One of my Resolution for this week...

To send out these Year of Rat CNY cards!!! You know what happened last year? I bought more than 2 dozens Year of Porky CNY cards and never sent any out. Why? Procrastinator I was until it was too late to send liao!! So how? Can't send those cards this year already.. have to wait 12 more years later lor... *&^%#!
Happy Monday! Happy Thaipusam on Wednesday! Wheeee!!! Another 4 day work week! *dances around the room*
wahahahahahahaha. i dapat chup ler.. :P this year no more procrastination!
I haven't bought any cards yet.. let alone send them out :(
tak sempat chup` ish ish` hahahah
Errr one of those Chyenis Niu Year card for me izzit? Dat wan your face kah?
Hahaha, pity! Have to wait 12 years to send that batch out! LOL!!! Nevermind, time will fly by very fast! Before you know it, it's here! Yeah? Sure wan... Don't believe me, you wait 12 years and see, ok? If I bruff you, owe you one Kai Si Hor Fun + Chee Chap Chook. Will also throw in a peanut.
Send now for next year.. muahahhaha!! that way you are early eh.. :)
Dear ehon,
Wah liao.. your chup veli loud ler :P
But yeah! U got the Pratinum Chup!
No more procrastination ah? I dunno ler.. I hope not!
Dear jemima,
I just bought them just now... was thinking of not sending any this year but I got tempted by those blardy cute rats.. haha!
Deaer a^ben,
Eh, got ma... 3rd chup ;)
Dear kopisoh,
U neber gib me your addy, how to send to u wor?
Dat wan look like me bo?
Dear L B,
Actually hor.. technically, I only have to wait for only 11 years, not 12 years, right?? Technically... kekeke...
Haiiii.. OK lah, I'll HAVE to wait for 11 more years and see how.. 11 years later, see if I still remember this comment of yours.. then you can treat me Hor Fun and Chee Chap Chuk.. and bakuteh, ok? I'll jot it down in my DateBook!
Dear mamabok,
That is a great idea! Only thing is hor, next year is year of the Ox... no Oxen CNY card in the market yet, how?? Hehe...
LOL! you made me feel guilty. my butt is just so heavy from sending out anything. i tried, i really did.
okay, not hard enough.
funny you should say that -- I saw some CNY cards for the year of the Rooster out on the shelves in one shop. almost laff me die! obviously they didn't know that those cards can't exactly be "recycled"...
I'm only gonna send CNY e-cards ler. the Christmas one was mahfan enough! LOL!
*pop* *pop*
ehh...nice lah that pop art...will give it a try :)
I concur with May and will send e-cards instead for CNY as it is approaching fast and by the time I get my lazy ass down to Chinatown (suppose to go yesterday but I slept in) to buy whatever remaining CNY will be over already. Last year was my mommy's year and this year is my daddy's yeah? Not really lah but thought I share...LOL!
Aiyo, this make sure u send them out lor. ;) Wah . 4 days work ah? Here 5 days eh? We would like to welcome more Indians to this side so that we will have Thaipusam holidays also. ;)
yay... another holiday!
your pop art very cun macam tu audrey hepburn mia i saw at Ikea
12 yearsss! won't know where they would be if I were you, probably lying around somewhere in the house, undiscovered... hehe
btw, I've made something for you. should arrive by the end of this week :)
Happy Monday and Happy Thaipusam on Wednesday! :D
ok, back to work...
draw whiskers on ur piggy card pigs and say that they're very fat rats! =P hehehe
YAYYY!! 4 working days week!!!
lol at huei's! seems like an idea though. *imagines*
will try the pop feature..quite interesting!!
still sending hard copy CNY cards, i tot now all online???
will i get one..haha.. kidding only!
I have angpow collection too.. for many years lol.. if you have extra then can exchange with me or not ?
My angel,
CNY got 15 days, you sleeping the whole time last year ah!? As long as it's within the 15 days of CNY, still okay mah. I still give ang-pow until the last day.
The CNY cards cannot wait 12 years, they will turn yellow.
Happy last piggy days!!
wah pop art. tat's me too
oii post photo leow so no more anonymous leow wor,,can see quite clearly it's u leh!! hahahahaa
alamak, even in my business I don't send CNY cards lerrr,,,
Dear misti,
I'm also gonna TRY very hard this year... try try try...
*cross fingers*
Dear maymay,
Year of Kokokai? That's worse than my Porky CNY cards! Hehehe...
I suppose they wouldn't know, would they? Unless it's a Chinese shop...
I think e-cards are mah fun oso ler... hv to pick, hv to find email addies, hv to write msgs...
Easiest, just post ONE card here for ALL, heh...
Dear c o n s u e l a,
Woo! Your daddy's a Rat! We have quite a few Rats here *wink*
Yeah! I wanna see you pop art yourself! ;)
Dear cibol,
I'll try... my resolution maa.. to try realise all my TRIES hehe..
Kesian your side there got no Thaipusam holiday... so unfair, hor? Come KL and work ler... :D
Dear JL,
Audrey Hepburn? Waa.. ekor kembang kekekeke... altho' art saja yang sama, bukan muka :P
Dear butty,
I was also just thinking, where did I place 'em Porky Cards..hmmm..
You made sumting for me?? Awwww, that's soooo nice! And sweet! I'll wait beside my mailbox everyday.. hehe.. Thanks!
Dear ah huei,
Hahaaaa!! I'd need your help to draw!! :P
Dear misti,
U wanna help me with the whiskers? And longer tails, maybe? :P
Dear leonard,
Ha? U mean I'm the only one who sends the cards offline ahh?
Dear keeyit,
Ha? Angpow collection? You mean the angpows with all the animals? I dun hv woh... cos I dun give angpows maa.. no 'licence' yet! :P
Dear eastcoastlife,
Haha! Ya ya.. I think I must have been sleeping like the Buddha la on those days... eat, sleep, eat, sleep.. so fattening.. no wonder...
Red CNY cards will turn yellow? Looks like a repaint is needed by then! Kekeke...
Dear constance,
Hello there! Thanks for coming by... oh yeah! You have a pop art avatar! Nice!
Dear Amah,
Eh eh... that one is me meh??
Nolah, cannot see very clear who it is...
Ha? U no send CNY cards wan ah? Wah... izit here no 'heng' send CNY cards wan ah?
KKkkkkkkkk... very sampat
MacBook webcam has a similar feature too. I once played and have fun snapping pict with the distorted webcam pict function. Very syiok wan, huh? :P
so fast tikus year liao.. in 2 weeks time. I still remember the babi card i made last year, but this year i malas liao. Hehhehehhe...
Dear chev,
Itu MacBook mia webcam I din go try wor...
Yeah, I'll always remember your Babi card last year kkkkk... come la, draw Mickey Mouse for me... draw seekor and then post in the blog.. kekekeke...
CNY!! Im so missing CNY... my youngest sister is the year of the rat.. haha... good luck with sending out all those cards.. Cheers
I am so gonna be late with my CNY cards!! Still in the process of writing them (must write granduncle story to the relatives mah..), have only completed half! And must go to pos opis summore.
Ahh.. I remember that bedsheet.. :D but kenot remember what was on it... :P
Ha ! I just sent off my cards today. I was a bit late for the Xmas cards though. So, this time round made sure I did not procastinate too long.
Hehe... I didn't send out any X'mas cards online or offline... only 3 offline cards to certain people. *grin*
cut some rat heads and paste it on the pig heads.. habis cerita :D sincerity more important. heheh! that's why i never buy cny cards with theme for only that year. get a typical one, next year, next next year still can send hahaha!
hey, any for me?? :D
go and play with the macbook webcam photobooth tonight before u tidur loh. So syiok leh.. do try it out. Very chi kek wan.. :P
Since my sampat partner in crime, angel requests wan, i will put that into consideration. Kkkkkkk
Kkkkkk.. u r tagged :P
Hantar email cards. Plenty cheap and saves the environment too :P
Dear Aodian,
Wooo.. so your sis is 12 yrs young this year? :)
Yeah man! I need all the 'luck' I can get... just to send those cards out! Nothing done, yet...
Dear kat,
I lagi late lor.. I notchet start writing yet.. Yes, the going to the pos opis part is another 'chore'.. aihhh...
I remember the bedsheet too :P but also forgot what was on it haha!
Dear aiyah nonya,
Good for you! But I got 'excuse'.. I working maa.. kkekeke... I was early last Christmas, surprisingly.. hmmm...
Dear rinnah,
I didn't plan to get any CNY cards this year because of last year's 'failure'... but I got tempted... those RATS... :P
Dear bongkersz,
Haha.. after I read your comment, I went and took my shower and while showering, I LOL-ed in the shower when I thought of your 'idea' hhaha...
I love those CNY cards with the animal's year because... unique maa... :P
Dear Mr. Goober,
No addy? :P
Dear Chev,
Tonite must do tag.. after this do tag, where got time to play Photobooth? Being a blogger is so bz.. aihhh... no wonder Ah Winn resign liao...haha..
Thanks for considering my Mickey Miao idea! Wheeeee!! Kakaka...
Thx for the Lurve Tag la :P Dunno still got 'air' to do anot after this...:P
Dear savante,
U also ah? OK lor.. I send CNY greetings to you via Facebook! :P
angeles darrrllliing ah how i noe if dat pikcher look lyk u, i neber c u be4 leh, but now i noe it's not u becoz u say in latest post u dun show your face on blog wan.
Dear kopi soh,
That is me in disguise... ;)
But really, I won't show my face in blog lor... show disguise, is ok... kiasi... kekekeke...
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