When you are very ill, with eyes like cannot open liddat liao, eat also no appetite, please stay at home or eat at home or rest, can anot? Please don't follow your husband out for dinner with his friends, and then while everyone is happily eating & yakking away, make as though the food owes you the world, and halfway, lean against your husband, looking half dead, (making the other friends feel bad and somewhat embarrassed, also beh tahan-ly annoying because so sou heng / potong stim) expecting the hubby to carry you home then and there. Wah lao!!
The husband, on one hand, must be feeling kesian for the wife but on the other hand, wanna spend time catching up with his friends. So how? Dinner finished early lor!
Moral of the story, when sick, STAY AT HOME!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Why on earth do you use the same "thing" (<-- the "sucker" ah, what izzit called?) to vacuum the bed / mattress after vacuuming the floor?! OMG, I can't believe that people actually do this. I surrender... No eye see. I sure vomit blood until no blood left if next time my husband do this. Can you imagine how dirty that "sucker" is after vacuuming the floor, then you take the same "sucker" and vacuum the bed? Wah lao!!

NB - Wah lao / wah liao / wah seh / wah "insert-whatever-sound-you-want" is something that you exclaim, might not be a loud one, when you saw / heard something that is ridiculous, amazing, crazy or unbelievable.
**This was written many, many Wednesdays ago.. :P Didn't think it'd be published but what the heck lah!**
Wah Lao eh ... I'd like to meet your husband !
Wah Lao, Moz!!! Since when I got husband?!!
Wah Lao!! so Wah Lao!
ewww... who vacuums the bed anyway?! don't they wash their sheets regularly? ewwwwww... wah lao!
Wah lao! Maymay, your comment oso very wah lao! (Sounds like wu liao aka mou liu kekekeke)
Well, apparently got Someone vacuumed the bed liddat... haha... Yeah! Very ewwww... -_-'''
chuppppppppppppppp screamssssssss
Aiyah... loving mah. Everywhere also wanna bring the wife mah.
But hor, I think the wife is sked the husband lum you lar. That's why she tag along. :P
Next time, I dun bring my wife along. Ok? ;)
Kesian the poor wife!! Poor thing! So ill also kena taruh kau kau!! LOL!!
Kesian the poor husband!! Poor thing! So industrious also kena taruh kau kau!! ROFL!!
wah lao eh..
psss.. DYKT when i vacuum time, Ah Boy will run far far away and hide cos he sked i might vacuum him. LOL
whose that whose that?who are u talking about wor?
so you must pity ur Brad... muz 'guai guai' stay at home... errr... wash the dishes and mop the floor! :P
apooo (substitute to Wah lao) .. That's how we say it. :) And who on earth did just that? I mean vacuuming the bed sheet .. u know la all the taik cicak, taik tikus and all the small small taik got sucked by that bloody sucker and now want to suck the bed sheet? Apoo (Again) .. That person must be from tanjung rambutan or here we call it batu tujuh.
Wah Lao / Wah liao / Wah Seh / Wwa wah Waaaah ... SIN LIAN LAI LOR !!
it's unbelievable !!!!!.... :P
The bedsheet tarak cuci ar?
Fully agree!!! Some peepul veri lyk to puah hee wan lar....beh khua nia lidis type of gal, i will piak piak.
Wah lao, Adrian! Actually, yalah... I'm sure she sked the husband lum me... cos I look much younger than her :P
Ya ya.. next time please dun bring your wife along.. sure she'll pull my hair or catfight with me wan... haha :P
Wah lao, LB! U very good, kesian everybody hehe...
But really kenot tahan the wife lor... so ill already, stay at home lah!
Haha.. the husband ah? Dunno what to say haha!
Wah lao, Chev! U wanna vacuum Ah Boy??? Kesian! Haha...
Wah lao, Ehon! Why you wanna know who wor? Neh... him and her lor :P
Wah lao, kyh! Brad looks like a nice guy... cos hv to jaga so many anaks! ;)
Wah lao, cibol! Apooo ah? East M'sians use that, I notice... and haha, OMG! I din think of all the taiks! Really Apooo...
Nolah, he's not from Tanjung Rambutan... I believe his mind must have ran somewhere when he was doing that vacuuming..
Where is Batu Tujuh?
Wah lao, Tyler! Again I must say, that makes two of us! Haha..
Wah lao, dreamie! What is unbelievable?? Sin nian lai lor or the What or the Why? :P
Wah lao, nyonyapenang! How can tarak cuci?? After that, hv to cuci liao lar, I think...
Wah lao, kopi soh! Puah hee? Haha... OMG! I've not heard this phrase in a long time! U'll piak piak ah? Wah... I dun dare piak her lor... haha...
Wah lao, misti! Your scream scared the daylights outta me that I missed your comment earlier! Hahaaaaa...
Batu Tujuh in Kuching. Soul Asylum .. he he he. The mind must have wondered somewhere near there then ..
i m sick....i stay at home today:(
wah lao eh! then I suggest the husband should stay home and take care of his beloved wife loh :P
poor Winn sick already? get well soon oh :)
walannehhh!! heheheh
hmm..some ppl take the same sponge to clean the sink/tables, and clean bowls/plates/utensils >.<
Wah-lau-bagaimanpun really WAh LAO hahahah ..
*vacuming undies* hehehehehe
psss.. batu 7 in Kuching is the location of the hosp sakit jiwa in Sarawak :)
haha. cutiepie vacuum undies. :P
hope winnliu okay chor. *vacuum her germs* :P
vely wah liao the wife. hubby also lah, why bring sick wife to dinner. you know hor, some wives/gfs feel demn great to tehhh their husbands/bfs in public. brrr.. shivers.
Oops... must remember not to tehhh my hubby in front of angel and misti. hehe.....
It must have been a hard-to-swallow dinner. I encounter such women but usually they are the mistresses of my business associates. Super buah tahan and buah song lor!! WTF! I'm prettier than them, should be in their place. Wah lao! What am I talking about? soli soli....
If Chris uses the vacuum to vacuum the bedsheets, he would be a dead duck! No.... not waxed.
LOL at sampat ECL!!!!! hAaaha
LOL.... I hope M doesn't pull the "bed sucking" stunt when I'm not home :))
Ms A
wahhhhhhh lau weh....
memang benar observasi engko.
"...next time my husband do this", woi, biler nih? abang tak sabah sabah tunggu hari nie la...tetapi ko mesti jaga si hubby ko dengan baik tau...jangan bully sama dia tau? jangan menunjuk2 powerr engko yg teror tu tau? k, set...(hehe)
yg tercinta.
Wah lao cibol... OIC... thx for the info!
Wah lao winn... what happened to u? Did you fall down that day when your phone kena snatched? Get well soon, ya! *hugs*
Wah lao butt! Liddat who's gonna be the breadwinner wohh? No marnie, how?
Wah lao ah huei... oh yeah, I heard about that in one of zewt's entry heh heh...
Wah lao cutiepie... Hahaha... hang punye wah lau memang kelakar kakaka...
Eh? You vacuuming undies sebab tak kering ke? O.o
Wah lao Chev... Yup, cibol oredi told up there kekeke... u visited Batu 7 before? Are they as sampat as u? Kakakka....
Wah lao misti... I hope your "sucker" can suck all winn's germs! Whoopie!
Actually she wasn't tehh-ing the husband... she just acted like she got no backbones liddat... I eat also like what ECL said, hard-to-swallow... oh no wait, I think I had to swallow veli fast lor looking at her condition... :(
Wah lao eastcoastlife... you ah? In front of us you sure will count 1... 2... 2 and a half... hahaa...
Hahaha... mistresses also liddat ah? The thing is, if it were a young girl, I can still understand la cos young ma.. can teh here and there.. but she's not so young liao lorr...
Chris would have more sense not to vacuum the sheets lar... no ah? kekekeke...
Wah lao misti... laff at ECL ah? Be careful u dun fall into the longkang oh... kakaka...
Wah lao Ms. A... Lemme ask him if he did that before.. haha..
Wah lao budak bangkok! Eh ko nie, sekejap gelar diri ko adik, sekejap abang... pilihlah baik2 mana satu ko nak! :P
I said "IF"... bacalah baik-baik! Ishh...
hehehe, alehhh, suka hati aku lah.. nak gelar diri i aper. tetapi gelaran ABANG memang meninggikan martabat aku skit.....hheheheh...
Wah Lao!!
Getting sick is no fun but it sure does make me look forward to saying home, in bed or on the couch watching TV or sleeping! Will not go out unless I'm all better. Also good excuse to make the BF cater to my needs...haha! Good thing he doesn't read my comments on friends' blogs!
I do vacumn my bed but not put the whole damn thing on it lah! That's just plain STUPID! I'd vomit blood too if the BF did that. (Altho I hate to clean, I still prefer to do it my way) Instead I use a smaller attachment thingy, connect to the host and then suck up the dust on all the edges when I do wash the sheets. Just a pre-caution to not have dust mites and bed bugs...
okay...back to work...ugh :P
warao... angel pms nia...
wah lao! why your husband did that? (ok you got no husband yet.. :P)
Wah lao Adik Bangkok! Alaaa nak cakap pasal martabat plak.. Toksah lah!
Wah lao consuela! Yes, dear girl... when you are sick, it's best to stay at home and not go out. You are a smart chick ;)
Understood your way of vacuuming your bed ;) Myself, I'd use a wet cloth and wipe the bed edges ;)
Happy weekend, babe! Hugs!
Wah lao SK! Liddis u say PMS ar? U have not seen the real PMS... psstt, your gf mia PMS how wan ah? :P
Wah lao bongkersz! If my husband? Mmm... divorce him? Kakaka :P
Happy Balik Kampong!!
Phew! Lucky that day when I was sick, I stayed at home. Otherwise afturds kena kaw-kaw from angeles... :D
I got another one - if you dun have ppl to bbsit your kids, dun bring them out when there are adults only at the dinner. Stay at home!! :P
Errr.. sometimes I vacuum the bed and sofa wan wor.. but I use a separate attachment from the one I use for the floor. And I always wash that brush attachment after every use. That brush is actually for upholstery and curtains anyway..
*excuses, excuses*
Dear kat,
Haha.. nolar.. if u were sick, and still have a backbone of your own, you can still go out wan... ;)
Ya ya ya... agree with you about adults' nite out without kids... aiyoh, sure potong stim wan...
Using separate attachment is not so bad la.. this one use the same thing to vacuum the floor, and then vacuum bed.. *pengsan*
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