Just like last year, this year I had a blog block on how to construct the final entry of the year. I am too lazy to do a roundup about my life because ... let's just say that I'm just too lazy to look backwards. I prefer to look forward. (Wah, sound so corny geh...)
Anyway, coming back to this entry, I think I shall also do what I did last year. An entry about you, you and you.
Year 2006, I met most of you guys. Year 2007, I met fewer of you new guys. Let's see...

Bernard Chan - Met this doc during our Penang trip together with LB, ECL & Chen. A pretty brief encounter it was. What can I say... he's a fun doc!
Cheepeeone - Met this sexy, fun & giggly babe sometime earlier this year before May left for Sydney. Now, she's one of my Zouk cum musical cum Japanese food kaki! (Not forgetting Datin Winn, another Yapunis food kaki...)
Day-dreamer - Met this young lady sometime in April during a birthday do for Kenny & Nyonyapenang. Very quiet (prolly shy :D) girl she is!
Domdom - One of Liucas' love interest. Met her at Bandar Utama during some dog fest. Also the same time when Liucas fell head over heels and then...........
Ehon - Val Kilmer's lookalike twin! Met him in September (I think!) while he was in-transit from Adelaide to Kuching. Fun kiddo! Heh heh...
Eastcoastlife - Another Sampat Partner! She's contagious, her laughter & her funny comments! Gotta love her *grins* Met her in Penang, together with LB, Chen & Bernard. And her accident... poor woman kena wheelchair-ed while on holiday!
Freethinker - Just met him not too long ago. When I started reading his blog, there were very few comments. So, I 'kindly' commented in the entries with no comments. Now, he's got quite a number of young chicks following his blog ;-) See, I bring 'ong' to blogs, okay... *grins*
Frostier - This fella used to kacau me in my blog, gave me comments which made me pull my hair. But ever since we met during the Togeder-geder Party in March, he's been quite 'kind' to me. Cos he seldom comment liao after that LOL!
Huei - Met this young lady sometime in February during a CNY dinner. She sat beside me but we didn't really talk... because we are shy haha.
Laundryamah - What can I say about this hyperactive lady? She's got a contagious laughter! First time 'saw' her at the Togeder-geder Party in March. Later on, met her again when Wennnn was back in KL. And of course, we also saw the Karaoke Queen in action...
Misha - Met this youngest lady & mommy sometime in July (or was it August??). She's a pretty and smart princess :)
Monk[t]icon - Met this Transformer guy earlier this year (Jan or Feb??) when Pink Cotton was in KL. Really gero-gero-gero!
Narrowband - Met this tall young chap first time for the premier of Transformer movie. He is a really nice guy, someone whom you'd want to bring home to see your parents haha!
Oscar's Mommy aka Angeline - Met this momma only once when Wennnn was back in KL. Didn't know who she was at that time... didn't manage to chat much with her too because the Karaoke Queens were distracting.. haha..
Oscar's Mommy aka Angeline - Met this momma only once when Wennnn was back in KL. Didn't know who she was at that time... didn't manage to chat much with her too because the Karaoke Queens were distracting.. haha..
Pink Cotton - We met up with this cute lady beginning of the year, had dinner at Wong Ah Wah... and then went Starbucking.
Pookyma - A few of us were 'lucky' enough to meet this chap briefly during our Penang Makan-makan Trip. Well, that's because he had to collect his gift from me. And of course, Vege_master, his best friend came along...
Rinnah - At last, a number of us got to meet the Cute Spinner. She was quite quiet during our steamboat dinner. Probably she's shy... *grin*
Sasha of Blablabla - Met her the first time at the Togeder-geder Party. Was in the same lift with her & Laundryamah. Then met her again when Wennnn was back. She reminds me of a certain TV celebrity. Sorry forgot the name liao...
Sheon - Met him over a cuppa a couple of months back. He reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago. ;-) He can be politically 'inclined'... and I shut my gap when he talks about politikus.. :P
Sotongking - Met him at the Togeder-geder Party. Even had a picture taken with him. But he's been MIA for some time...
Wennnn - Met this lady when she was back in KL earlier this year. And now she's married AND is having a baby! Oh, also a Karaoke Queen... :)
Zewt - Met the man himself during the Togeder-geder Party in March. Very briefly though. I'm sure he's forgotten which one was me..

There was no Christmas in Singapore this year, maybe next year. (Someone promised) But there was the Penang Food Porning and the Kuching Kekekaka. The furthest I went this year was to Sweden. And I've not finished my Swedish Stories... Sigh! I'm a baaad blogger. I need to be spanked...
Oh well, that's all for this year. If I continued writing, I might not know where to stop. See you again next year! Sayonara 2007! H e l l o 2 0 0 8 !
Oh well, that's all for this year. If I continued writing, I might not know where to stop. See you again next year! Sayonara 2007! H e l l o 2 0 0 8 !
Happy New Year !!!! Next year sure better than this year one !
happy new year 2008
i will come back again to read in greater details, since i'm going out for dinner liao :)
chup first.. :P
yay to 2007!! :D and double yay to 2008! it was such a GREAT pleasure meeting you, Angel!!! :D :D
happy happy new year!!
It was a real pleasure to meet you too, Miss Angel! I still remember that First Time™ at 1Utama, when you were still a virgin (you're still a Virgin, I hope!!) And then, a few more meetings - it was a rollercoaster ride ~ or rather a wheelchair ride.. Looking for Parking, climbing up Big Eye, Free WiFi at LCCT, getting really WET a few times in Penang, looking for, and not finding Bakuteh in Puchong, climbing UP all those floors at Puchong, trying to give directions to get to Puchong from some highway, following my car in a circle at Kota Kemuning, all those much appreciated parcels from Malaysia, and all those Cards, and making bets at IKEA, and poking my back, and .... ok, too much information here... but most of all, I remember all the wonderful times you came to pick me up by the chinese school!
ps: I can think of a few more, but ....
HAPPY NEW YEAR, ANGEL!!! My ex-squatter!
So when are we gonna meet? ;)
Happy New Year, Angel!!!
LB are u ok? fatt siew or char siew?
angel so sentimental.........
*zouk music playing in the background*
hahaha, the bet the bet at Ikea!!!! opps.
happy new year, sweet angel. you're the cutest, should have cubit your cheeks when i had the chance. *cabut*
Happy New Year to U too Angel... it was nice meeting U and hope we could do karaoke again next time when I go bek but I guess wud be with BB lor... No worry take BB along and train to be karaoke king or queen... Hehehheehee
wah, I so honoured, still get mentioned in your 2007 end-of-year entry though we met in 2006... whee!! I just got back from watching the Harbour Bridge fireworks, and it was pretty awesome!
I mischu and everyone lots lots, wish I had more kaki's here to go partay and movies and everything else with. take care, have a WONDERFUL 2008, and hope to see you next year here, ya? hugs!
i se my Name!I see my name!
When coming down to Penang again?haha
Anyway...Happy new Year to you!
Oh yea...thx for the comment the other day...Definitely an ego boost!!wuahaha
Happy New Year to you too Jiejie Angel..
happy new year!! i wan ang pow! hehe
Hey angel,
Happy New Year. Have a wonderful 2008 !
Happy New Year to you angel.. May blessings be upon you and have a prosperous new years ahead.. Woo Hoo.. Im waiting for my new year to come.. Time diff -_-.. hehe Cheers
See told u wake up oredi lumber sehbentin liao, but neber mind lar i am still here to wish u hapi new year and gip u hugssssss.
Dear moz,
Happy Moz Year! This year is no good for Rats but no fear! Mickey is here!
Dear chev,
Happy 2008!
So, what did you have for dinner? Got kiwi sago dessert? Or durian tart? Hehe...
Dear ehon,
Woot! U made it in time!
Ahoy! 2008 is here! Thank YOU for giving me the pleasure of meeting Val Kilmer's long lost twin hehe... I'll be waiting for u in KL, again, soon! ;)
Happy Happiest New Year!!
Dear LB,
Muahahaha!! The First Time at Dave's Deli! Got pork there.. ekkekeke... Yes, yes, the First Time was a real pleasure!
The Princess squealed (inside her heart la) in delight when the Emperor graciously kissed the Princess' soft hand... kkkkkk...
Oh oh, and what about the First Time doing Karaoke? Waa... your Patrizio Buanne... I no forgets.. ;)
Those WET WET times in Penang, you didn't get the pic of your hiao hiao pose beside the small lorry, did you?? Kkkkkk...
Oh, and that Lan Hwa Bakuteh in Puchong, guess what, a few weeks ago, I passed by that area and hey, they were opened!! Waaa.. this year 2008 we try again, ok? Dun forget. Wait for me in front of the school...
And I LOL-ed abt the round round round you did at KK hahaa!! But I smart. I din follow... did I?? Hahaa....
Ehon is right about you. You are randomly funnies kekkekekeke...
2008 is OUR year, yeah. Make sure we FATT kao-kao!! Cos Mickey & Minnie are the bestest!!
As always, thank YOU for welcoming me to the world of blogs... *sniff* I wish you only the Young Young Happiest New Year 2008!
Dear selba,
I wait for you in KL, ok??
Happiest 2008 to you!! XOXO.
Dear winn,
LB is no char siew pao... He is Lormaikai!
Sentimental? Eh? Got ah?
Shall we forn again soon? Japanese forn? OK? Deal? Set?
*dances to zouk music*
Dear misti,
Hey! Shh! Shhhhhh!! U tell summore I hv to buy one carton liao! Oopsie... :P
I kiut? Cubit me? OK, u cubit me once, I cubit u twice, ok? Fair, right... kkkkk... Happiest New Year MistiMoo! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee meet again soon!
Dear wenwen,
Okie! We wait for you to kambek with BB... faitik oh...
Happiest 2008 to you and BB and BB daddy...
Dear maymay,
It's gonna be 2 years since the first time we met... so fast hor?
I saw your recording of the fireworks. Very woot! But I can't comment cos I din join youtube... but I saw one "itchibum" hahaaa!! *cabut from the itchibum*
I oso mischu! We all mischu! Esp. on Christmas Eve... oni 3 of us went to eat crabs... where were you? UUUwaaaaa!
OK, I shall wish for you to have more kakis there to go party, movies and everything else. Now, if only I could clone meself... heh..
See me there this year? Woohoo! I can make that one of my resolution, hor? ;) Happiest 2008 Lil'MissMay! Hugs & MuaksMuaks!
Dear pookyma,
I should be in Penang during CNY. What you wanna belanja me, ah?
I'm glad to help boost your ego but then hor, u dun so action ok!! :P Happy 2008!
Dear misha,
Here's wishing you a very happy 2008, ok!
Dear dannie,
Angpow? Eh... wrong auntie mya blog!! :P Happy 2008!
Dear aiyah nonya,
You have a great year too! More trips back to Ipoh ;)
Dear aodian,
Your new year should be there already! Happy 2008! May you pass all your exams with flying colours! ;)
Dear kopi soh,
Aiyoh, soli... I compensate with hugs and teh si peng, can boh?
Happy 2008!
Happy New Year!!! :)
i saved one of my special new year wishes for you... :) so..here it is... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! hahahaa :) i wish you all the best in life. stay healthy...stay happy.....
i think you are a wonderful person. a sweet young lady. and a lovely friend.
i am very politically charged... yes. thats because i think we, as citizens of this country, deserve a better government. i think, by a political activist, i can do my part in making malaysia a better place for all.
This year is gone but it had also made us a little strong.
The path was long but we walked it with a song
There were fears and tears but we also had some reasons for cheers
Wishing you and your family a blessed new year
Happy New Year to you and yours..!!
didn't makan anything special lah, just the normal dinner ;)
Dun hv time to buy more durian tarts leh yesterday since we were leaving the hotel at 11 sumthing in the morning. But i bought some durian dark choc in the airport.. Being durian-ified by u liao. Hahhahahha
I still remember the first time I met u, and the others.. on 6/8/2006. Meeting my dear Angel (the first one I met, cos in the airport mah), followed by LB, May, Cocka, Zeroimpact, Winn, Carcar in the Hakka Restaurant. And not forgetting met up with Liucas later at Winter Warmer at The Curve. Kkkkk.. Time really flies, huh? ;)
Happy New 2008!
*ROTFL~* ;p Pandainya bermulut manis!!
Very original 'year-end' post leh! I like!! You very geng also can remember them all (not to say very sikit also)..! Salute!!
Bon Annee!!
eh,i still remember how u look like leh... dont say till i so forgetful la... hahaha....
anyone sending u letters for safekeeping yet?
:-).... U meet so many liao ar.. i meet so lil... :-(
Me quiet ah? No, I not shy one... I notchet warm up! Kekekekekeke... once I get to know you then you see la... I will talk until the cows come home. But not as keng as Laundry Amah. Lawl.
Here's to more new friends in 2008 and I hope to meet you again!
remember me anot?
Happy New Year to you!
To a great year ahead! Cheers...
Happy New Year my dearest Angel!
May 2008 brings us lots of makan!
happy liu yr!!! we'll make more BBs this yr, k? ;)
Cheers!! for a Happy prosperous New Year 2008 to U :P
Dear Jemima,
Have a great 2008!
Dear sheon,
KNS... blek!
But thank you for your wishes. I'll definitely want to stay happy & healthy!
AND, thanks for allll the compliments la... I floating liao :P
Talking abt politics, so what's your take on Dr. Chua's ahem?
With that I wish only THE BEST for 2008! ;)
Dear cibol,
Thanks for the lovely poem. Suddenly I remembered, I got this thru' SMS :)
Happy 2008!
Dear mama bok,
Same to you! ;)
Dear chev,
How normal is your 'normal' dinner? Laksa?
Kakakka.. durianfied by me pulak... I think I also tried the durian choc before.. sedap?
Wah wah... u can remember the date even! Lu belly keng!
Yes, yes, I still remember picking u up from LCCT.. kan cheong anot u? Kkkkkk... That was the first time you met everyone.. well, almost everyone hehe... gonna be two years in August this year liao! Cheers to our Sampat Friendship! ;)
Dear plink,
Happy Tahun Baru! I still waiting for liuuuu...
Dear narrowband,
Eh eh, mana ada mulut manis? It's the truth maa... hehe..
Of cos can remember! I can remember all the First Times, ok... I'm sure you can too :)
Selamat Happy Tahun Baru!!
Dear zewt,
Haha... I not saying you forgetful... cos I know that nite you met a lotta ppl ma... How I know u'll remember me...
Nope.. dun have.. ppl dun read comments ler... ;)
Dear freethinker,
I met a lot of ppl liao actually... u ah? U just need to concentrate on ONE chick will do... ;)
Dear rinnah,
U not shy ah? Sure mou?? OK, you must remember to prove me wrong the next time we meet, ok??
Dear KW,
Aisay! How can forget u?? King's Wife, who can forget wohh??
Yes! A great 2008! Have a good one, Your Highness!
Dear Cocka,
Ha? Makan ah? Afturds you komplen about my waistline, then how??? :P Happy Mickey Year!!
Dear Brad,
More BBs?? U jaga ahh?? :P
Happy 2008!
Dear dreamie,
Yes! TQ! May your dreams come true... the non mcc ones.. haha.. :P
the first thing dr chua should do is resign! there is no question on that! other country's politicians would have resigned on lesser counts.
hi, selamat tahun baru ah...
eh, manage to find dr chua mia video or not? send ah if you found, hehehe...
yeah, i look forward to a better year and hope to see you again. the karaoke queen always ajak sing song session wan... mahjong session also ngam wan.. hahahaha...
ok..next time we meet..cannot be shy okies!! =D hehehe
So starting from 2008, I meet you lol.. hehehe..
happy new year
*chases angeles*
*blushing kat buntut*
*tersipu sipu*
*senyum senyum kambing*
waaa a small note on me .. so 'tersentuh' but i am so happy to be introduced to you or else my kaki patah sebelah hehehehhe
bila mau jepun-ning again???
happy new year angel .. had a jolly good time with you!!! *hugs and kisses*
When are you going to see me?
Dear sheon,
Well, looks like you've got your (New Year?) wish.
BTW, other country's politician? Why do we wanna bother about other country's politician whilst we are staying in this country?
OK, make love, not war *grins*
Dear oscar's mommy,
Heh heh.. selamat tahun baru... apa maciam tahun baru ini?? Ada apa2 yang baru??
Eh eh... tanya gua pulak pasal itu video... (gua gagal la... kakkakaa)
Mahjong session oso got?? Wah wah... me dunno how to mahjong leh... but yeah, see you soon too :)
Dear ah huei,
Happy Happy!!!
Haha.. ok ok, no more shy next time :)
Dear keeyit,
You meet me ah? Can... date me first ;)
Happy 2008!
Dear itchibum,
*scratch scratch*
Hmmmmmm... O.O
Dear mudpie,
Hahahaha! I gelak besar abt your kaki patah hahahahaha! Minah nie! Kelakar siot!!! :P
Wokie... we shall go Jepun-ning soon! Nak makan buffet tak? Kekekeke...
I look forward to more Great Times with you this year! *muaks*
Dear angel eyes,
Heh... Beta menunggu... ;)
it has been some times, i never really sit down and read it so carefully...
fall in love to yr writing and blog once again.. maybe it brought back the memories and time we spent together...
i always wan to compliment u this : u are someone really treasure frenship. u can remember all of our birthday, u willing to travel the distance to bring the souvenir for them, u read blogs and comment in their blogs, u make phone call to wish fren's birthday even though they are thousand miles away..
u are just extraordinary!
*got to stop here, later winn say i fatt siew.*
oh yah! i think i see myself in the 'blur' photo? muahahahahahha!!
Here's wishing you an extra fruitful 'jee khorng khorng pek' year.
ARe you free this weekend?
Wah my angel!
You very the fire red hor. Met so many bloggers ledi.
Paiseh, our first meeting I was lying in bed. And you and LB and Chen have to tar pao Penang yummies for me. I was surprised to see you .... and it was great meeting you. Wah, I'm also promoted to sampat partner liao ah! haha...
You like Rayban sunglasses ah!
Give me your preferred model number, I send you one. ^-^
Happy Merry New Year!!
*throws confetti and popcorn*
Hapy new year porky!!!
May 2oo8 bring u lotsa joy n happiness...u meet so mani new blogger tat mean old blogger u forgotten liao ... :P
Wee! Wee!
Dear carcar,
Thank you so much for your kind words... hou kam doong... but I'm not really as extraordinary as you have mentioned... I'm weird, sometimes (OK, prolly most of the time... a bit sot sot, siao siao...heh)
The days of that blur picture were fun, hor? Aihhh... more than 1 year liao... ;)
Here's wishing you only The Best, carcar!
Dear nyonyapenang,
Thanks, I need lotsa "FRUIT" in dollah sign... heh heh...
Dear freethinker,
Apasal speechless liao?
Dear Angel Eyes,
Sorry this weekend tak boleh... I've made plans... sorry again..
Dear eastcoastlife,
Fire red ah? This is the second time I realised that I've met so many of them...
Our First Time was a surprise wan hehe... I knew I was gonna see you but asked Chen not to tell you kekekeke... And you thot I was Rinnah hehe...
Wah wah!! You send me a Rayban?? Haha... I dunno what model number wan la... simply hantam, just wear only! Ish... so suaku...
Wheee! Confetti & Popcorn!
*fast fast bring bowl for popcorn*
We watch movie, ok? :D
Dear oldman,
What summore porky new year?? It's Mickey New Year liao!
Old blogger ah? Yalor... dunno where they went liao... so, mai forget lorrrr... not my fault ok... they wanna go far far wan... :P
Dear L B,
Okie, okie!! Pee! Pee!!! ;)
LOL! I can be very (and I mean VERY) noisy... ;)
Dear d-d,
Very noisy? Like Amah? Heh ehhehe...
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