A couple of days ago, I received a letter from the bank informing me that one of my joint account is now dormant and I was advised to reactivate it a.s.a.p. Well, honestly, I have forgotten about this account. (Blame it on memory cells going down the drain, and at such tender age summore... ahem :P)
So, off I went to the bank today. Yes, some banks here in the Klang Valley open 7 days a week. Chev called me when I was at the bank and told her that I'd return her call. She was surprised to learn that the bank is opened. So, anyway, the account was untouched for maybe about a year or so. So fast can jadi dormant wan, okay. So, those of you with many fat bank accounts, faster do something about them if you had not touched it for sometime. If not, the Ruling Party will makan your $$... betul tak, Cibol? On the other hand, I asked the bank teller, what is the duration for an account to become dormant, she said 6 months. Huh?? So fast?? Is this piece of info correct, Cibol?? (Updated : According to Cibol, bank accounts become dormant after exactly one year of no transactions...)
Anyway, I withdrew some money (seriously, this sum of money came at a very, very ngam time for me to get a DSLR... I think some 'special power' is involved in making this happened lah...) and then proceeded to run my next 'errand'.
I terminated my gym subscription after leaving it 'dormant' for one whole year... 'dormant' as in, I paid but no go. Yup, that one year of subscription fees was like 'buta' only for that fitness centre. So, what now for sexercise??
U think this will work?? RM1,388... just sit there, watch TV... yeah, exercising the lazy way, wheee! :P
And while I was enjoying lunch, I read with great interest, this piece of "news" that was found on the front page of The Star today. Here's the interesting finding entitled, "Family and wealth, not sex, the mark of a macho man."
In the study, 89% of Asian men (China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan) think that having an active sex life is important, wheareas only 0.9% of Malaysian men (One of the 3,000 guys in the survey must be Adrian... muahahaha :P Okaylah, maybe Cocka also was one of the 0.9%) said that active sex life makes them man. 25% of our Malaysian men stated that having a good job is 'macho', whilst 20% of them said that being a family man is equivalent to being 'manly'. WHAT?! Get outta here! Quick guys, out with THE TRUTH!!! Muahahaaha...
Slow Me Down Lyrics
Anyway, last one, remember 2004's Phantom of The Opera movie? Yup, this is THE Christine! Played by Emmy Rossum. That time, she was just 18 years old. She's so leng... came out with an album late last year and this song is one of 'em... Nice?

And, has anyone watched Meet the Spartans? Stupidly farnie! Here you go... the movie... (Here's one of the movie links, Ehon!) Great week ahead, all!
faitik chup sin, I listen to song first!
quite nice lor, though I haven't seen the Phantom movie yet, believe it or not! I'm currently into Leona Lewis' Bleeding Love, so groovy.
you quit your gym membership, I just joined FF here! lol! let's see how long that lasts.
me lup this song! Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis. was watching So You Think You Can Dance Australia, one of the pair had this song as their act, so chunnnnn betul!
Dear maymay,
I love Bleeding Love too! Heard it a couple of months back liao.. it's also playing very 'hot'ly on our local radios ;)
I keep keep bleeding lurve...
So kesian, bleed lurve... u think lurve is oso red karer? Hehe.. *sampat*
That Phantom movie was my first encounter with the phantom and I loved it so much that right after the movie, I bought the soundtrack! But Emperor L B said no good lorr... so did quite a number of other ppl, I think...
U joined FF there ah? I remembered last time before you left M'sia, you also din go to the gym for some time, kan? Then I said to you, aiyoh, so waste marnie no go... see lah, I also did the same like you the past year... ishhhh... heehehehe...
Happy Gyming, MayMay!! Muacksss!
ooo... seems like my online gaming account also can last longer than the bank accounts lah.. hehe.. but at least the bank is kind enough to remind you of the account ho.. if not gone already...
pay gym no use.. go park for free up to you to choose.. cheers
Haha, yes,... Must Keep Track Of All Those Bleedin' Account!! Let me recommend you a great piece of Financial Software for the Mac:
POTO the movie is only bad, if you've watched the Westend musicals..
Wait, my steak burning...... I smell....
My Belachan burning...
...slow me down..
inside out
You ask that teller again where she/he stadi .. an account will be put into dormant mode after no money in or out for exactly 12 months.
6 months is like err .. that's too short eh. They eat it for the annual fee only la .. ha ha ha. I think around 8-10 per year .. I'm not sure also.
Wah, can by SLR sure got a lot eh .. ehem .. boleh la belanja ni .. ahaks
maybe I follow cocka la .. ha ha ha. it's very important .. it keeps u happy all the time .. muahahahahha
First, I was shocked to read about the macho man piece... *I wrote a long reply here but now I've cut it and will post it on my blog instead, too long liao* :)
Second, if u buy that exercise machine thingy, does the model come with it? If yes ar... can I come over to ur place to watch her exercise ah? If no ar... can I watch u instead? ;)
Who did u joint account with ah? :P
i will survive .... hahahah thanks for the movie link ..
hugs hugs
Dear Aodian,
Your online gaming account can last how long? Got money wan ah your account? Can withdraw?? :P
Yeah, luckily the bank got remind.. eh, they not really that kind... we pay for their services maa...
Go park ah? Go park do what? Run? The park here got no gym wan wor... hehe...
Dear L B,
Thanks for the recommendation but aiyoh, I've not used any 'financial software' before! I really dunno how to manage these kinda things... I need an accountant to do it for me.. hehe..
I watched POTO the movie first and then the West End musical woh.. I still like the movie... how come?!
U cooking steak?
* o p e n *
Wah... belachan steak? How did it taste?
* o p e n a g a i n *
Dear cibol,
I suspect she's a newcomer lor... but thank you very much for the info!
Eh.. nolar... I already struck out the DSLR mar... the $$$ is for some law firm...
Belanja?? Eh eh... oklah, gua belanja Chinese tea... muahahahaha.
U follow cocka? Oh dear... die... die...
So, who keeps you happy? :P
Dear adrian,
Ya, of cos u were shocked... cos you are The Real Macho Man... Hak Seh Wui tai lou, dun play-play! :P
Eh, faster gimme the 'kunci' to your house.. kenot read the reply la...
I think the model not included in the package lor... u want to watch me ride ah? You sure?? 100% sure?? No regrets?? OK, I record for you.. muahahaha :P
I joined account with... *whisper whisper*
Dear mudpie,
Hahahahahaaa... it took me a while to catch what you meant kakakkaka... jahat! Hahaha...
*peluk cium*
Or maybe is it different bank have different policy. That one I'm not so sure la but as far as I'm concern it's 12 months la. Me also noob ma but that's the first thing that my boss briefed me about. Ha ha ha
Chinese tea tambah gula .. baru ada okeh sikit .. ha ha ha. Mintak creamer!
happy la .. like edison chen .. happy .. he he he
how come i dun have a dormant bank account for me to get a dslr?!?!?! =P hehehehe
i think the interview is based on certain group of ppl onli..the..old old ones!!! kakakakak
Haha, those survey cannot trust one lar. Sometimes I refuse to accept the findings :p Ohhh a DSLR coming ei?!? *rubs hands*
huh? really confirm liao untouch for one year the account considered as dormant liao? so fast geh? teruk wan.. wanna makan our money only :(
no wonder lah Moz asked me yest night is Angel planning to get a DSLR. LOL
faiti faiti get one :)
Shooting picture is a good exercise
neh.. u gotta walk around and take photo from different angles mah. Tat wan is considered very good exercise liao. LOL
See, u get 2-in-1 by buying a dslr camera :P
HAR?! If one year nia bank account then I tiu lorr...
Hehe. Thanks for the link! :D I wanna watch Atonement lar. Everyone says super nice.
me balik rumah only listen hehehe... seriously, I didn't know some banks open 7 days a week! :P
sapo machoman tu? me? anyways, sawadeekap from bangkok. lupa lak nak wish u "gembira valentines".
bagus la ko, dapat durian runtuh daripada sesuatu yg u ketepikan untuk sekian lama...hehehehe.
daripadaygtersayangtiada pengakhirannya
power gak aku, dah lama kat tanah siam nih, masih pandai berbahasa....kan? hehehe.
greetings from StarBucks, Kuching Airport.
Slurping green tea latte :)
awaiting for my flight back to Penang :)
wah, see the twisting muscles almost unreal. *sour grapes*
Dear cibol,
I don't think diff bank, diff policy lor... all shud follow Bank Negara wan maa...
Eh eh.. .kasi cainis tea, nak tambah gula and krimer pulak! Cainis tea wt krimer, tarak bagus lar...
Like Edison? Eh, now he veli NOT happy liao leh... better dun follow him lar... :P
Dear ah huei,
No no, I'm not getting a DSLR... yet! ;)
Haha.. what makes you say that the survey was conducted based on the old ones oni?? The old ones lagi 'miang' wor... neh, like CSL liddat... kaka...
Dear narrowband,
If kenot trust those survey, apasal go and put on the front page?? Really misleading lorrr...
DSLR? Haha.. belum... belum...
Dear Chev,
Yalor, I think it's confirmed if one year no transaction, account becomes dormant...
Eh?? How come Moz no ask me but ask u geh?? O.o DSLR is in the plan BUT not yet lar... the money is to pay the lawyer ma.. ;)
Haha.. thanks for promoting DSLR! I WILL get it... one day... ;)
Dear ehon,
U better go and check all your accounts before going back to Ozzie!!
Atonement, got... just go and search in the same site lor...
Dear butty,
Har?? U dunno meh?? Neh... those banks you find in the malls, mostly are open every day! Eg. R.H.B. at 1Utama, KLCC, IOI Mall... Maybanks leh, I not so sure... ;)
Dear budak bangkok,
Hang asyik luper kat I punyer la... I pun dah biaser... so, mana hadiah Hari Kekasih??
Itu bukan durian runtuh... itu ialah savings aku, tau... tapi, dah luper sajer...
Alaaa.. baru seminggu dua kat tanah siam sajer, takkanlah boleh luper BeeEm dalam waktu yang begitu singkat??
Anyway, selamat kembali ke tanahair tercinta... haha.
Dear Chev,
I called u earlier leh... 2 kali u tarak jawab...
Dear misti,
Twisting muscles? For one moment, I thot whose muscle u talking about... ohhhh, that u-Robic model mia muscle ahh? They are real lorrr...
*feeds misti with sweet sweet grapes*
aa..t...at.....th--e.......t-i-m-e........oof....*pant *pant! pant! huff! puff!* ...of t..h...i..s..... com....ment......i'm........*hump hump!*....f-u-l-f-ill....ing.....my...man-ly.....ob---li---ga---tions.....*ARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!
Oops! sorry! That was her boobs pounding on the keyboard! LOL
stuff one sweet grape in pak cham kai's mouth. his moans and shouts cum all the way across the causeway.
Over here one need to keep a minimum of $500 in your account or else the bank will deduct $2 every month.
Anyway, here is belated greeting.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Bet you reveive lots of chocolates and roses too?
Have a wonderful day.
the survey? aiyoh they never ask me. what lah, good job and family man = macho? what's wrong with malaysians? :D
angeles, i think many gyms earn money that way lah, many paid upfront but never go. haha!
Dear cocka,
Gee... u are a "noisy" man...
Eh, 1 suggestion, next time hor, to practise safe sex, hv to wear rubber AND sumting else liao... a paper bag. Haha... :P
Dear misti,
Oops.. his cock too... oops, I mean he 'crowed' too loud, eh? Piak him...
Dear aiyah nonya,
Oh is it? But the accounts don't go dormant, do they?
Belated Valentine to you too!
Chocs & roses ah? Got... in my dreams nia lorrr... hehe..
Dear bongkersz,
I think hor... they dun understand the word 'macho' lah... either that, or they've been mislead? Dunno... if really the average M'sian men is liddat hor, I shake head liao... :P
Eh, I din pay upfront for my guy subscription okay... the fees were deducted monthly one... I dun believe in paying upfront one year punye fees... but I suppose my situation was quite the same, hor? :P Do you go to any gym?
"I din pay upfront for my guy subscription okay"
Who's the lucky guy u subscribe? can subscribe one meh? Don't subscribe malaysian men .. ha ha ha. They dunno wat's macho. :P
"Eh, I din pay upfront for my guy subscription okay... the fees were deducted monthly one..."
you ada bela lelaki ke angeles? wah!! my condo got gym, wish i visit only when i see myself at the mirror. roflmao.
Hahahaha!!! OMG! I've been guy dreaming!!! See lah, what both of u did to me :P
Cibol, don't subscribe to M'sian men, then subscribe to what men? Ang moh? Eee... I sked... :P
Bongkersz, ya ya, itu bela lelaki satu bulan RM145 saja... cheap cheap oni... boleh dijadikan hamba-abdi jugak hahaaa...
Eh, wat u mean u visit only when u see yrself in mirror? U mean when u see mirror and see all the FATSSS then oni u go to the gym, izit? :P
Ya angeles, I am curious, wat type of men cibol tink we shud subscribe to???
If you want more energetic :
The world's biggest sex survey has found that Greek's have sex an average of 138 times a year.
Olyimpian power hoh ..
wat is the higher power you're referring to ah?
my mirror very small angel, can see my face only. the rest of my body cannot see.. so not aware what's happening :P
eh 138 times so hard to do meh. one week do 3 times, 1 month 12 times, 12 month 144 times. sap sap sui lah... sure can, asal ada kemahuaan di situ ada 'jalan'
Dear kopi soh,
U r back!
Cibol sudah jawab your question hehe... or maybe u prefer men like Cocka / STP? Kekekee...
Dear cibol,
Lu tengok apa bongkersz kata... itu sap-sap sui worr...
Dear zewt,
I got say abt higher power? I mean the gomen...
Dear bongkersz,
U can ask feedback from the lengluis to 'see' wat's happening lor... ;) "Pembunuh Mak Cik", u shud be alrite lar... haha.. :P
Yalah, now u still young can do many many times... wait till u become older (like STP haha, luckily he no read my blog!), then u oni come tell me still got "jalan" anot!! :P
Grandpa Chua Soi Lek still can do it, why STP cannot? :P Muahahahahahahaha! As I said, di mana ada kemaluan, opss.. kemahuan, di situ ada jalan. Muahahahahahahah!
sheesh.. what Pembunuh Makcik lah! Sounds like a serial killer ceh!
U go ask STP can anot! :P
Eh, itu CSL, we only saw he did one time ma... one time in one night, tarak cukupppp kakkaka...
Eh eh, di mana ada kemaluan, di situ bongkersz akan pergi, izit? Kekekeke...
OK la... then I call u "Si Lai Sart Sao"! Not killer anymore, kan? KAN?? Hehehe.. :P
One week 3X nia??? Hmm i tot average shud be 3X/day, no meh? Early morning, noon, then midnite.
Dear kopi soh,
That one is bongkersz nia... tak berkaitan with u and me wan...
OK, let's talk abt us... 3x nia ah? I thot summore got supper.... hehe...
Hehe, I was trying to be conservative mar....how can let peepul noe our real number?
LOL... finally, after a year, the gym membership is terminated. Praise the lord! ...lol
Now, no more fitness centre to go to.
What about a dancing studio? *winks*
Yikes, forgot to sign my name : p
Ms A
Dear kopi soh,
Conservative ah? Aiyah, we so fren-fren, no nid shy shy lar... our real number if kena leak out u think will be scandalous ah? Hehe..
Dear Ms. A,
Ha? Start another subscription ah? I think I'll give myself (or my wallet, rather, haha) a break :P
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