When you are very ill, with eyes like cannot open liddat liao, eat also no appetite, please stay at home or eat at home or rest, can anot? Please don't follow your husband out for dinner with his friends, and then while everyone is happily eating & yakking away, make as though the food owes you the world, and halfway, lean against your husband, looking half dead, (making the other friends feel bad and somewhat embarrassed, also beh tahan-ly annoying because so sou heng / potong stim) expecting the hubby to carry you home then and there. Wah lao!!
The husband, on one hand, must be feeling kesian for the wife but on the other hand, wanna spend time catching up with his friends. So how? Dinner finished early lor!
Moral of the story, when sick, STAY AT HOME!
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Why on earth do you use the same "thing" (<-- the "sucker" ah, what izzit called?) to vacuum the bed / mattress after vacuuming the floor?! OMG, I can't believe that people actually do this. I surrender... No eye see. I sure vomit blood until no blood left if next time my husband do this. Can you imagine how dirty that "sucker" is after vacuuming the floor, then you take the same "sucker" and vacuum the bed? Wah lao!!

NB - Wah lao / wah liao / wah seh / wah "insert-whatever-sound-you-want" is something that you exclaim, might not be a loud one, when you saw / heard something that is ridiculous, amazing, crazy or unbelievable.
**This was written many, many Wednesdays ago.. :P Didn't think it'd be published but what the heck lah!**