going back?
I'm very 'par' already... u eat more, ok? ;)
Good night, sleep tight...
23 days left to Christmas!!!
Then it's 2008.. another year older. :(
waaaa, so BEAUTIFUL MidValley!!!! So very autumny, so very gnomey, so very THHC!!!! Kakakaka!!!! How now, brown cow?
HAPPY BIRTHDAYS tooooooo!!!!!!
I forgot! SO TUNGKU!!!!
and, so couple-couple wan!!!
every yr hor my town's christmas so si peh sien one... macam no christmas... but this yr we got to celebrate in penang liao cos i'll be back there oredy ma... :P
now very 'par' liao too. that bowl of korean instant mee so sedap!!!
I was gonna put up some christmas tree photos too for my post... lol! thanks for the chups! and the virtual hugs.
puts me in one of those thinking moods again... *sigh*
*plug mushrooms and goreng~*
number two ler!! NUMBER TWO LERR!!! :D :D hehehehehe. not bad hor. :P
wah.. hou leng ah..
Wonder how's the christmas deco in Penang. Might be i will go to Gurney Plaza later :P
Happy Birthday to Ah Boy and Carcar
p/s: i wonder wat mushroom ah ben wanna plug and goreng, hopefully not those colourful mushroom. Kkkkkkk
Ah Boy is a happy doggy :)
*busy playing with new toy*
whooaaa... mushrooms all over Christmas wonderland!! must check it out soon! :D
i only chup once and i am 6th! not bad at all.
i went to midvalley today n saw the lovely xmas decorations!! so nice. make me miss singapore last year lerrrrrr:(
winnnn.... i miss singapore too! no! i mean i miss last yr christmas in singapore...
i miss u all......
♥ thanks angel for the wishes... love u ♥
Dear Jemima,
Another year wiser!
Christmas - I love! ;)
Dear LB,
Yalor yalor... an autumny Christmas! Very THHC indeed! And of course Very Tungku...
*looks for plink*
Couple-couple = togeder-geder
No lonely maa... hehe..
Dear kyh,
Dun hv Christmas deco in AS mia malls ka? Kesian...
I think Penang malls' deco also not as nice as KL's lor... KL's malls all very kiasu hehe... when are you coming to KL, huh? HUH?? Faster kam... I wait You...
Dear maymay,
Your Christmas photos are great too!
Wat u thinking?
I think all of us will forever miss Christmas 2006, hor? :(
Dear ah ben,
Aiks! Itu mushroom ada poison mia!!!
Dear ehon,
Hahaaa!! YAAAAA! Very keng lor!!
So, how are you having fun in Kuching?? How is our Laksamana Cheng Ho?? :P
Dear Chen,
I heard the deco @ Pavilion is more leng! Wah... must go there liao nxt week! So kiasu hehe...
So, what did you get for ah boy, ha?
Dear ah boy,
Woofwoof Barkday!!
So, apa you dapat??
Dear butty,
Haha... the Tungku is the 'side' deco.. the main deco is the Autumny Xmas trees! Very nice!
Dear zewt,
Heh... cos you got 5 points for the one chup! ;)
Dear winn,
Yaaaa... sigh... we are forever gonna miss Christmas 2006... how how?? :(
Dear carcar,
We ALLLLLL miss Christmas 2006 in Singapore... we miss you more :D
Hope you'll have a great birthday, ok? *HUGSSSSS & LURVEEEEE*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DECEMBER BABIES! heheheh so many birthdays!! =D
since we all miss singapore so much, lets go eat 'sing jao chao mai' (singapore fried meehoon)
why they (midvalley) never sweep their floor clean one? see...now fungi growing everywhere.....
Wah! So nice Christmas decor in Midvalley. I must go jalan jalan and take pictures in Singapore.
I'm having a fever... hope not bird flu or any H5N1 virus. Cannot go to KL unless I'm declared safe by doctor. Later kena locked-up & slaughtered.
Happy Birthdays!!!
Dear ah huei,
Yeah! So many birthdays! I also @.@ liao...
Dear winn,
OK, must eat same time, ok? What time?? 12.42pm Flyday? :P
Dear sheon,
Fungi? O.o
How come your eyesight so 'good' wan? o.O
Dear eastacoastlife,
Yeah! Please take some Spore Xmas deco pics for us!
Aisay... no more KL sampat liddat? :( But I wait you, still...
Merry X'mas to all the one mentioned above!
Christmas 2006 will always be special in my heart. i lup you all!
Dear Leonard,
Eh? Merry Christmas? Not Happy Burfday ma? -_-''' U OK bo?
Dear misti,
From now on, me, Maymay, Winn, Carcar & SK (ok, or not... haha) will always equate Christmas with Xmas 2006 in Singapore... sigh... so fun... so happies... so farnies... Magical Moments, huh? :)
Wah..X'mas mood oledi lah after seeing these pics...feel like wanna go holiday..
Those are lovely Xmas pictures and deco. Wish I am able to take such great pictures.
Have a great week.
Dear iguanakia,
Wah... where u going?? I want follow... :P
Dear aiyah nonya,
You can take the pics when you come to KL!! Have lotsa fun!
MAMBO number 5 .. i rrrriikkkeeee *roar*
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