Just like last year, this year I had a blog block on how to construct the final entry of the year. I am too lazy to do a roundup about my life because ... let's just say that I'm just too lazy to look backwards. I prefer to look forward. (Wah, sound so corny geh...)
Anyway, coming back to this entry, I think I shall also do what I did last year. An entry about you, you and you.
Year 2006, I met most of you guys. Year 2007, I met fewer of you new guys. Let's see...

Bernard Chan - Met this doc during our Penang trip together with LB, ECL & Chen. A pretty brief encounter it was. What can I say... he's a fun doc!
Cheepeeone - Met this sexy, fun & giggly babe sometime earlier this year before May left for Sydney. Now, she's one of my Zouk cum musical cum Japanese food kaki! (Not forgetting Datin Winn, another Yapunis food kaki...)
Day-dreamer - Met this young lady sometime in April during a birthday do for Kenny & Nyonyapenang. Very quiet (prolly shy :D) girl she is!
Domdom - One of Liucas' love interest. Met her at Bandar Utama during some dog fest. Also the same time when Liucas fell head over heels and then...........
Ehon - Val Kilmer's lookalike twin! Met him in September (I think!) while he was in-transit from Adelaide to Kuching. Fun kiddo! Heh heh...
Eastcoastlife - Another Sampat Partner! She's contagious, her laughter & her funny comments! Gotta love her *grins* Met her in Penang, together with LB, Chen & Bernard. And her accident... poor woman kena wheelchair-ed while on holiday!
Freethinker - Just met him not too long ago. When I started reading his blog, there were very few comments. So, I 'kindly' commented in the entries with no comments. Now, he's got quite a number of young chicks following his blog ;-) See, I bring 'ong' to blogs, okay... *grins*
Frostier - This fella used to kacau me in my blog, gave me comments which made me pull my hair. But ever since we met during the Togeder-geder Party in March, he's been quite 'kind' to me. Cos he seldom comment liao after that LOL!
Huei - Met this young lady sometime in February during a CNY dinner. She sat beside me but we didn't really talk... because we are shy haha.
Laundryamah - What can I say about this hyperactive lady? She's got a contagious laughter! First time 'saw' her at the Togeder-geder Party in March. Later on, met her again when Wennnn was back in KL. And of course, we also saw the Karaoke Queen in action...
Misha - Met this youngest lady & mommy sometime in July (or was it August??). She's a pretty and smart princess :)
Monk[t]icon - Met this Transformer guy earlier this year (Jan or Feb??) when Pink Cotton was in KL. Really gero-gero-gero!
Narrowband - Met this tall young chap first time for the premier of Transformer movie. He is a really nice guy, someone whom you'd want to bring home to see your parents haha!
Oscar's Mommy aka Angeline - Met this momma only once when Wennnn was back in KL. Didn't know who she was at that time... didn't manage to chat much with her too because the Karaoke Queens were distracting.. haha..
Oscar's Mommy aka Angeline - Met this momma only once when Wennnn was back in KL. Didn't know who she was at that time... didn't manage to chat much with her too because the Karaoke Queens were distracting.. haha..
Pink Cotton - We met up with this cute lady beginning of the year, had dinner at Wong Ah Wah... and then went Starbucking.
Pookyma - A few of us were 'lucky' enough to meet this chap briefly during our Penang Makan-makan Trip. Well, that's because he had to collect his gift from me. And of course, Vege_master, his best friend came along...
Rinnah - At last, a number of us got to meet the Cute Spinner. She was quite quiet during our steamboat dinner. Probably she's shy... *grin*
Sasha of Blablabla - Met her the first time at the Togeder-geder Party. Was in the same lift with her & Laundryamah. Then met her again when Wennnn was back. She reminds me of a certain TV celebrity. Sorry forgot the name liao...
Sheon - Met him over a cuppa a couple of months back. He reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago. ;-) He can be politically 'inclined'... and I shut my gap when he talks about politikus.. :P
Sotongking - Met him at the Togeder-geder Party. Even had a picture taken with him. But he's been MIA for some time...
Wennnn - Met this lady when she was back in KL earlier this year. And now she's married AND is having a baby! Oh, also a Karaoke Queen... :)
Zewt - Met the man himself during the Togeder-geder Party in March. Very briefly though. I'm sure he's forgotten which one was me..

There was no Christmas in Singapore this year, maybe next year. (Someone promised) But there was the Penang Food Porning and the Kuching Kekekaka. The furthest I went this year was to Sweden. And I've not finished my Swedish Stories... Sigh! I'm a baaad blogger. I need to be spanked...
Oh well, that's all for this year. If I continued writing, I might not know where to stop. See you again next year! Sayonara 2007! H e l l o 2 0 0 8 !
Oh well, that's all for this year. If I continued writing, I might not know where to stop. See you again next year! Sayonara 2007! H e l l o 2 0 0 8 !